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They laughed.
-She's right, you know. Em, you start.
Selena ordered.
Emily blankly blinked and finally spoke.
-Uhh...I-I don't should I start? What should I say?
Oliver smirked.
-And then somehow you're superior over me... don't you think you should start to learn that i am better than you?
Emily rolled her eyes.
-I'm definitely smarter than you. You still never passed my high score.
Oliver chuckled arrogantly.
-Yeah, you're smarter, but what's the use of it if you can't even introduce yourself. I can cling people to me just by existing. Even if they don't find a subject interesting, I can occupy them with it, and I can make them enjoy it.
Emily formed a mocking face.
-Oh? Thanks for letting me know, because I couldn't see that. This isn't sarcasm by the way...oh, and you're so charming you sweat when a woman is interested in you. Wait a minute, that has never happened!
Selena lost her temper. She took a deep breath and several minutes later spoke again.
-Emily! Just tell your interest NOW! If you two keep doing your monkeyness, you can say goodbye to every single member and welcome failure with open arms!
Both Emily and Oliver made disappointed faces. Emily spoke.
-I guess I am sorry...for telling the in for my interests...they have always been... unusual. Never been the best preformer in school, rarely did homework, but I've done research put it in simple terms...sea animals, and by sea animals I mean the interesting, weird ones. I've done research about...the space too, of course, the most interesting thing. I've always had love for technology. I was a computer expert... except if it was for school... I let the teacher suffer...Hehehe...I have no idea why I exist, why any of us exist, actually, and I have no plan in life...just going with the flow and hoping nothing electric shows up, or I'll get shocked... metaphorically... literally... I hope for anything electric...hihihi...
She ended her story with a... I'll call it disturbing laugh.
Serly put little effort in trying to look like caring, not because she already cared, but because she didn't care at all.
Selena cleared her throat and coldly continued.
-So that's Emily. I will know introduce you to me, in hopes that Oliver will be ready when his turn comes. I'm known for being a great preformer in school, college and also university. Always ready, always learning, studying, teaching other students with money...just joking, I didn't do it with money, but I thought about it. I started group MBTI, with the help of others too, but mostly it was me. I can play the piano, but I probably forgot how to since I haven't played it for...over 5 or 4 years! I can sing too...but I don't like singing. I'm aiming at the job of Asher Felix, who, as you know, is the head of the evil-hunters' organization department, and another one of my goals is to burn his mask and bring his downfall...then, I will take the role of the head of the whole department, lended to me by Carter, of course, and...then maybe even the whole ministry, why not?
She finished hers and turned to Oliver and, with just eye movements, informed him about his responsibility. In response he rolled his eyes and chuckled.
-Selena, Selena, Selena...of course everyone's interested in your goals, because why not?
She was at the edge of killing him.
-I'm only joking! Go buy a sense of humor from the store, eh? Or maybe add the pursuit of it on your list of plans!
Selena hissed at him.
-Alright, alright...i'm just giving her a break, you know how introverts are!
He turned to Serly and smirked handsomely at her.
-Tell me if I'm wrong. I'm open to disagreements.
She coldly looked at him and robotically answered, her voice quiet and low.
-Yes, that's accurate. I very much enjoy wasting my time watching people fight and insult each other...wait, I actually
He laughed, Emily smirked and Selena raised curious eyebrows.
-I see there's sarcasm in your recipe too. I've got to admit, you earned a like by me.
He continued.
She gazed emptily.
-Well, let me return it back to you with a gift "dis". Or do you want a bigger gift? Like hate?
Oliver smirked and furrowed his eyebrows.
-Hate? You never know what time brings...
-Neither do you.
Her cold stare pouring sourness on his wounds sent a shiver down his spine and retold his story in his ear. The cockiness on his face drowned away and humbleness took over.
He sighed and moments later smiled at her.
-I forgot I got some introducing to do. So...umm...
His words consisted anxiety and his face expressed secrets.
Selena and Emily looked at him worriedly.
