End of the year

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The rest of the year Harley was left alone for most time. No one dares to mess with her after Pansy. Only problem was that she was too alone.
Blaise Zabini was sort of her friend, but she noticed that he was also a little afraid of her.

She and Harry exchanged a few more letters. Harley had told Harry her second name –Polaris. It didn't matter no one really knew that name anyway. But they didn't really talk about anything that matters. Perhaps he couldn't yet trust her. She didn't blame him. He had a couple of friends who he trust while she trusted literally no one.

When Harley heard of all the funny business with Quirrel, her first thought was to go to Harry but that was not practical. Her second thought was to find Quirrel and kill him but he was already dead.

At the end of the year, Harley found out that she had no one to say goodbye to. The thought was a little upsetting. So she put on her biggest smile and said good byes to all her teachers, surprising most of them . Professor flitwick ruffled her hair and Mcgonagal and Snape simply nodded curtly. Dumbledore smiled kindly and wished her a good time.

When she wished Filch, he looked so surprised that Harley thought his eyes will pop out. With Hagrid, she got a bone crushing hug, even though he hardly knew her.

She also bid farewell to the ghosts, the portraits and peeves. Moaning Myrtle got a little emotional.
"No one ever thought say good bye to me all these years! I would miss you these months"

Harley simply smiled. Myrtle was perhaps the closest thing she had to a friend ,at Hogwarts that is . Myrtle was very easy to befriend but Harley had found that out only a month ago. She only had to listen to her worries a bit. Sometimes she'd just go to her bathroom and read while Myrtle read over her shoulder.

In the Hogwarts express, She sat by herself in her carriage until a bunch of boys climbed in, claiming that there weren't many seats left. Harley shrugged. She knew two of them to be the notorious Weasley twins. Though the other was not familiar to her. He introduced himself as Lee Jordan.

Then they went on with their talks while Harley read. That was fine with her.

"Do you want to join? "
It was one of the twins.
"What? "

"Do you want to join us to prank a bunch of slytherins? "
It was Jordan .
"I am a slytherin. What makes you think I'd want to prank my own house mates? "

"The fact that you aren't trying to stop us. "
Harley suppressed a smile. She supposed it would please Sirius more than her almost perfect scores.

"Fine. I'm in. "
"Great. "
They told her the plan.

A minute later Harley knocked on the door to the carriage of some slytherin fourth years. As she was talking to them about how to get in next year - not that she didn't know- the twins threw dung bombs in and locked the door. With her inside.

'That was not part of the plan' Harley thought as she struggled to breath. In a while someone managed to open the door and they all spilled out. Lin Wang, one of the fourth years turned to her.

"You alright kiddo? Want me to walk you to your carriage? "
"I'm fine thanks "
Harley said thinking of the three mischief makers in there. It was rare someone treated her nice, it would suck if she were to ruin it.

"Well then see you next year kid"
"The name is Harley. Bye"

She walked away with a smile. But in her mind she was planning on how to pay back the trio of mischief makers.

"What exactly were you thinking? "
She asked as she open the door.
"Told you we were gonna prank some slytherins"
The boys burst into laughter. Harley decided to let it be for the present , she'll get her revenge next year.

She smiled and sat back in her seat. The lack of anger on her part surprised them. She didn't care.

Harley got off the train as slow as possible. She had a plain grey T-shirt and black jeans on. Standing at the platform amidst the throng of families reuniting ,she felt a pang. She had no one. Her only family, her brother Harry,  walked away still ignorant of the fact that he has a twin.

She quickly went through the wall and got to the muggle part of the station. She held her moon pendant tight. No she wasn't alone. She had Roan. Harley spotted the blonde a second later than she did.

The two of them grinned as they threw themselves at each other.
"Hals, mah lob! I missed you "
"I missed you too, Ann"

They made such a contrast. The tall, lean and pale ,raven haired girl and the cute and round blonde with tanned skin.

Roan was wearing an old, thread bare black T-shirt with some kind of stain on it. Her dark blue jeans had mud splattered at the cuffs. She also had a little golden sun pendant which stood out like a sore thumb against her outfit .

Harley mean while had perfect hair and her clothes though a bit old, were impeccable .Even in casual clothes she looked elegant and refined, the way one would expect royalty to be. It was in her poise, the way she held her head high. The silvery moon necklace which would have looked weird on anyone else suited her perfectly.

Neither the girls could care less. They were bought together by circumstances but no circumstances could separate them. Because they were in this together, as team.

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