Chapter 12 - Plan in Motion

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"You better becareful! No wolfing out unless you kill Peter...and Derek to." Stiles embraces me into a hug.

"Stiles." I growl back as I return the hug.

"What?" Stiles gives me a smirk but I know he's serious.

"You better get going. Catch Derek when he's alone." Scott tells me.

"Will do." I nod and leave Scott and Stiles inside the McCall house as I crawl into Stiles' jeep.

"Don't scratch her!" Stiles calls and I just laugh as I drive away. It's 11 o'clock on a friday night, the chances of Isaac and Erica being stuck with Derek are slim. My only worry is that I will walk in on Derek and Peter planning god only knows what.


I park the jeep behind the Hale house and listen. Nothing. Which means Derek is there and he's wondering what the hell I'm doing here. I put on my cocky game face and step out of the jeep. Walking with confidence I enter the house and toss my leather jacket on the rail. "Derek." I call out and turn to enter the living room when he appears inches from me.

"What do you want?" He demand, his eyes distant and serious.

"Well, I'm pretty sure you're hiding something from me." I give him my own version of Kate's wicked grin and I almost make myself sick, that girl was a monster. I push through it and lay my two palms flat on Derek's chest. "Now that wouldn't be true, would it?"

"Give it up." He shoves my hands down, his eyes still lifeless as he continues. "What do you want." He says it more as a threat.

I shrug and walk past him and into the living room. "Well I'd like to know why you're keeping Peter from me. Speaking of, where is the bastard?" I turn back to Derek and raise an eyebrow.

"He's out." He speaks sternly, his jaw set.

I let out a breath and drop the attitude. "Why are you helping him? Better yet, what are you helping him with?"

He takes a deep breath and looks down at me with a hard look. "It's none of your concern."

"It's all of my concern. I am not going to sit back at watch you help Peter with whatever he has in mind. Why would you even help him? If you can't remember he tried to kill Stiles and Cala."

His eyes turn from lifeless to full of rage. "Yeah, and now she's dead."

"Well I prefer Stiles to not be."

"I don't care about Stiles. He's better off dead."

"What's that suppose to mean?" I take a step forward.

He fixes his gaze on me. "He's better off dead, the having to go through what I have in mind."

I throw my arms out sending Derek flying back against the stairs. "You think everything revolves around you don't you?! You drop me like I never mattered for Calla and now that she's dead you threaten Stiles so you can have me again! You filthy-" I'm interupted by Peter who bursts through the front door.

"So to interupt this heart warming moment." He smiles at me. "So we meet again."

I glare at him. "We're in the middle of something, do you mind?" I give him my best sarcastic smile.

"Not at all. Actually, I need a moment with my nephew." He returns my smile with his own and walks over to Derek. "The next time you lie to me you'll be sorry. You know what? Why don't I just make you sorry now?" Peter reaches down and his hand grabs Derek's shirt, yanking him up from where he lies after I had shoved him. I watch as Peter's claws take over his human hand and dig deep into Derek's chest and he cries in pain.

"Derek!" I yell. "Let him go!" I feel heat in my eyes as they flash.

"No." Derek manages to mumble to me. "You can't change."

"Right, bad wolf. Sit." Peter flashes me a grin and I charge at him, knocking him off Derek.

Derek flys back into the stairs and I fall on Peter in the living room. I struggle to keep my human form as I fling myself onto my feet and ready myself in a guarding stance. Peter jumps up and shifts into his full lupine form, walking around me in circles. My hands form fists that shake when Peter finally leaps in at me. I go flying across the room, crashing into the table in the far corner.

I leap out from the mess of splintered wood and land in a crouching position. I lift my head and I know what Peter sees, my vibrant eyes, long glittering fangs, pointed ears, and the thin fur that outlines my face. But what he doesn't know, is this time I have control. I run at him and take him off guard by jumping along the walls and flipping myself so I land behind him. My claws go out and scrape down his back. He whirls around but he's too late, I'm already tackling him to the ground. He howls in pain as my claws dig straight into his sides. I pull my claws out and jump back, crouching slightly. I watch as Peter gets up and turns to face me, his lupine eyes boring into mine. He holds my gaze for a second and turns around, running out the front door and off into the woods.

I immediately shift back and run to Derek who is on his hands and knees, trying to gather himself off the floor. I fall to my knees next to him and wrap my arms around him, helping him up to a sitting postition and he leans back against the wall. I lift his shirt up to see the five puncture wounds that I know are way deeper than they appear.

"It'll heal." Derek whispers.

I nod. "Are you alright?" I look at him seriously.

"I'll be fine." He grunts, having gained enough strength to push himself up onto his feet. I stand up with him. "You controlled it. How?"

I shrug. "I don't know. I just knew I needed to help you." I admit.

This time he nods. "You became one with your wolf."

"I guess so."

He takes a step closer to me. "I don't appreciate being thrown into walls though."

I give him a sly smile. "Don't lie. You always liked it rough."

Derek can't help but smile back. "You always were rough." He steps closer, forcing me to step back and my back presses up against the wall behind me.

"Why did Peter say you lied?" I wrap my arms around his neck, using our position to gain my answers.

"He thought I told Stiles about him." He places on hand on my waist and the other caresses my face.

I tilt my face into his hand. "What did he want you to do?"

"He wanted me to leave with him and find an alpha pack." I feel Derek's breath hot against my neck.

"And you were going to leave with him?" I whisper into his shoulder.

"If you hadn't came back to me." He kisses my neck, his hips straddling mine.

I shake my head slightly. "I didn't leave you Derek. We're friends." I mentally slap myself for saying that. Did friends let other friends get this close to them? No.

He pulls back reluctantly to look down into my eyes, his body still pressing me into the wall. "You did leave me Delilah. You left me for Stiles. I know I went with Cala, but now she's gone I realize how much I love you. How much I want you." He leans down and kisses me and I can't help but kiss back. I do love...who? S....St....S....Derek. Derek Hale is the only name that flutters in my mind at this moment.

I pull his face down towards mine more, deepening the kiss as his hands explore my body. He picks me up and my legs wrap around him. Without breaking the kiss he carrys me upstairs and into his bedroom, which compared to the rest of the house looked pretty normal and unburnt. He lays me down onto the soft double bed and settles his body down ontop of mine. I run my hands up under his shirt, urging it off and it flies to the floor, my hands exlpore his chest. His hands then reach to my shirt, yanking it over my head and in minutes our clothes is just a balled up pile on the floor.

My hands run down his back and our kiss never breaks. I once again remember what it's like to be in the hands of my mate.

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