In the gut (True ending)

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Anger ate away at them. Leaving Figure a pace apart from the rest of the commotion, (Y/n) charged forwards, pushing past all of the officers and into the hotel.

(Y/n), feeling the anger rising, was lead by their hatred and the voice in their head.

Take his life.
Take his life.
Take his life.
Take his life.

Its influential words seeped into (Y/n)'s mind, planting an idea in their brain.

Shoving the other policemen and policewomen back, Darren pridefully ran forth to get (Y/n) out.

"Small child, come back here!" He shouted to them, trying to sound as he did with any other suspect.

Hiding in the lobby, (Y/n) saw the lightning crackle from outside, and a face appeared in the window, momentarily. Another flash and it was gone as quickly as it arrived.

Digging under the sofa, they found screws, a pair of scissors and a scrape of wood. Taking the screws and pocketing them, they decided to make the scissors their weapon of choice.

Hiding next to the sofa, they held their breath until the officer came in. He stared around, obviously searching the hotel for something or someone.

Drawing the scissors, they snuck up behind him, spying a Swiss army knife in the back pocket of his trousers. Taking the knife, they hid it behind their back, pocketing the scissors.

"Who is it you're looking for? Anyone special?" (Y/n) sarcastically scoffed, tapping his shoulder.

He turned to them, arms proudly behind his back and chest puffed out.

"The owner of this place was said to have killed himself, but my friends believe someone else was responsible...happen to know who?"

His brow furrowed in a faked obliviousness,"I'm afraid I'll never know."

Gripping his collar, (Y/n) shoved him into the wall,"You know exactly who. Spit it out."

"My grandfather did, but I know you won't do shit to me." He hissed,"I'm a descendant of the murderer, and I stand by what he stood for."

"Was this the murder weapon?" (Y/n) grinned, filled with bad intentions.

The blade swirled and hit him in the neck. Flinching, he squirmed,"Yes, what do you want from me?!"

Pushing it further, they saw him wince at the pain but they were by no means satisfied.

Withdrawing, they saw relief on his face. They savoured the look before jamming the blade into the kneecap, jolting it as far in as it would go. Blood crawled out of the wound and, as they took the knife out, the floorboards were splattered in it.

"We aren't finished, not just yet." (Y/n) snickered, their voice high at the end,"I have something to show you."

Kicking the officer in the shin, they grabbed his hair and yanked his head, forcing him to follow them from the ground.

Half dragging him, (Y/n) bundled him into the elevator and set off to room zero, hauling him alongside them.

Through the rooms they went, him forcibly yanked along the floor like a disobedient dog on a leash. His hair ached at the roots, and he didn't enjoy any minute of this punishment.

Closing his eyes, he tried numbing himself of reality, only to find himself on the grass where he was buried.

"You know who's underneath you?" (Y/n) snarked, putting a foot on his head.

His face being rubbed into the dirt brought the light to his eyes. How did he expect to be treated like a king when he was so abusive to everyone around him?

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