Creative resolutions

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Everyone who went on a snake hunt returned to the underground hideout.
-These blasted bollocks made me touch a snake and after that they warned that I might have salmonella!
Sam angrily and loudly muttered, making everyone else laugh and chuckle.
-Come on, mate, are you really that scared of being spontaneous?
Dan triggered him while releasing the snake in that room.
-Spon-, sp- SPONTANEOUS? I am not afraid of being spontaneous! I just...have stuff to do and... salmonella will... interrupt me...
Nathalie chuckled.
-So you have plans? I didn't know you plan and hate spontaneity.
He inhaled more than half of the air and exhaled it.
-Shut up. Just shut up, okay? Salmonella will kill me and I won't be able to experience a lot of things. And I'm a healthy amount of spontaneous, don't say otherwise.
His friends snickered and nodded.
-Hush everybody! We have to see if letting the snake in the room is the right thing to do!
Thomas seriously stated.
They, with difficulty, stopped their laughter and watched the snake.
The minute it tried to get out of the room, unexpectedly, returned to the room and continued crawling in the direction of the statue. Every time the adder tried to turn right or left, small bolts attacked it and so, it continued forward.
-Now isn't this wonderful? The snake is the correct answer.
Theresa whispered, proud of the team.
-Well done, Marina, you were right.
Selena smirked at her. Her eyes light up and her lips hung from the highest stars.
The adder crawled on the statue and squeezed it tightly but unwillingly.
The blackness of the ceiling shrunk in a tiny cube and went inside the ceiling, and the ceiling closed on it.
-Is to go inside now?
Boris asked the group.
Camilla shrugged.
-I've no idea, but it's worth a shot.
Before she entered the room, Eve held her back.
-Wait, don't go in yet, we need a safer option.
The evil-hunters looked at each other.
-When the black ceiling was still here, the snake was being controlled, so now, since it's gone, the snake has to be free to move.
Boris stated.
Mary nodded.
-That's true.
-And that's exactly what the snake is doing right now.
Nathalie pointed.
The adder slithered away from the room and escaped.
-Then let's go in, what are we waiting for?
Selena spoke and walked in.
The team went forward to the statue.
It looked exactly like the one before, only clothes were modernized.
Some watched around the room, up, down, left, right, while some went to figure out the next riddle.
It was just grey, like the rest, but they kept searching, because everything is expectable.
-Hey! Look what we found!
Nathalie and Camilla called the rest.
On the ceiling, right next to the statue's top, there was a door with a small metal handle next to it.
Theresa sighed.
-We need a stair.
Dan scrunched his nose.
-We only have ropes.
Oliver shrugged and laughed.
-But that's exactly what we need!
Theresa looked at him with the same expression, raised eyebrows and a doubtful face.
-We're listening.
She said.
Before he got to explain, Serly took over.
-We've got drones and ropes. We can use the drones to tie the rope on the handle and use a way to climb.
Oliver smiled dreamingly and softly exhaled.
-Your mind is as gorgeous as you, my dear, and I am truly captivated by your presence. Just being in the same room as you is a huge blessing, you illuminate my life like the moon does at night, and the perfect lines of your personality are the stars, twinkling in the darkness, which is the rest of the world.
He held her hand and gently kissed it.
She blushed and smiled uneasily.
-It was just...logic, nothing big.
She mumbled and pulled back her hand.
He smirked.
-I disagree. But I'll pass arguing now.
She chuckled and turned away from him, and whispered to herself.
-The moon has light thanks to the sun...
His face turned reddish and shocked.
-How d- how do you do that?
She only smirked.
While part of the audience snickered, the rest found it romantic.
The drone took a rope and flew up to the door, tied to the handle with the help of another drone controlled by Emily, and flew away.
-Et voila. A stair without the traits of a stair, but certainly with the same purpose.
Oliver smiled.
Selena walked to them.
-That's interesting. How about some of you go inside and some of us stay and solve the rest of the riddles? Not many, though, because when climbing down in case of emergency, that'll slow down the process. Emily and Dan won't go, by the way.
She hopefully smiled at him and Serly.
-I'm up for it.
Oliver declared and turned to the one who illuminates his life.
She nodded.
Selena smiled.
-Splendid. Just be careful and focused.
They glimpsed at each other then nodded at her, who surprisingly pulled them in a hug, squeezed them, then released them.
-Good luck. God be with you.
