Chapter Fifty-Three: Strength

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My head was pounding and my mouth felt like sandpaper. My eyes were still closed, but when I opened them it was the worst decision. The light pierced my my brain increasing the pain tenfold. I groaned and tried to lift my hand to my head, but when I did I felt a weight on my wrist. I tugged upwards only to find it was restrained by cable tires. I grtitted my teeth and tried to pull my wrist out, but the cable tire cut into my skin. I was tied to a old wooden chair that was splintering on the armrest. When my eyes finally adjusted to the light I saw that I was in a dimly lit room with a flickering, bare bulb hanging from the ceiling. The only connection to the outside world was a small window blocked by thick iron bar and a wire mesh in front. The walls were dirty and bare. The room radiated a cold, disgusting feeling. It was empty except for a pair of shackles embedded in the concrete walls.

I could just about make out the door, but there was no handle inside and I was certain it was locked. I struggled against the cable tires but they were tied expertly and all I managed to do was allow it to cut deeper into my skin.

"Let me out!" I screamed.

"What do you want with me?"

"Who are you?"

"Let me out of here!" I continued to scream but with no avail. I was definitely screaming to the walls. I gave up knowing there was no hope. But when I heard some noise from behind the door I screamed again. I hated feeling helpless and resorting to using my voice, but I had no other choice.

I continued to scream as the door opened and a figure appeared. He was wearing the same guy who drugged me. I struggled against the cable tires forgetting the pain it was causing me. He smiled coldly and punched me across my face. "Shut the fuck up!" He growled.

That was definitely going to bruise tomorrow. I spat out some blood and turned to face him. "Fuck you." I spat. But that just earned me another punch, this time in my stomach. I gasped as all the air was rushed out my lungs. I breathed heavily through my nose as the pain erupted from my abdomen.

"Not so great now are we?" He sneered leaning towards me. I just spat some blood in his face. He grimaced and flicked the blood off his cheek. I felt the next blow to my ribs the second I registered his fist flying towards me. I grunted as I heard a few ribs crack under the force.

"You're more accustomed to pain than I thought." He said.

"I have to be." I retorted. He slapped me across the same cheek again. "What do you want?" I asked.

"I want you to suffer." He stated, before punching me in the stomach again. I was now breathing through my nose; trying to breath through the pain. I refused to give in to this guy.

"What did I do?" I asked.

"Oh nothing. Except you were born." He laughed darkly before aiming another fist at my stomach. By now my insides were probably pulp and my organs half functioning. I struggled to catch my breath as he stood there laughing. Sweat was accumulating near my hairline and some was already dripping down my face. My hands were clutching tightly around the ends of the armrest. My chest heave up and down to catch as much air as possible. The guy continued to laugh as he punched me a couple of more times before cutting my cable tires loose. I was already weak from the beating that I couldn't stand up without falling down again. I just leaned my face on the cold walls, hoping to relieve some of the burning pain on my cheek. I didn't know how many days, hours or minutes had passed when a plate of stale bread and watery soup was thrown into my personal hell. I was hungry but the food looked unappetising, so I left it sitting there. What seemed like ten minutes later someone came to take the plate, empty or not. I brought my knees up to my chin and rocked back and forth. Suddenly I head a high pitched sound that rang in my cell. It wouldn't stop and wasn't muted by my hands covering my ears. I stood up and began pacing hoping it would drown the noise out. It was torturing how piercing the noise was. As quickly as it started the noise stopped and I could breath again. But that mean it was scarily quiet. I was slowly loosing my sanity in this cell.

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