4. 🫣

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Nandini couldn't sleep the whole night and by the time she got ready to office the next morning, she heard her father say on call "yeah yeah...Just send the boy's details...I'll speak to her..."

Her heart dropped when he smiled at him and said after cutting the call "Whatever happened in your sister's case, I'll not let that repeat...You just see...I'll get the best groom for you..."

She forced herself to pass a smile and rushed out of the house to avoid anyone notice her spilling tears.

She reached office before time and Manik walked in responding to the morning wishes of the employees.

One look at her, he understood that something is off and he frowned walking towards his cabin.

After 15 minutes, he made a call to her cubicle and asked her to come with some files.

"Come in" He said once he heard her knock.

"Sir...The files you have asked..." She said handing over to him and he nodded looking at her while she looked down, lost in her thoughts.

"Miss Murthy...Can you get me the upcoming meeting schedules..." He asked and she nodded. She came back in few minutes and started listing out the meetings while his eyes were glued on her.

"Thanks" He said once she was done and she nodded before stepping to leave but stopped when he called "Nandini"

She turned to him and he asked "Is everything fine...!?? You look so worried...!?"

She managed to smile a little and said "Nothing...I'm fine...Just a little headache..."

Manik sighed and said "Nandini...We both know that you are lying...Anyways...I'll not pester you with questions...You need the space to think and deal with yourself...but remember, I'm here...Whatever it is, we both can sort it out together...I'll be waiting for you come to me...and tell me what's bothering you..."

That's what she liked the most in him. He always knew when she needs some space and he gives her that after assuring that he will always be there when she turns back.

Nandini gave a simple nod and left to her place while Manik observed her through the tinted glass door.

It was lunch time and he saw her still at her place and didn't go for lunch.

"Yeh ladki bhi na..." He thought and called over to the cafeteria and ordered the person to send to his cabin.

Once the guy delivered the lunch, he called her and said "Miss Murthy...I think we need to make few more changes to the plan we have done for Mehta's project...Can you come to my cabin...?"

He had to make an excuse as he knew that she will not move if it's not related to work.

"Sure sir" She said and moved to his cabin taking her notepad.

He locked the door once she entered and sat on the couch and signaled her to sit beside him and opened the subway wrapper.

"Manik...I'm not hungry..." She said and he nodded in a no saying "And I'm not going to take that...Pakdo...Come on...Your favorite Tofu sandwich...Just the way you like it..."

She sighed and he continued "Nandini...I don't like when someone shows their emotions on food...You know that very well...Whatever it is, we'll discuss...Now eat..."

She knew that the next time he says will not be this calm and the last thing she wants is to anger him when she already has enough on her plate. She quietly took the bite and he smiled taking his Tuna salad and they finished their lunch in silence.

"You want to share what's going on in your mind...!?" He asked calmly wiping his hands with the tissue.

"It's nothing Manik..." She said and walked out of his cabin making him sigh.

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