Chapter Thirty-Seven: Violence in the Cafeteria

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The bell rang and both Taylor and I made a beeline towards the door, eager to escape the ramblings of our teacher. "Man that was a boring lesson!" Taylor exclaimed.

"We hardly listened to the teacher!" I reminded her.

"Hey guy wait up for me!" Ethan cried rushing to catch up to us. We turned to see Ethan running like a loonatic. We burst into laughter. "Not my fault you guys had a head start!" he complained.

"Well I'm going to History, so I'll see you at lunch?" I told them as they made their way to the geography classrooms. Drew was in this class with me, but unfortunately so was Daniel.

I snagged an empty double seat near the back of the class before many people had come. I saw Drew casually walk in. "Drew!" I called to him. He looked up and I swear his eyes kind of lit up, but that could have been the trick of the light. He grinned as he banged his bag on the desk.

"How was English?" he asked.

"Meh. It was boring as usual. Though Taylor and I just talked through the whole thing." I admitted. "How was Spanish?"

"I don't know I was looking forward to history so much I didn't pay attention." He winked at me. Involuntarily, my cheeks began to heat up.

"I just want the holidays already!" I complained knowing that Christmas was just round the corner... And so was the winter formal.

"Me too!" Drew agreed. "So what are you doing for the Winter Formal?"

"Nothing. I'm not a fan of dances." I made a face. "Last time I went to a dance was in freshman year and I just sat there. Plus my date was a bore. So since then I sit at home eating ice cream and watching action movies by myself." I laughed.

"What's funny?"

"I realised how sad that sounds." I kept chuckling.

"Mind if I join you this year." He asked, winking.

"Sure if you want to bring some snacks to. Then we can have a proper slumber party." Drew made a face. "What?"

"Slumber party makes me sound gay."

"There's nothing wrong with being gay!" I cried.

"No I didn't mean..." He stopped when I burst out laughing. Everyone turned to look at me including Daniel. But he was so cute it was funny. I never though Drew the badass was so... innocent!

"I was joking! Fine sleepover then!" I giggled.

"Miss Davis can you refrain from laughing in my classes otherwise I will have to ask you to leave." I nodded my head.

"Why don't you want to go to the Winter Formal?" I asked. "Don't you have girls asking you out to be your date all the time?"

"Yeah, but they're all so whiny and clingy and too much maintenance." He shuddered. "There was one girl, who wore a tight fluorescent pink dress and made me buy a matching tie. This was in sophomore year, so it was on the field in a marquee. Guess she didn't get the memo coz she turned up with ten inch heels or something and all night I had to pull her foot out of mud." He laughed at the memory. I imagined it in my head to and laughed along with him.

"Miss Davis and Mr Cooper." we stopped laughing immediately. "Can you please leave the class because you are disturbing us." Without a word of protest we quickly gathered our books and almost ran to the door. Once the door shut we burst out laughing.

"Well that's one way of getting out of class." I commented. Drew nodded still laughing.

"Let's just go chill somewhere then." I took his hand and led him to the field but instead of going to the bleachers there was a little garden like area where a few trees had even planted. It was a nice secluded area.

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