Meet the crush

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Serly grouped everything they needed, and Oliver kept watching her, but the thing they had in common was the fact that they still felt the heat and were processing all the complex tangled up emotions.
-Straight hours, right?
He finally spoke.
She turned back, cleared her throat and answered.
-Yes. We're not stopping until we finish it all.
-By all do you mean all the parts?
He asked in all seriousness.
She exhaled.
-That's depends on the time.
His eyebrows met.
-How? What do you mean?
-If it's not that late, then we'll keep working.
She shrugged, leading him to squint.
-And how late is that late?
-Until Emily and Selena return.
His eyes bloomed after hearing her answer.
-Can't you at least not make me work that much? After all, I did please you.
He put on his usual handsome smirk.
She smiled as she returned to the moment.
-You didn't please me.
He leaned back and chuckled.
-So my tongue didn't please you?
She walked towards the table and used her hands as a tower for her body.
-Ugh, no. Forget about that. Focus.
He raised his eyebrow skeptically and the corner of his lip confidently.
-I have to fall in love with the process?
He stated questioningly.
She kept things short, and by things I also mean eye contact, not just communication.
-Just like you did when I kissed your neck.
Serly turned back and looked at him coldly.
-Much more than that. Become a workaholic.
He snickered.
-So you don't deny that you fell in love with the process of my kisses on your neck? That reveals some interesting things.
She licked and bit her lips, and sighed.
-Then torture it is.
-Torture? You want me to become a workaholic and If I don't, then you'll torture me?
He asked her still amused by her mindset.
She threw a dirty look at him, took the zapper, leaned on him by blocking one entrance and talked.
-I'll torture you every time you disobey me.
Oliver looked at her physique, then at her face with an excited expression.
-And how are you going to torture me?
Serly shaked the zapping tool in her hand.
-You'll get kissed by this machine.
-That's for the enemies.
Serly smirked viciously.
-Well, we're rivals, which is the same thing as enemies, except it's used for enemies in a certain field, work in this case, so...
She brought his face closer to hers with her fingers, her malicious smirk still visible. He gulped.
-You better stay on my good side.
He smirked.
-Yes ma'am. I'll try.
She looked at him expressionlessly and prepared to return to work, but suddenly he spoke once more.
-Do you know what surprises me the most? You didn't protest.
A sly smirk danced upon her lips and eyes glinted with mystery.
-Why? It's not that Selena would've forced you or anything.
Serly leaned on him again and answered.
-I didn't really think about it.
Oliver scoffed with a lopsided smile.
-It's almost as if you didn't think of any other possibility either. Almost as if you were already...satisfied.
She continued sparring.
-It's not that I was satisfied...just...I wasn't dissatisfied.
He lazily stood up, causing her body to get leaned on his, and pulled her face away by her jaw and lowered his body to reach her height.
-I never thought a composed lady like you would get so deconstructed only because of my lips on your neck...
His fingers let go of her jaw, as he began circling her.
-I'm not criticizing, in fact, I'm very happy you learnt to have a bit of fun and enjoy the moment, but...
Stopping in front of her lost eyes, he continued.
-You intrigue me greatly. I just can't seem to truly understand your's paradoxical and complex...
His lips approached her itching ears, her heartbeat fastened.
-Just the way I like it. And I want more of it, because I'm loving the little game we're playing as much as you are...
As if its home, his mouth landed on her neck again, kissing and licking her flesh. Unfortunately for her, he stepped back and kept his crooked smile on, hands playing with her ponytail.
-The SJs sent their recordings.
He stated cunningly, unhesitatingly and wittily. She looked flabbergasted, confused, that his demeanor changed immediately.
-Then let's start with it. The first hideout that appeared?
-On the south-east. 3km away from the SJ camp.
-Okay. You look at the rest.
She ordered, still feeling warm inside.
-Em, how many kms left?
-Good. So, remember our plan. We hide here, the drones fly around. All the enemy's drones will be destroyed. You do that. And I'll attack on the guards with the drones. You brought all the supplies? Weapons? Tools?
-Yes I did, ma'am.
She took the controller.
-And don't forget about reality.
-I won't...
She answered while wondering why she gave her that command.
The drones flew around.
-If only the drones had invisible mode.
Selena still thought of the great possibility, and seeing that, Emily stated.
-I'll work on that.
For an hour or more, the drones flew around and destroyed enemies. But Selena did not meet any guards. Their hideouts were unprotected, but Selena was not willing to take the risk and go there. It might be a trap. This whole case is probably a trap, but at least they'll get trapped all together.
And there they were. The guards. Not guarding the hideout, but taking a walk in the forest.
-Em, come in.
-All ears.
-Guards coming your way.
-Changing my hideout.
But before she could leave, one of the guards grabbed her arm. Without hesitation, Emily grabbed the guard's arm, the one with which he was grabbing her, and twisted it. He winced in pain. Emily pushed him to the tree and started running. The other three guards ran after her. Emily tried to lose them in the deeper parts of the forest, but they just didn't give up. She jumped and hung on a tree's branch and started climbing it. The men followed her. She jumped down from the other side and hid in the bushes. The guards realized she wasn't there anymore. Emily took a stone and threw it on one of the trees far from there. The guards looked that way suspiciously. They jumped down and began searching for her. They didn't fall for the trick. Emily tried to not breath heavily. She didn't move. The men went different ways, but none came Emily's way. She waited a while longer, to make sure they really left. The sounds of the leaves and wind was all that was heard. Emily slowly stood up. She was hiding behind a tree. She looked on her left, but she was pulled to the ground from her right side. She fell down and the next thing she felt was a strong kick on her stomach. The guard was kicking her and she was starting to lose her consciousness. Then the guard fell to the ground and fighting sounds were heard. But Emily was passing out. She wasn't passed out yet, so she was able to feel the hands on her arms.
-I'm not going to die, not yet.
Her thoughts motivated her to punch him.
-Ughh, bloody hell, Emily? I saved you!
A manly voice answered.
Emily looked up to see a man with bright yellow beautiful eyes, a strong jaw, perfect lips, thick eyebrows, dark short hair and a very athletic body.