She whispered to them, and they climbed up to enter the mysterious door of a new journey.
While they say ladies first, Oliver climbed first and at the end, when he entered the room behind the door, he longed his arm to her and picked her up inside.
The room they were in was just a normal living-room. There was a picture of a man who looked like Hemsworth hanging on the beige  wall. But it was clear he wasn't Hemsworth, as he was wearing a dark blue tailcoat,
a vest, a cravat, dark breeches, a dark blue top hat, he had dark gloves on, a walking stick and a monocle.
-19th century clothing. Dressed like he's part of a higher class.
Serly observed.
-What if that's Hemsworth travelled to the 1800's?
He wondered.
She shook her head.
-I doubt it.
The living-room had a tidy brown desk. Next to it, on the light brown floor, there was a white vase and a healthy looking beautiful calatheas plant.
A dark green sofa and armchairs, a brown long coffee table and long white glass mirror lights.
Shortly said, it looked like a normal living-room, but things were fishy in Oliver's opinion.
He went towards the plant and checked it out.
-Either this is fake...or... someone has been watering it lately...but here's the thing... it's real.
She furrowed her eyebrows before a shooter appeared out of the vase, something like a robot vacuum under the vase.
Serly took out her wand to fire at it, but it turned her wand to ashes in a second.
Oliver pulled her arm, ran to the desk and hid under it.
The vase was turning around while shooting, looking for them.
-It destroyed my wand, Oliver!
She whispered angrily.
-I'll buy you a new one, that's no problem.
He still managed to joke with a straight face.
Lasers were being thrown here and there, causing damage on a lot of things.
-When the shooter came out of the vase, it was pointing at you, which means it can see us and the only reason it's doing all this is because it's looking for us. So, if one of us distracts it, the other can destroy it from behind.
Serly told him.
Oliver agreed.
-Yeah, but who'll do which? I have a wand, but if I distract, then you have to destroy...with what?
She took a deep breath and quietly groaned.
-You're right, I have to distract...
-But stripping naked won't help you this time, just reminding you.
They smirked at the memory.
She sneakily looked at the vase from her hiding place.
It was turning around too fast, and Serly couldn't come out of the desk without it noticing her, she needed a different plan.
Her eyes searched the room, looking for something to help her. She saw the rubbish tin and smirked.
-What are you going to do?
He asked surprisedly and curiously.
No answer was heard. She crawled and took the plastic rubbish tin. It was empty.
-It's plastic, nothing can destroy plastic. If we put it on top of it, it can't shoot lasers anymore.
She whispered in his ear, causing him to smile at the greatness.
-But now we need to find a way to put it on its top.
Serly continued.
He thought.
-When the shooter came out, robotic vacuum like things also came out from under it, and I'm assuming it's for moving around. We have to make it come and stay in front of the desk, and then we'll throw the tin on it.
She nodded.
-That's a good plan, but now how do we make it come here?
They began looking around the room again.
-Listen up, I meant look up, the lights are mirror glass. If you throw a spell at it, it will come back. All you have to do is try to aim it in a way it doesn't come at us.
He chuckled and kissed her forehead.
-You're brilliant. Now, let's should I do it, so it doesn't come at us...
The mirror glass light was rectangular shaped, the longer side facing towards them, while the short sides other ways. It wasn't directly on top of them, but a bit further, if they turned their faces the vase's way, it would be behind them.
Directly in front of them, where the outer part of the desk lies, he adjusted his aim to hit the mirror glass light that is positioned on the ceiling behind them. Specifically, he aimed for the lower-right corner of the mirror glass light, just sightly displaced towards the longer side facing them. By precisely throwing a spell towards the shadowy recess and relying on the reflective properties of the mirror glass light, the spell underwent a 45° angle of reflection and elegantly returned right to the outer section of the desk, stealing the attention of the vase.
It moved towards the aimed location and began examining it, making strange noises.
Serly quickly and soundlessly attacked on it and successfully dropped the plastic rubbish tin on it.
The vase began making weirder noises, began moving around, trying to drop off the tin, but it just couldn't. Then, it zapped, and because of the good plastic material of the tin, the laser beam deflected, destroying the vase's ability to shoot lasers.
Both came out from under the desk.
-Remove the tin and move away from it. It's harmless now.
Serly obeyed.
The moment she walked away, before the vase could even do something, he threw an explosion spell at it, destroying it.
They chuckled and laughed as she fell into his arms.

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