Chapter 23 - Chasing

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"Are you insane!" I cry.

Ethan whirls around, his face filled with so much anger it shocks me. "They want me! Aiden almost died because of it! I'm not going to sit around and let people get hurt when it's me they want."

I tilt my head slightly and cross my arms, "But you got people to fight with me. You didn't expose me to the Lookos."

"Do you really think any of your friends would let you go up against them alone? Stiles fought with you even we he wasn't suppose to!"

"That doesn't mean you have to go alone." I argue.

"They want me, you have a chance, you can try to show them you're in control. What I did... I didn't know if you'd be in control or not. There's no hope for me."

"Don't say that."

"There's no hope for me, but you have a chance so take it."

I shake my head, "If you're going after them, then I'm coming to."

Ethan looks at me as if I'm out of my mind, which I might very well be. "Then they'll kill both of us," he hisses. "Stay here and look after Aiden." He begins trudging off.

"Aiden will be fine," I say, walking beside him.

"Go back and wait for him to heal, he'll protect you. It's the only thing I've ever wanted him to do so badly."

"I don't understand," I stop walking. "Why? Why protect me so much?"

"Because," he slowly comes to a stop and turns to face me. "If the Lookos will give you a chance, then maybe things will change."

"What things?"

He looks around uncomfortably, trying to find the right words to say. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small folded piece of paper, without saying anything he hands it to me.

I take the paper in my hand, glancing up at Ethan once before opening it. I unfold it to see it's a picture, a picture of Ethan and Aiden with a young girl in the middle, with me in the middle.

"It's our sister."

My head snaps up and I look at him.

"You never really knew your history did you?"

I slowly shake my head. "Ethan, what's going on?"

"Mine and Aiden's mother, your mother, had gotten involved with a hunter."

"My Dad..."

He nods, "Yes. Our father was killed by alphas, and eventually she found your father. When Aiden and I became werewolves she basically disowned us, she didn't want anything to do with such monsters. Ironically enough she re-married a hunter, who was from a tainted bloodline. That's why you're tainted, because of your father; and that's why I care, because of our mother."

I shake my head, "My, Ethan. Why didn't you tell me before?"

"We were debating when would be a good time. You were just figuring out who you are –"

"And I was all wrong, because you withheld information from me."

"I'm sorry, really. I was trying to protect you."

"Yeah, I get that." I run my hand through my hair, the alpha twins – Ethan and Aiden – are my brothers... That's why they saved me that night, and they came to protect me from the Lookos.

"Now I have to go." Ethan looks down at me, his face shows no emotion but his eyes are a different story. He doesn't want to go, he's afraid of the Lookos and he's just trying to protect me.

"No, you're not going. If you are, I'm going with you." I demand. "I just got some family back, and I'm not ready to leave them yet."

A small smile plays across his lips, "Good bye Delilah." He turns and begins walking away. I go to follow him when strong arms wrap around me.

"You're not going anywhere."

I struggle to get away and quickly realize it's no use. I turn the best I can to get a good look at my attacker.

"Aiden!" I look up at him with a mixture of joy and sadness. "We can't let him go alone..."

His shoulders raise and drop in a sigh, "It's no use. If he can persuade them then he'll come back, if not..." He shakes his head, "This is his plan Delilah, since that night he knew this was going to happen."

"B-but you can't just let him go alone!" I cry, forcing myself from Aiden's arms. "He needs us; he needs somebody at his side."

"He can take care of himself," Aiden tries to assure me but it's no use, I've already made up my mind.

"No he can't Aiden!" I shout, "He's afraid. I saw it in his eyes and I can't just let that go."

"Delilah!" He growls after me as I take off for Derek's apartment.

"Delilah?" Derek raises an eyebrow at my sudden appearance.

"What's going on?" Stiles tilts his head, walking close to me.

"Ethan is gone for the Lookos alone." I explain, "I'm going after him, I need help."

"Where's Aiden?" Stiles asks.

"I'm right here," Aiden enters the room, giving me a slight glare.

"Why is gone to them?" Derek looks up at Aiden.

"Because they almost killed me to get to him and he doesn't want anyone getting hurt." Aiden explains.

"He's giving himself up," I state.

"Then what are we sitting around for?" Stiles looks from me to Aiden in bewilderment.

"Stiles, called Scott and Isaac get them here." Derek demands, his jaw set.

"Thank you," I tell him honestly.

He nods in response turning to Stiles who is already on the phone. "Tell them to meet us at your house."

Only minutes later we arrive at Stiles' house. Aiden's brings Ethan's truck to a stop and Derek hops out first.

"Alright, we're here." Scott says, watching the three of us walk over and join him along with Stiles, Isaac and Allison.

"Stiles and I will stay here, patrolling the outskirts of the woods for when you guys get back." Allison states.

"You and Derek will head in first," Scott tells me. "Then Isaac, Aiden and I will be backup."

"Why us?" Derek asks.

"Because they have Ethan and Peter," Stiles states.

I nod, "Alright, sounds good."

"Lead the way," Isaac gestures towards the woods.

"Try to keep up!" I shout and take off through the woods; the same place where I found the Lookos and the same place where I dragged Aiden back through.

I stop when I near the end of the trees that reveal the cave, waiting for the others to catch up. As I expected Derek and Aiden arrive first, quickly followed by Scott and Isaac.

"You ready?" Derek looks down at me and I nod. Together we walk out of the trees and into the entrance of the Lookos' cave.

We enter slowly and quietly, careful not to make any loud noises. I look to where the large platform was and around to the small exits that were around the cave. Nothing is the same. The cave is smaller, and the large platform doesn't hold the Lookos or the unwanted werewolves. Instead it holds Peter and Ethan, both tied up and struggling.

"Wolfsbane," Derek sniffs, eyes the ropes that keep overlapping.

I nod, wearily eyeing the cave. Something isn't right.

Derek and I whirl around to face the exit when we hear a loud bang to find... no exit. A large boulder blocks the whole exit, there's not a whole to escape through.

"Great..." I mutter.

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