Questionable answers

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After exploding the wall, Nathalie turned the statue's face to northwest, and in the result a red light appeared from her forehead to the other's.
He looked like her, but was a man. The clothes were more modern, but not completely.
The room was different, this time. The sculpture was very far away from the entrance. There was a big black rectangle on the rectangle ceiling.
Sam furrowed his brows in confusion.
-Did not expect that.
He tried to enter, but Selena pulled him back.
-Don't! If there's a difference in appearance from the others, then there's a difference in functioning too.
-Then what should we do?
Marina asked.
Theresa huffed.
-I say we throw a stone in the room. See if something happens, if no, then it's safe.
Selena shrugged.
-There are plenty of stones on the ground. Do it.
Nathalie picked up a stone and threw it in the room.
Nothing happened.
-Then it's safe.
Sam quickly put his foot on the ground to enter the room, and got saved by Selena.
The black rectangle almost crushed him.
Oliver went towards the black rectangle.
-There's something carved on it...
He noticed.
-"Amidst nature's tapestry in concealed's embrace,
Thrives a creature devoid of heat's comforting trace.
Scales clad its frame, as its true essence unmasks,
Nary warmth in its being, a hidden riddle it basks.
In jungles deep or rivers' languid midst,
Silent and slick, a ghostly presence , it persists.
Neither fiery animate nor blood's steady beat,
A renowned enigma, gazes are fixated...
A seeker of sunlight, a sentinel of the night,
Residing as kin with chameleons or in waters hidden from sight.
This crafty creature creeps or glides with deft moves,
Without two feet or searching resultive paths improved."
While he read all that, Emily controlled the drone to take a picture of it.
The black rectangle fell back into it's old position.
-If it's not metaphorical, the answer to that riddle is definitely a snake.
Boris stated.
Serly agreed.
-I don't notice any underlying meaning that can point to a direction.
Mary declared.
-The only places mentioned are jungle, rivers, and that's it. And there is no clear direction which these two only align with.
Jonathan agreed.
-What if it's not metaphorical? What if we have to bring a snake from the forest, and somehow this black trap thing will stop...attacking whoever enters the room. What if that's the only way to stop this trap from working? If the appearance is different, then so is the function, so what if the function of this one is... different. Maybe a snake will make a change.
Marina theorized.
Selena and Theresa looked at each other.
-I don't know. But it might be worth to try. If the riddle has no indication of any direction, underlying meaning or abstract concept, then it might be true that this riddle is literally. Who can go and bring a snake? Who's the bravest?
-I'll go. I'm good at catching animals.
Dan volunteered.
-Then I'll go too... because two is better than one!
Emily awkwardly came forward.
Theresa nodded.
-Good luck to you and stay safe.
They walked out of the rock surrounded place and entered the tunnel-like pathway.
As they reached the ending parts, Dan spoke.
-Look, we need the snake alive, so don't try to kill it. And I know what I'm going to do, alright? You just have to hold the flashlight.
She shrugged.
-Wasn't thinking about it, but fine.
After several more steps, they reached the rope.
-Go on.
Dan smirked.
Emily awkwardly chuckled.
-I'm...actually not so good at climbing... especially up.
He chuckled.
-Alright. You hang on my back while I climb.
Her laugh slowly got weirder.
-Y-You're j-joking, r-right?
Dan sighed and suddenly pulled her closer to himself.
Her face was as red as a rose petal, a red one, of course.
-I'm not joking, no. Get on my back.
Their faces were little inches away.
-I-If you s-say so.
She awkwardly chuckled and climbed his back.
-Hold on tight, alright? And try to not fall.
He, somehow without difficulty, climbed up and reached the top.
Emily immediately jumped off, her face still like a toma- I mean a face covered with red lipstick.
-So...which parts of the forest should we look? Where do snakes hide in forests at night? According to my knowledge, they are usually near water, trees, and they camouflage anywhere they go, but this is the Epping forest, so what species of snakes are there...smooth snakes, they usually hide on the ground, grass snakes, they hide near water in the grass, and the venomous adder snake, they hide under fallen leaves, hopefully we don't meet one.
She provided Dan information.
He chuckled.
-Aren't you a smart one. Now all we need to do is use that knowledge and look for them in the right places.
She nodded.
They kept walking around the forest, quiet and communicationless.
-So why did you learn all that stuff?
Dan started.
She zoned back in.
He smirked and shook his head.
-Oh no, not again.
She walked and stopped in front of him.
-No, no, no, no, no, no, no. What did you ask? I'll gladly answer!
His eyes touched her lips and travelled back in her eyes.
-Why do you know all that stuff? The space stuff, where snakes live, why did you learn all that impractical stuff?
She blinked.
