Chapter 25 - In the Open

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We walk from the school parking lot towards the field in one group. On my left are Ethan, Scott and Bryn, and on my right are Aiden, Isaac and Stiles. As soon as we take the corner we see them, the Lookos. Werewolves, all in their lupine form surround them.

"The lupines are their best," Ethan whispers to me. "They're harder to attack seems they have no human resemblance."

I nod in response. A pit forms in the bottom of my stomach as we get closer, I notice Derek and Peter standing side by side, facing the Lookos and their army. The two men I had always found strong and even intimidating, looked weak in comparison of the enemy.

"Ah, Delilah," Kano smiles sadistically. "You've brought friends."

"Horrid choice my friend," Carla adds.

"They are useless," Valda chimes.

I ignore their comments, speaking to them as loudly and calmly as I can. "We come to negotiate."

"You think you can save yourself?" Valda chuckles.

"She's a brave one," Carla nods.

"I didn't come here for your comments," I look up to Kano. "Are you going to hear me out?"

He gestures with his hand for me to continue.

"I'm not like the other Tainted werewolves you have dealt with in the past, I've learnt control. It wasn't easy but when you're about to kill someone you care about, you learn." I feel Stiles' eyes on me. "I know you want Ethan dead for changing me, but he just didn't want me to die. He gave me a chance to control my wolf, if I didn't he would've killed me." I explain. Ethan and Aiden each place a hand on my back. "I don't know what you wanted Peter for, maybe he was just getting in the way, he does that. But if you let Ethan and I go, we won't do any wrong."

The Lookos stay quiet for a minute.

"It's cute how you think you can be a hero," Kano remarks. "Even though you're a monster and that will never change."

"But Kano, she is different. You can see it." Carla states.

"Just because she's the first Tainted that's not in lupine form doesn't mean anything," Valda snaps.

"But what if it does," Carla says coolly. "Delilah, tell us what it was like in the beginning, when you couldn't control it."

I nod. "At first I would change spontaneously, on my way to Beacon Hills I'm sure I killed several hikers. The wolf – monster – that lived inside me would take over and it wouldn't stop until there was death. Once I got to town, I would only change when I felt threatened, and on a full moon when I lost control. I was like your stereotypical werewolf." I smirk. "But when I was in Stiles' house," I gesture to Stiles. "I almost killed him. That's when I realized that the reason the monster could control me, was because I let it, I was afraid to control it. It's like I was trapped in my body, watching people die at my hands." I shake my head, "Since then I've been in full control. I decide when I shift; I decide what or who I harm."

I watch nervously as the Lookos exchange glances.

"We believe you Little Tainted," Kano looks down at me. "We will give you time before we come again and check on you." He looks over to Ethan, "However, you did not know this will happen, you took a chance, making your actions still wrong."

"I know," Ethan says quietly.

"Risks so high are punishable," Valda scorns. Then the words I dreaded hearing are spoken, "Punishable by death."

"You can't," I take a step towards the Lookos, stepping in front of Ethan. Aiden does the same.

"We won't let you," Bryn joins me at my other side.

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