birthday party

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you were attending your best friend's birthday party and you had to leave early because too much drama happened and the birthday girl went home because she was drunk. You spot a black mercedes in front of the venue and rushed to the car while some old men was giving you looks.

the driver opened the door and you see an unusual happy looking Yuzuru. "Nika-channnnn" he extended his arms asking for a hug. you got in and Darin, Yuzu's driver closed the door for you. as soon as you got in Yuzu wraps you in his arms and let his whole body relax onto yours. "Mmmhh I miss you so much" he hugs you tighter. "I miss you too, now will you please release me?" you ask him trying to get out of his grasp. he leans in while closing his eyes and smiled. He totally didn't hear what you said.

you ask the driver "Darin, did he drink?" he hesitates, and looks at you thru the rearview window rear, he looks away and answered "Yes miss." you widen your eyes and look over to Yuzu who's now giggling at your reaction, "You look so funny babyy".

you take a water bottle and talk to your boyfriend in a commanding tone "Drink water right now Yuzuru." he looks at you smiling "No!" you look at him in disbelief before switching your gaze from his, and lie to him, "Darin, drop me home if Yuzuru won't drink water." Yuzu widened his eyes hearing you said that and he starts wailing and begging you to not leave him alone "Noooo baby, i'm sorry i'll drink water now. don't leave me alone pleaseeee" he plead giving you puppy eyes. you finally turn to look back at him and let out a sigh "here drink" as you handed him the water bottle.

he gulped down the whole bottle and started coughing. "Yuzu! I told you to stop and you chugged the whole thing!" you tell him while patting his back. Yuzu cover his mouth with both his hands and you know what's coming next "Ah ah ah! waittt don't. not yet. Darin, you got a bucket or a plastic bag?" you asked hurriedly searching behind the back seat of the car for a plastic bag. You found one and open it as fast as you can "baby, here." But as you bend down to his head level to check if he was okay, instead you were met with his lips on your cheek. you were so surprised with the sudden move until Darin chuckled and you move away from your tipsy boyfriend "Oooh Nika-chan smell like me yayy!" you clear your throat and declare "we legit use the same perfume Yuzu and you're stuck with me like glue right now so of course i'd smell like you", you chuckled and facepalmed yourself mentally.


the ride back home was calm, as Yuzu was sleeping on your shoulder peacefully after blabbering some stuffs that makes you blush so hard. making sure Yuzu was sound asleep, you ask the driver, "Darin, how did he get the drink and did he say anything?" he readjust his glasses and looks down smiling "he said lots of nice things about you miss" he replied. "like what?" you question him further. "how you're the nicest, prettiest and most caring girl in the world someone could ever ask for. and that he's so lucky to have you. you're both a perfect match for each other miss." you stayed silent smiling hearing those words until Darin called you "Miss? are you alright?" you flinched coming back to reality "huh? yeah yeah i am" realizing you spaced out into your own world. Yuzu moved his head a little slowly waking up from the commotion "mmmhh Nika-chan...", you coo him back to sleep "shh i'm sorry, go back to sleep" you said while caressing his hair gently. "I'm sorry miss and please don't tell sir Hanyu that i told you that" Darin whispered, you smiled and nodded. you look at Yuzu sleeping on your lap breathing calmly and smiled to yourself "such a cutie" you thought while combing his soft silk black hair between your fingers.

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