"Pool Day" Eijiro Kirishima x Fem Reader

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"All done here," you thought as you finished stacking your textbooks up on your desk. You were in your dorm at U.A. and it was a Saturday morning. You had just finished the homework that you'd been procrastinating all week. You went to go sit on your bed and scroll through your phone, because what else was there to do? You were about to rest your head on the pillow when you heard a soft knock at the door. Sighing loudly, you rolled over and... got tangled in the blankets. In your fight for freedom, you accidentally fell off of your bed with a loud "OOF."

The person at your door knocked again.

"I'm coming!" you yelled as you finally managed to untangle yourself from the blanket. You got up and opened the door, blushing once you realized who it was. It was Kirishima, your longtime crush. *Why is he here?* you thought. When you first started at U.A, talking to him was hard. He was so shy! Or so you thought, it looked like he opened up very easily around his other friends. Since then, you'd only exchanged glances and had small talk with him when he wasn't around Bakugo. Bakugo seemed to tease him a lot whenever you were around. You thought it was because you had said something stupid, but maybe, just maybe he liked you. He would always blush and fidget a lot when you talked to him. He was so cute though, you wanted to tell him eventually how you felt, but you could never work up the nerve to. You broke out of your thoughts when Kirishima started to speak.

"Oh! Uh, hi (Y/N)!" Kirishima stiffened up when he saw you.

"Hi Kiri! What are you up to?"

"Uh, I was just wondering if you were doing anything this afternoon, I thought maybe we could go swimming or something." He started blushing furiously.

"I'm not doing anything later, so I'd love to go swimming later!"

"Um, would you maybe like to meet at the gate after lunch, around 1?" He started noticeably fidgeting more and more.

"Of course," you said, "I'd love to!"

"Ok, uh, I'll see you then." Kirishima started walking away rather quickly.

Kiri's POV

"Ugh, you dumbass! That was so unmanly of you to do! Why can't I just be normal around her?" Kirishima sat down on the stairs not too far from your dorm. He buried his head in his hands as he thought about how awkward he'd been when he asked you if you wanted to go swimming. He was always blushing and fidgeting which made him feel silly and unmanly. "Ok, I've made up my mind! I'm going to tell the rest of the boys how I feel about (Y/N) and see what they think. Then I'm going to be manly and tell (Y/N) how I feel at the pool.


Odd, but whatever. You closed your door, and leaned your back against it. "Wait a minute, what time is it?" You gasped as the clock read 12:27. "I don't have a lot of time!" Scurrying to your closet, you ruffled through your clothes, messing up the carefully organized stacks. You finally pulled out your swimsuit and put it on, before even more invasive thoughts poured in. "Oh man, how should I do my hair? Should I wear makeup? What shoes should I wear? Does my towel color matter?" You stopped panicking for a second, taking a deep breath. "Ugh, get yourself together (Y/N)! It's not like he asked you on a date or anything!" After you put your swimsuit on, you decided to slip on a summer dress that you liked.

You packed a bag with your towel, sunscreen, sunglasses, and a change of clothes. (In case he maybe asked you on a date after of course). Glancing at your watch, you realized that it was almost time for lunch. You rushed to the lunchroom and ordered your (f/f). You went to your usual table and sat down next to Mina and Jiro. As you were about to take your first bite of food, a sharp pinch from Mina made you drop your chopsticks.

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