Dream come true

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It was cold in the morning .Very cold. The forbidden forest was covered in a blanket of bluish fog that made it seem even more mysterious. Rays of the morning sun pierced through the mist, creating little cylinders of light. Tyndall effect -Harley thought.

It was amazing how a place could look so different during different times.

Harley had only gone to the forest at night before. Then it had looked a little creepy like something from a horror movie. Now it looked more or less like an enchanted forest from a Disney movie.
Perfect setting to see a unicorn, Harley thought.

Hagrid, along with fang was leading their little procession and Anabiel was just a couple of steps behind him, and was asking him questions. Pansy was by Harley's side and was bundled up so much that she could have been at the North Pole .

She was also half asleep and was dependent on Harley to keep her straight. Which was ironic because Harley was the last to sleep and the first to be up in their dorm as she was back to worrying about Barty Crouch Jr.

She had found out through Sirius that it Crouch Jr was Barty Crouch's son. Death eater son of the dark wizard hater. And also dead. He had apparently died in Azkaban.
So Harley's next step of action was to ask the ghosts. But Bloody Baron who would have been her first choice, seemed to have disappeared.

"Can yeh see wha's over there?" Hagrid's voice bring Harley back to the present.
The girls look towards the direction Hagrid is pointing. There wrapped in the blue mist, was the unmistakable outline of a unicorn.

Anabiel gasped while Pansy squeezed Harley's shoulders. Harley sucked her lips in and bit on them. Finally.

"Now, stay quiet ya lot, yeh don't want ter scare her away, do yeh?"
The girls shook their heads in unity.

"Good, now walk carefully, don't make any sudden movement an' remember ter not crowd 'round her once yeh 're near her. Let her approach yeh herself once yeh 're only a couple o' feet away. An' don' be disappointed if she leaves. Yeh can try again. Now go ahead ya lot, I'll stay over 'ere an' watch over yeh. "

The three girls started walking forward, each step soft, careful. Harley's heart was beating like a triple congo drum ,with the excitement. For Ana.

As the blue mist parted for them, they finally saw the unicorn clearly. It had seen them too. And was looking at them curiously. For a moment, when the unicorn had locked eyes with her Harley felt like it could see down right into her soul.

As the other continued nearing the unicorn, Harley stopped. She doesn't deserve to go near a creature so pure. She who is vile, she who is a cold blooded murderer.

Harley stood and watched as the two girls stopped a few steps ahead of her, according to Hagrid's instructions. Then they waited.

The unicorn tossed it's white mane and stepped forward. It slowly approached Anabiel and Pansy. And Pansy carefully stepped back to stand beside Harley. Anabiel who was standing mesmerized, didn't notice.

Harley raised an eyebrow at Pansy who shrugged and mouthed "her moment"
Harley agreed.

They watched as the unicorn gently nudged Ana with its muzzle. As Anabiel raised a hand trembling with excitement and ran it through the mare's beautiful mane.

Harley knew that her friends excitement was not simply because of her love for equines, but more because a unicorn— famous avoiding human contact and in the rare case it did, for preferring a witch's touch —had chose to approach her first.


After the morning, Anabiel was extremely joyful and kept on talking about the experience as if she, Harley, wasn't there to witness the moment. Harley was happy for her friend but she still ditched Anabiel in the library and escaped to the common room .

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