Chapter 18 - Unfamiliar Faces

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I look down at the young alpha; his deep navy shirt clinging to his muscles with a mixture of sweat and blood covering him. He's down on his hands and knees, the four of us surrounding him, his face begging me to recognize him.

"How do you know who I am?" I tilt my head slightly.

"I know what happened...back in the woods..." He struggles to catch his breath; the fight had taken a lot out of the alpha.

My blood begins to run cold, "What do you mean the woods?"

"When you almost died, Kali was the one who sent that pack."

"How do you know this?" I growl.

"Because she told us, none of us wanted her to do it! The plan was to take out Derek if he wouldn't join us, the rest of you...were just an inconvenience."

I look around at everyone, Scott and Isaac watch the alpha wearily, Derek stands ridged, ready at any second to kill the alpha, and Allison watches from the platform...the first twin that had attacked me standing right behind her.

Panic courses through me, "Allison!" I shout, bringing attention to the healed alpha.

This grabs Scott's attention first. He takes off running, jumping straight up onto the platform, his claws out as his feet hit the metal.

"No! Scott!" Allison shouts, moving in front of the alpha who backs away slowly. "You don't understand, they have information we need...that Delilah needs."

"What's going on?" I whirl around and drop to my knees in front of the other alpha who hasn't moved an inch. I grab onto his shirt and shake him, "Tell me!" I yell, my eyes flashing bright green.

"What..." The alpha stares at me stunned. "Green..."

"Don't mind that!" I growl, "You know something!"

He brings his attention back to my words. "We saved you."

"Saved me?" I shake my head. "I've never seen you before. What do you mean we?"

"Aiden," He nods to the alpha up with Allison. "And me, Ethan. When we heard about Kali's pack we came to stop them but it was too late. The place was on fire and you were bleeding to death. Aiden went and fought as many of her pack as he could, and I bit you." Ethan explains.

"But why? Why save me?" I shake my head.

"Like I said, Kali wasn't following the pack's agreement. She always tried to be the leader of us."

I nod, "I gathered that. But why was I a target?"

A hand appears on my shoulder and I hear Derek growl. I turn and look up to find Aiden standing behind me.

"Because you're different from the rest of us. Your eyes are just one symbol of that."

I stand up and look back and forth between the twins. "Did Ennis, Kali or Peter know about what you did?"

Ethan shakes his head, "No. Peter didn't even group up with us until we got to town. He told us that if we could get you then Derek would follow."

I let out a sigh. "You guys aren't going to try and kill us are you?" I eye them both.

"No ma'am," Aiden smirks.

Ethan begins to gather himself up off the floor and Derek jumps to attack him. I spin around, instantly shifting from his sudden movement. My right hand cups around the front of Derek's neck and I slam him down to the ground, back first. The cement below him cracks and he looks up at me, his body still.

"Don't Derek." I hiss.

"You can't trust them. They tried to kill us." He states, his voice dead of emotion.

"I realize. But they saved me, and they know things about me that we don't." I release him and look back to find everyone staring at me. "What?"

"You easily," Ethan looks at me bewildered.

I shrug, "I'm a werewolf, I'm strong. I always have been." Thoughts about the night when I had headed out to find Derek and Laura fill my head. I turn to Isaac, "I'm going to stay in a hotel room tonight. I just need some time alone."

Isaac nods his head, not pressing me for any more information than what I give him.

I run out through the entrance where the front door should've been, leaving the dead alphas and betas to the rest of them. The light's on Stiles' Jeep flick on high as I step outside.

"Delilah!" Stiles calls out but I ignore him.

I take off running down the alley and out into the city streets. There is something different about me, something wrong. I had known that from the second I woke up in the burning building. But having the twins confirm it for me scares me. At full strength I can take down an alpha with ease. My eyes aren't a soft gold like Isaac's, nor an icy blue like Derek's used to be. They're a vibrant green, a colour I have never seen on a werewolf when I was a hunter.

I near the highway, but I don't want to stop running in fear that the monster inside me will catch up. Instead I go down into the woods, dodging trees, moving faster than any car could take me. Just one more thing to add onto the list of things different about me, great.

I block out my thoughts, focusing on sound of my boots hitting the ground. I don't where I'm going; I just need to get away.

I just run.

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