Festive begins

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Karan's pov:
The sun had just begun to rise, casting a warm golden glow over the airport terminal. Teja and Karan stood at the arrival gate, anticipation and excitement written all over their faces. They held a colorful bouquet of flowers, a token of their joy to welcome their respective families.

Teja adjusted her traditional Indian attire, her vibrant saree flowing gracefully as she fidgeted in excitement. She looked beautiful it was extremely hard to resist her when she got ready. I dressed casually as I could, I stood beside her, a broad smile tugging at my lips.

"Teju, they should be landing soon," I said, my eyes scanning the arrivals board.

"I know, I can hardly wait!" Teja replied, her voice a mixture of joy and nervousness. She glanced at the bouquet in her hands, the vibrant hues of the flowers reflecting her emotions.

As the families' flight finally landed, a sense of eagerness filled the air. The arrival gate swung open, revealing a sea of passengers streaming out. Teja's heart raced as she searched for her family, she jumped around she couldn't resist her excitement, if I didn't reprimand her I think she would have been inside the terminal to see where are they. I kissed her cheeks.and soon, she spotted her brother among the crowd, waving enthusiastically. Her parents followed closely, their faces lighting up as they caught sight of Teja and Me.

"Teju!" her brother exclaimed, rushing forward to embrace her.

"Pra!" Teja laughed, hugging him tightly. Tears welled up in her eyes as she held her parents in a heartfelt embrace, the emotions of the moment overwhelming her.

My family was also making their way through the crowd. My sisters, my mum and my Papa with Jiju behind dragging tons of suitcase trolley, also spotted us and waved excitedly. Their smiles warm and genuine.

"Karan, we missed you!" Meenu di exclaimed, hugging me tightly.

"I missed you all too," I said, mh voice filled with affection.

With both families united, the atmosphere was a mix of laughter, tears, and joyous chatter. Teja's mother held her close, her eyes shimmering with happiness. "My dear, you look absolutely stunning."

Teja blushed, feeling the weight of her mother's love and approval. "Thank you, Ma."

As the families greeted each other, it was clear that the blending of cultures was a cause for celebration. Our love had brought them all together, and the wedding preparations were the next step in this beautiful journey.

Back at our home, the preparations kicked into full gear. The house was adorned with colorful decorations, and the aroma of traditional Indian dishes filled the air. The families worked harmoniously, each member contributing their skills and enthusiasm.

In the midst of the bustling activity, I took Teja and found a moment to steal away to the garden. We stood hand in hand, taking in the beauty of the moment.

"I can't believe it's all happening," Teja said, her voice a mixture of awe and gratitude.

I squeezed her hand. "It's going to be a wonderful journey, Teju. Our families coming together like this, it's a sign of the love and support that will surround us."

"Karan can you promise me something?" She asked softly as she came near me. We have been together with each other more than a year but still her touching me or asking something so lovingly does wonders to my weak heart.

"Anything." I said instantly without any hesitation.

"Correct me when I do something wrong instead of sugar coating it and then going away from me because you got tired of me." She said.

I couldn't help but relate, I have the same exact thoughts as I see us getting married.

"Baby, I don't think I have it in me to leave something so precious and beautiful, when I see you I feel like I have a purpose to go on and live fully I remember coming to an empty house but baby look around here we making a home full of love and happiness, I don't think I can ever leave this behind." I said as I placed soft kisses on her cheeks.

"Okay other promise, I still want to work, its not necessary I would be acting but anything to be self dependent and stable on my own, it's really important for me." She said.

"Well this has never been a issue for me, I have always known how important it is for you to earn and be self sufficient so yes Teju this will never be problem between us I promise." I said sincerely.

"And last you can never love anyone more than me." She said with a pout.

"This is hard, I can't promise you that." I sais teasingly I could see invisible red steam coming out of my fiancée. I laughed.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Well I can't grantee I won't fall in love again." I said.

"What? You are planning to love someone else while you are getting married to me?" She said angrily.

"Yes of course.". I said

"Who?" She asked.

"Our kids! Our little bundle of joy our daughter Teju who else?" I asked innocently her face expression changed.

"You are so mean Sunny." She said as she charged towards me to hit.

"Laddoo you can't do that I am your future husband, you should respect me." I said as I sprinted to run. She ran after me.

"Sunny you brute I am not sparing you today." She shouted.

Everyone came out to see what's going on.

"Ma save me from your daughter." I said as I hid behind Teju's mother shoulder.

"What are you both doing? behaving like children." My Papa said.

"He always teases me." She said pointing towards me.

"She's lying. I love her so much how can I do such thing. And see she's running after me to hit me" I said making the most innocent face I could muster.

"Teju this is so wrong, you should respect him." Her mother scolded her. Teju smile droped. And all the fun and teasing evaporated from me I quickly stepped up.

"No, she has all right over me and my life, she could do anything she wants, I love teasing her, and Ma we both respect one another please don't scold her." I said as I kissed her cheeks.

"Ab smile krdai Mera Laddoo." I said. She gave me a small smile.

"Let's go they will forever be kids." Jiju said and took everyone inside as they all laughed.

"I guess this requires a final promise." I said as I moved forward and held her closer.

"We shall support one another and never let anyone come between us as we shall find way to each other anyhow." I said and Teju nodded her head I smiled and pulled her more closer as I kissed her softly. Sealing all are promises we made today.

As the wedding festivities began in earnest, the air was filled with music, laughter, and the joyful spirit of celebration. The families worked tirelessly to ensure that every detail was perfect, from the intricate henna designs to the elaborate wedding feast.

At the end of a long day of preparations, as the families gathered around a table filled with delicious food, Teja raised her glass. "To love, to family, and to the beautiful journey that lies ahead."

The room echoed with cheers and clinking glasses, a chorus of voices uniting in celebration. As the Indian fat wedding preparations continued, it was clear that amidst the grandeur and traditions, what truly mattered was the love that bound Me, Teja and our families together.

Hi, my lovely readers for so long I have been trying to log in to my account by I am unable to I'm using VPN to use and write my story.

Please do check my other story. "When he found me" Thank you for being patient with me wattpad is solving my issue. See you all soon. Do comment and like.❤️

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