Chapter 19 - Lost and Found

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I run; around trees, around bushes, over sticks, over rocks. Ethan was the one who changed me – saved me – but why? What about me was so important that Kali wanted me dead, but the twins wanted me alive? My thoughts constantly whirl back to that day. The last day I was with my pack, the last day I was human.

"Come on bro! Come at me!" Carter shouts across the small open field to his best friend Daryl, his fits up and a goofy smile on his face, his green eyes shining as his curly blonde hair bounces around.

Daryl stands tall with his muscular arms crossed, laughing at his friend. "You're delusional!"

"Come on man! I've been training!" He jumps around, his tall lanky figure seeming incredibly unstable.

"I'll take you down."

The two boys look over at a short, fragile looking girl. "Unless you're afraid," She tosses her hand on her hip, her short blonde curls bouncing as she laughs.

"I wouldn't want to hurt your pride!" Carter calls over to her. Daryl snickers at his response. We all knew how this was going to end.

"The only pride that'll get hurt is yours," She smirks.

"Now, now sis. Don't put the boy to shame." A young man with short wavy blonde hair stands alongside the girl.

"Jasper! Cassie! Leave Carter alone!" A tall woman appears from the short road that's lined by small log cabins. "You four," She sighs, "Always up to trouble."

"Let me guess, Carter and Cassie, followed by Jasper and Daryl." I step out from the woods, a pile of logs in both arms.

"Sheesh Delilah, you could've had us help you with that." Mama Hawk puts her hands on her hips, her long black hair pulled back into a neat braid. None of us ever knew her real name; she always referred to herself as 'Hawk' but her motherly personality to everyone earned her the name 'Mama.'

"I am capable of some things." I smirk, tossing the wood down in the middle of the small clearing, placing a few in the center of the small outline of rocks that marks our fire pit.

"Defending yourself again?"

I roll my eyes on impulse as I look up and see David grinning down at me. "Why don't you make yourself useful and gather the others." I say it as a demand rather than a question. David was the most sarcastic one of the pack. He always had to put in his opinion on everything, especially when it was unwanted.

"Fine," he runs his hand through his short brown hair, rolling his deep blue eyes.

I stand up from the fire pit and brush my hands off onto my jeans. "Daryl could you start the fire please? I should make sure David actually gets everyone."

Daryl nods and I hear snickers from everyone at my comment about David.

"Oh Lilah, that boy only listens to Laura," Mama Hawk smiles. "Why don't you take this? It's an herb mixture for power and authority. To help you lead the pack while the Hales are gone." She places a small pouch into the palm of my hand, wrapping my fingers around it. I can instantly smell the beautiful aroma of the mixture.

"Thanks Mama." I smile and head off to the cabins.

I keep running through the woods, not hearing any sign of civilization. I have no idea where I am, I just know I'm getting further and further away from Beacon Hills and that's all I want. I let my legs move automatically, they move with the perfect speed and agility allowing me to travel at my maximum speed without hitting anything.

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