-I'll keep this short, yeah? I played the guitar and can sing, but like Selena, I haven't played guitar for a very long time. And yeah, I was a normal preformer in school and whatever. Not great like Selena but still, not studying and still passing is a pretty great skill...I've had my quirky interests too, but they always changed, more correctly, went back and forth. It's everything you all said, but since my interests often shifted, I've never had the opportunity to research about them and know about them that deeply and master them. So I'm just a Jack of all trades.
The girls chuckled.
-Anyway... thanks for the turkey sandwich, it was tasty. But it's almost 10, so we've got to get ready.
Selena announced.
They all went to their tents. After several minutes, they were ready. All dressed black and their tools and weapons with them.
-Just remember, once you find something contact us with the walkie talkies. Stay focused and safe. Meet you back here.
Selena told them.
They nodded and separated.
After walking for several minutes Oliver sighed and turned to Serly.
-Listen. We'll stick together. I don't want to be responsible for whatever might happen to you. Just follow me. Understood?
Serly nodded affirmatively.
And they went deep into the woods. Hiding behind the trees and weapons in their hands.
They quietly listened for the sounds of guards.
-Остерегайтесь шпионов. (watch out for spies)
Oliver held Serly tight and tried to understand the guard.
-Вы двое возвращаетесь в компьютерный класс. Поиск шпионов. Все остальные, следуют за мной. (You two go back to the computer lab. Search for spies. Everyone else, follow me.)
The guards went deeper inside the forest.
Oliver and Serly waited for a while.
Serly stood on her toes and whispered in his ear.
-They're speaking Russian. Let's follow the other two, they're going to the computer lab. I think the others are searching for spies, in this case that's us.
Oliver squinted at her and finally obeyed.
After following the two guards, they reached somewhere with stairs and fences. It looked like a dark garage, but the door was small. There was a cave a bit further.
Oliver took her hand and went inside the cave.
-Let's put a location tracker here.
He put a tiny location tracking device on the cave's wall.
-The day of the attack, we'll teleport here.
Serly nodded.
-Подождите, кажется, я слышал кого-то в пещере. (Wait, I think I heard someone inside the cave)
Oliver quickly and calmly took Serly and hid in the darkness of the cave.
Three men came in.
-Здесь никого нет. Ищите в другом месте! Иди на восток! (There's no one here. Search somewhere else! Go east!)
They walked out. Oliver and Serly stayed there for longer minutes. Then they heard the footsteps of the men walking out of the cave and mumbling something under their breaths. After a while, Oliver cast a spell and teleported to the thinker's room.
He released her and sighed.
-Alright! We found news! We should tell Emily and Selena about this.
He called them.
They immediately returned.
-Any news? Because we do.
Selena seriously said.
-Yeah? We found a computer lab. They were speaking Russian. Good thing Serly knows Russian. How do you know Russian?
Oliver looked at her with a questioning face.
She shrugged.
He looked at her suspiciously and continued.
-They were looking for spies, that's us. We followed the two who were going to a computer lab. They were searching for "spies", probably with drones, so we should watch out and warn the others about them.
Selena nodded.
-Yes, you're right. We found something like a lair, or a place where they do planning and stuff. Emily remembered Hemsworth's pin and saw it on the door.
Emily chuckled.
-I accidentally took the wrong gadget with me...but we used it! It translated Russian to English and we followed them! Why were they even talking in Russian?
She wondered.
Selena huffed.
-Alright! So tomorrow we'll make conclusions and plans, and also we'll tell the others about all this. For now, we should go to sleep. But before sleep, we should protect the tent, so no one can see it or touch it.
Emily raised her hand.
-Leave that to me! You can go to sleep! Good night!
Oliver looked at her doubtfully.
He chuckled.
-I hope you won't sleep while doing that, Emily.
In the morning.
Serly woke up before her alarm rang.
Day number two of survival. You can't say it's number two, since she came here at 7 pm yesterday, but whatever.
She washed her face, wore fully black and tied her black, long hair low, as always.
Her alarm rang.
She stopped it and walked out of her tent then went in the thinker's room. Selena was preparing breakfast and Oliver was doing research, while talking about something to her, but immediately stopped after she walked in.

A Chaotic but Perfect World: In the Epping Forest Where stories live. Discover now