Hallucinations and voices

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(Y/n) didn't know how long they'd been aimlessly trudging through the hotel, but they'd have been surprised if an hour at least hadn't passed. An eternity, it seemed, had gone on by while they hopelessly searched the hotel for any form of entity or person. But nothing.

Nothing except that cloud. That large, storm cloud looking entity that busted the lights with every encounter. (Y/n) knew it had an audio cue, and it flickered the lights every time it meant to attack. What (Y/n) didn't know, however, was what it wanted. They assumed it was out to kill, but (Y/n) hadn't stepped out to see, and they had no intention of doing so. To be caught up in its path sounded fatal, and (Y/n) knew there was no one around to save them.

Passing through, it blew each lightbulb up as it did, much to (Y/n)'s dismay. There was every chance the tentacled entity could return, as it only looked to show in dark rooms, whispering in the ears of anyone caught in the darkness.

(Y/n) continued on, nevertheless, and relied on the wardrobes for refuge from Rush. Or at least, that's what the little voice said.

Room after room, door after door; it was a monotonous cycle they couldn't wait to end.

The lights flickered again in door 33, but no sound came. (Y/n) hopped in a wardrobe until hallucinations made them dizzy, but nothing came to hunt them.

Balance the time you spend hiding.

(Y/n) wasn't even sure what was going on. Were they hearing things, or was some entity helping them?

They treaded carefully, keeping their hearing focused on any background noise. None of Rush's cues sounded, and (Y/n) realised they were paranoid about it. The hotel was driving them insane, no wonder people had gone missing.

Before (Y/n) left the room, they caught sight of an eye on the wall; an inky substance dripped down from it, and it's own gaze was fixated on them.

(Y/n)'s heart was in their mouth, and their breaths echoed in their ears. They prayed and hoped that Rush wouldn't get them while they were so vulnerable.

Another room, more watching eyes. Staring. Their void irises trained on every motion they made. Observing. Keeping a very fixed focus on them. Looking.

The substance surrounding the eyes dripped down the walls. (Y/n) noticed one of the lights poked through the eye socket.

Mustn't that hurt?

Wait, why do I care? It'll probably kill me anyway..

Another room traversed, another one to traverse.

A long hallway was stretched out in front of them. It looked familiar, aside from the green carpet that ran the length of the hall. To their left and right, carpets were scarcely scattered. Generously placed, however, were a wide variety of drawers. Fighting the urges to scavenge for equipment, (Y/n) took in the sight of the windows; they were like church windows, reaching the roof with their panes. Rain splattered down, flashing in the lightning which struck.

Dawdling, (Y/n) had failed to realise the puddle of the same substance as earlier.

Once (Y/n) managed to draw their attention back to escaping, they found themself at the next door. Without warning, the puddle bubbled and rose, leaving an inky black figure in its wake.

(Y/n) knew nothing, except this was life or death.


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