The after (Good ending)

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Running their fingers over Figure's hand, they made sure it didn't go cold. A nippy breeze was picking up, and (Y/n) couldn't help but ponder over how cold Figure was. Leaning in closer, they offered their body heat.

Huddling up with (Y/n), Figure brushed its hand along the new surroundings it found itself in," Where are we, (Y/n)?"

"We're in my home village where you'll be able to stay in the meantime." (Y/n) chirped, excited to have Figure around.

Clambering up the steps, (Y/n) helped Figure up and opened the door, to find Seek in disbelief,"What is Figure doing here?"

"Well, the police have the hotel surrounded and beat Figure, so I decided it would be better to bring it here instead of letting the police dissect it like some animal." (Y/n) explained,"Come inside, Figure."

Guiding it inside, (Y/n) led it into the living room and sprinted upstairs to find something that would fit it. Digging through their father's clothes, they found an oversized sweater.

Returning to the living room, (Y/n) gave Figure the sweater. Its misunderstanding of the clothing item was cute to (Y/n), and they helped it put the sweater on.

Seek, who was pacing in the kitchen, re-entered the room to find Figure nice and warm.

"Seek, do you want something else to wear? Your hoodie has a bullet hole in it." (Y/n) questioned, gesturing to the bullet hole.

The bullet hole wasn't a huge issue to Seek, and it found itself liking the hoodie it was wearing,"I think I'm good."

"Do you know how we can get back to the hotel?" Figure piped up, adjusting the neck of its sweater.

Pondering, (Y/n) concluded there was no way to get back inside the hotel without shoving some cops around. As much as they despised the specific cop who'd thrown the blame onto Figure, they didn't want to tangle with the law.

Huddling together, they thought up a plan to defeat the cop, not physically but in the situation. Nothing came to mind and they began to worry if it was over.

"It's over, isn't it?" (Y/n) frowned, folding their arms,"We've lost the hotel to the police."

"How about we check to see if they've left?" Seek offered, taking (Y/n)'s hand and helping them up.

Taking Figure's hand as well, (Y/n) led them back to the hotel's bridge.

(M/n) was stood chattering away to the cops. (Y/n) wasn't close enough to hear the actual conversation but knew it was something serious.

"...I've just purchased this establishment, I've arranged to be moved in immediately." (M/n) ordered.

"I'm afraid it won't be possible." The officer, Darren his name was, cackled.

Taken aback, (M/n) sharpened her glare,"Excuse me?"

The officer crossed his arms and slowly strutted over to her,"You see, woman, the hotel is infested with evil creatures who will kill you the moment you enter."

"Well, I'm willing to bet they won't. I'll also take my chances saying it's the uniform that's setting them off." (M/n) mocked, turning towards the bridge.

"Okay, you ignorant bitch." The officer muttered underneath his breath,"Have fun dying."

Rolling her eyes at his claim, she crossed the bridge, confident in herself and the structure not collapsing.

Reaching the front door, she knew it needed fixing first. The lobby of the hotel, however, brought so much warmth and reassurance. She didn't spend too long admiring the lobby, and headed straight to a different floor, the same floor (Y/n) went to.

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