Show launch

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We were all set to telecast our show. Our promos will be released today and after this week, episodes will start running I am excited and nervous I hope people like our work.
Today it was our press conference to introduce the show and cast members.
"Kundriii" She came running in my vanity yes this girl has stopped knocking my door and I don't mind.
She is holding two dresses. "Which one should I wear this black one or the red one?"

Both of them looked beautiful but I said wear red.

"Where are your stylist? That you had to come to me for dress selection?" I curiously asked.

"They are sitting in my vanity but I wanted you to select it." She said and went away.

"Buttttt Kundriii what are you wearing?" She came again to see my clothes.

"Sweety this one. I want to keep it casual" I showed her my black jacket with white pants.

"Okay" she said cheerfully and literally hopped out of my vanity.

We all dressed up I saw her and I knew my choice was right red was her colour she looked beautiful.
We all started assembling in main area so we all could enter when are names are called and start the conference.

Soon the conference started and we were seated. Cameras were flashing they were taking our pictures.

"Now you may ask your questions." Host said.

One reporter stood up to ask the question.
"Tejasswi mam the question is for you."

"Yes please go on." Tejasswi gestured her to speak further.

"Did you knew who was your opposite co actor before you signed the show?" Reporter asked.
Tejasswi smiled. "Of course I knew but Karan didn't knew about me before he signed thank God for that but I was casted after him so I knew who was my hero." She said while laughing lightly.

I know what they are trying but this silly girl doesn't get it what answers they want from her.
"Sir after a break audience is going to see you on screen how do you feel?" One reporter asked me.

"Honestly I am scared because after several months I have come back to work for a TV serial before that I was working for OTT platform but believe me it's the story that convinces me not the type of platform so I have huge expectations from the audience that they love me and performance but similarly I understand they have much higher expectations from me so I will just give my best." I answered truthfully.

After many questions asked we were happy they were all asking professional and show related question.

"Okay last question of the day. Then we will end this conference."

"Mam you know about the rumours that are spread around about Karan Kundrra like he is Casanova, did it made you feel uncomfortable at any point while working with him?" The reporter asked Tejasswi and the colour of my face was drained I was speechless.

"Only show related questions, it's irrelevant next please." The host announced.

Teja interrupted "No no please wait I would like to answer her." She said with utmost seriousness.

"Mam with all due respect you know na for whom you have asked the question about is just sitting right beside me? But to answer your ridiculous question which should not be answered but I guess as his friend I owe him that. So yes I have felt scared and uncomfortable when I was going to give my first shot with him because who wouldn't have you seen his work he's done a fabulous job in his previous works but the second we gave the first shot we did amazing hope you like our chemistry because it was magic everything was smooth and I realized it's because Karan is an amazing actor. And to answer your Casanova part I just have to say I don't know which Karan you have met or heard about because this Karan is extremely kind and generous person who is a true gentleman who respects all the women around him let it be me or Aditi who's playing Karan's sister in the show he actually treats her like a sister. So please next time do your homework properly before asking such questions thank you." Tejasswi said in a straight voice which I have never heard before and she got up from her chair indicating she was done with the questions and we all got up.

I didn't said a word I don't know what should I say should I thank her for what she just said about me or should I shout at her for being so blunt and taking my side when the whole world is standing on the opposite side.

We all rushed outside I looked around to see where she is but my manager said she ran towards her vanity.

"It was a bold move, but I must say I didn't know that child like lady can be this serious and smart I think I underestimated her." Om said with a smirk completely impressed by her.

I wanted to say not only you underestimated her but I also did but I just couldn't speak I was so speechless I don't know how to feel.

"Karan." Ekta mam called me she is definitely going to scold me I turned towards her.

She was smiling strange..well she is a strange lady.
"I am so impressed by that little girl mujhai tw wo masoom lagi thi but usne tw sb ka dimagh thek krdiya." She said with excitement.

"You are not angry?" I carefully asked.

"Why would I be angry I am happy that finally someone took a strong stand for you and cleared this misconceptions kai tu kuch ghlt kr saqta hai just know I hate your ex." She said making horrible face showing distaste for my ex and I laughed. She walked away.

Now I have to find Tejasswi and see how is she but I have realized one thing that she is just not my crush anymore.
I am starting to fall for this girl slowly but definitely not steadily.

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