Meet Dan

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Meet Dan. Emily's crush.
-Oh shite! I'm sorry! I thought it was him.
-It's okay. You should work out more. Your punch really didn't hurt that much.
He said while wiping away the blood coming from his nose.
-It didn't?
-No. Now come with me, we don't want the other guards to return.
She stood there frozen, then decided to ask him the question in which she was interested in.
-Uhh, how long were you watching me?
-Since you jumped down from the tree. You definitely need to work out. Now, follow me.
He answered coldly, but for some reason, she felt complimented... maybe because Dan, the man who never cared about anyone, gave her an advice, meaning he cared.
-Wait, I have to return to Selena. I have to follow her plan! And I can't leave her out there on her own!
She exclaimed, the color of it loyalty.
-Just tell her you're with the SPs.
He carelessly suggested.
-What about her?
She asked, understanding the potential outcomes.
-Ugh, fine then. I'll return to her with you. No way you can survive out here on your own.
He smirked at her while pronouncing the last words, because her face embodied a pickle.
-I can survive! But I don't mind you coming with me... just In case...
His hand was wrapped around her waist. His shining amber yellow eyes were looking around for danger. Can't say the same about Emily's chocolate brown eyes. They were staring at Dan.
-So, where were you?
-S-Sorry, what?
She chased back to reality.
-Are you deaf?
He rudely asked her.
-W-what? No, why would you say that?
Half of her questions had clear answers, but she just wanted to hear him talk.
-I asked you where were you?
-O-oh, well, it was north-east from the NT camp...
-Then that's the way we're going to go.
He talked to himself.
-Y-yeah, s-sure...
-Do you always talk like that?
His face, again, turned to hers, annoyance and a shimmer of amusement painted on it.
-T-talk like h-how?
She stuttered as if it wasn't ob-bviou-ous-s.
-L-like t-this.
He mocked, just like I did earlier.
-Oh, uhh, I guess...
-Or are you scared?
His question made her laugh in unbelief.
-Scared? Pfftt! No! Why should I be scared?
-No reason. You got me.
She emotionlessly looked at him, or maybe his ego.
-You're coming with me voluntarily, so stop showing off.
-I'm coming with you because you'll die if I don't.
-A-and how's that your problem?
Dan smirked and tightened his grip on her waist, causing a tingle on her body.
-It's a long way from here to there, and all I know about you is that you need to workout, you stammer instead of talk and you have a pretty face, and I want to know more...
Emily looked at him in awe.
What time is it? It's 10:55.
They kept walking. They were quiet. Finally, Emily spoke.
-Are you out here on your own?
-Because Sam said so.
-What's your plan?
-Destroy every enemy I meet.
-W-wha... and what's everyone else doing?
-Destroying enemies.
-Is that all you do?
-Have you ever even succeeded?
-Has anyone nearly died?
-But she's fine now?
Then silence ruled. What a great conversationalist. Right, dear interlocutor? Yeah. Brill...

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