Chapter 10 - Understatement

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"Wait! Stiles!" I call as he turns and quickly leaves. I turn and meet Derek's gaze which he quickly breaks and looks at the ground. Furiously I run out after Stiles.

I exit the warehouse and find myself along some old street; no one seems to be here. I take off down to where I see Stiles' jeep parked but he's not in it. I silently curse and look around. I am surrounded by tall buildings, he could be anywhere.

I stop myself and take a second to calm down. I control my breathing, close my eyes and listen. I hear squirrels and birds, there must be a forest near by. I walk around one of the buildings, going closer to the sounds and I see a figure sat down against one of the trees. Without hesitation I run over, flinging myself to the ground besides Stiles.

He doesn't look up at me. His face buried into his knees which are up against his chest. "Stiles." I beg, but he still refuses to acknowledge me. I place my hands on his knees and his shaking body seems to gain control of itself. "Stiles, please." I whisper to him.

After a moment of silence he lifts his head so he can look into my eyes. I could cry at the sight of his tear stained face and trembling lip, it was all my fault. "What are you going to say? That you wish I didn't see that? You wish it happened privately?! Why don't you just leave me alone." He says furiously.

I shake my head. "No Stiles, I-I don't know what happened. He just..."

"Don't give me that crap. You knew exactly what was happening. He just what? Kissed you? Yeah and you kissed him back, you let it happen." He focuses his gaze on some near by trees. "Just go. Please." His tone changes from angry to just desperate.

"Stiles...Look, I'm sorry...I..." I can't find the right words to say. I don't think there are any right words...

"Look, I've heard enough lies from you. I assume you'll be staying with Derek now so just go to the house and Dad will give you your bags 'cause I won't be home." He pushes himself up off the ground and I rise with him.

"I know I could've stopped it." I say when he starts to walk away and he stops, listening but refusing to turn around. "I could've pushed him away, but I didn't." I shurg. "I liked it Stiles, honestly. I've always loved him and I always will." I step towards Stiles and place my hands hesitantly on his shoulderblades. "But that was the past, and things between me and him are never going to be the same. Do you know why?"

"Because he left you Cala." Stiles states.

"That's one reason. But do you wanna know the main reason?"

He turns to face me and nods for me to continue. "Because of you Stiles. Because being with you is different, you make me feel so much more human then I ever have, even when I was a hunter. I may have been Derek's mate, but he left me for human love, and now I've done the same to him."

Stiles looks at me wearily.

"I love you Stiles. Nothing can change that." I look into his golden brown eyes and walk into his arms.

"I love you too." He replies, wrapping his arms around me and clutching me to him.


"Derek." I step foot inside the Hale house and walk into the living room. Cala's lifeless body lays on the soot covered couch. He doesn't say hi, but I know he's directly behind me. "I am sorry." I tell him. Cala wasn't a bad girl, I almost liked her. And I know she meant a lot to Derek.

Derek nods and I follow him out into the kitchen area. "About last night." Derek states and I look up at him, shaking my head.

"No. Derek that was a mistake. We were both just freaked out and it happened. And now it's over."

"Yeah...ah, good." Derek fails to sound his normally secure self. "What about Stiles?"

"I spoke to him, we're okay again." I lean against the older counter and sigh.

"What?" He gives me an urgent look.

"I don't know why I lie to myself sometimes."

"Sometimes is an understatement." Derek grins. "Remember Laura would tell you that all the time."

I give a slight laugh. "She would. If only she was here now, she'd have both of us slapped."

Derek nods in amusement. "We'd be lucky to be alive."

"She was your violent sister." I point a finger at him accusingly. "Guess we know where you got it from." I laugh and he smiles at my joke.

"I can't deny that one." His grin widens.

"Why can't we be like this?" I say and he looks at me seriously. "We get along get. Why can't we atleast be friends. We were mates, then enemies. 'Bout time we met in the middle."

He nods. "I agree."

I walk over to him and give him a hug which he quickly returns. "I better be going." I pull away and leave the house without a second glance back. Something inside me tells me that if I do, I won't be able to keep going. I do love Stiles, but I can't deny that my feelings for Derek have sprung back and I know that all I have to do is say the word and Derek would take me back.

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