-Impractical? I am using them! Alright, quantum wasn't really the answer, but I was just a tiny bit far from the truth! While it is true that I annoyed Serly a bit, but I had to make sure it was 100% correct! And look! I'm using my knowledge of snakes now! How's that impractical?
He rolled his eyes while smiling.
-Did you learn them so you could one day use them?
She scrunched her nose and squinted.
-No...not really. I just found them interesting...
Her eyebrows furrowed and her face got stuck in a single position, away from his face.
-I guess that makes them impractical...but anyways, I guess the answer is because I find them amusing.
Her curious and excited eyes returned to his.
-Do you know how much knowledge I have? I used the word "much", because it's uncountable!
She looked away and chuckled to herself.
-Bloody hell I'm smart. Like really smart. Too bad I'm la-
Before she could finish her sentence, Dan's lips attacked hers and fought for dominance.
His first hand was on her face while the other was on her waist, pulling her closer.
They were one, until he released her.
Both of them were heavily panting. The difference was on their faces, one was smirking, the other was shocked, you can guess who's is which one.
-Dan Wilde...kissed me. Bloody hell...
She mumbled to herself.
-Do you mind if I do it again?
He smiled and raised his eyebrows.
She shook her head dreamingly and jumped on him, crashing her lips with his.
Her grip on his neck was tight, just like his on her waist was.
Unlike the outward war, their tongues were waltzing, only to get interrupted.
They hopped back in fear.
Sam laughed.
-Get a room! Don't you know kissing in public makes people uncomfortable? No wonder the snakes aren't showing up!
Oliver smirked.
Emily blushed in embarrassment and Dan laughed it off.
-What are you doing here?
He asked them.
-Selena sent us to fasten the pace, turns out the only reason things are going slowly is because the hunters are busy snogging!
Sam smirked.
-Also, it's revenge for interrupting me and Serly, Emily.
Oliver added.
She scoffed.
-I never interrupted you!
He rolled his eyes.
-Of course you did not.
Dan sighed.
-Let's just... continue looking for snakes, yeah?
Emily stuck out her tongue at Oliver and turned around to leave with Dan.
The rest of the search went on soundlessly.
Dan grabbed a long stick with a fork like head.
-Does anyone happen to have a sack?
-Shite, that's what we forgot.
Oliver muttered to himself.
-Then what should we put the snake in?
Sam asked.
Oliver took a deep breath and exhaled.
-I've got an idea. Emily, you're the only one wearing a jacket, and also the only one with a hairband, so we can tie and close the holes of the jacket with your hairband and use it as a bag.
Dan chuckled.
-That might actually work, it's worth a try.
Emily gave them her jacket and hairband, and Sam closed the holes.
The man who thought of this kept smirking, making Emily roll her eyes.
-So what, Oliver. You watched that episode of Mr Bean, where he creates a bag out of underwear. You copy pasted his idea, it wasn't original.
Oliver and Sam snickered.
Suddenly, Dan stopped everyone.
-Quiet. You hear that?
They put their ears to work, yearning to hear the sound.
The rustling of the snake's and the grass's friction rang in their ears.
-By the way, just wanted to let you know that I'm afraid of snakes.
Sam whispered, making Dan and Emily look back at him like he's stupid, that's up to debate.
Dan followed his ears' command and searched for the noisy serpent.
His eyes spilled, searched and reassembled everything around them.
And bingo.
A greyish snake, with a dark and very distinct zig-zag pattern down its back, and red eyes.
-It's an adder. It has a very painful bite, and is also venomous, but not deadly venomous.
Emily whispered.
He stared at the viper and, in a flash, pinned the snake down with the forked stick by placing it behind the snake's head and applying pressure.
The snake began wiggling and trying to escape.
-Pull its tail!
Sam quickly obeyed.
It showed its pearly and yet venomous fangs. A loud and angry hiss escaped from its mouth.
-Open the sack!
Oliver did so.
Dan reached for the back of the snake's head.
It kept trying to move and slither away, but rapidly got thrown in the sack and the opening closed.
The snake twirled around and aggressively hissed in the sack, but alas.
The men took deep breaths.
-I touched a snake! I touched a snake! I touched a snake!
Sam kept worriedly mumbling.
-It's better if we go to the NT camp and thoroughly wash our hands. That's what we have to do after touching a snake, according to my research, or you might get harmful bacteria, an example is salmonella.
Emily explained.
Sam whined.
-Calm down, mate, we'll take the snake to the others, go wash our hands and return to the underground hideout.
Oliver said.
-First, let's reach the hideout, the rest is up to how things go on.
Dan argued.
They all agreed and walked back to the underground hideout.

A Chaotic but Perfect World: In the Epping Forest Where stories live. Discover now