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Oliver cautiously went to the corridor.
-No. Everything's fine here...I think. Either there are more secret lasers on the ceiling, in the walls or...wait, is that an elevator?
He turned to Serly, who chuckled.
She took his hand and looked in his eyes.
-I do have last words, yes.
Her partner smirked and rolled his eyes, but she continued.
-I hope it doesn't come off too strong, but...
His smirk starts twitching.
She took a deep breath.
-I love you.
He looked at her, eyebrows furrowed and a smile on his lips. A chuckle escaped his mouth. His palm covered her cheek and his thumb moved around. By her waist, he pulled her close to himself. Their faces away from each other with the same length of a hair.
-I love you too. And fuck coming off too strong, love's a strong feeling.
His voice rumbled in her ear.
She laughed.
-I just...wanted to take that off my chest...and frankly...I'm quite afraid of whatever we might meet.
Oliver lightly chuckled and landed a soft kiss on her forehead.
-Wrongfully so. They're the one's who should be afraid, not us. We're a power couple. Come on, we've got this, darling.
They glared at each other for too long, as if they have to do something, but she fell out of his arms.
-You're right...true, I don't have a wand...but you'll give me one, one day, right?
He snickered.
-Crude jokes now? Seriously?
She giggled silently and walked through the corridor as he followed her.
It was dark, not unseeable, but quite dark. The walls were being, and it had one elevator at the end. On the other end was just a wall.
-Seems highly suspicious. You think there's something there?
Serly faced him questioningly.
-Possibly. The elevator can wait.
Both walked up to the wall. It took forever. And it got darker on this side. Oliver put his fifth sense to work. Just a wall. She put her ears to work. Nothing.
They looked at each other.
-What should we do?
She shrugged.
-Elevator, I guess.
Both turned back to the elevator's direction, but it was just a wall. Returning their faces back, they met the elevator. It rang, and the doors swung open.
Oliver took Serly's hand and entered it. There were no buttons. And the door closed.
The elevator moved on. Where? Only God knows...and, well, probably Hemsworth too.
-And then the doors open, a flamethrower appears in front of us and we open our eyes in some cloudy world. Two angels come over and exclaim "welcome to heaven!" Unless we go to hell...
Serly decided to tell a perfect joke at this perfect time.
Oliver chuckled.
-Yeah, one flamethrower is high, the other one's low, because when we were asleep, Hemsworth came and checked out heights.
She looks up at him and smirks, strengthening her grip on him.
The elevator creeks and squeaks.
-Oy, do you happen to have a phone? Hemsworth needs to get his elevator fixed.
Serly laughed at his jokes, and he brought her closer to himself.
The walls began to get mashed.
-Not a change in pressure, this is the function of it. Reusable, therefore.
She mumbled.
The walls got tighter.
-Not sure if this is a better way to die or a flamethrower is.
Oliver murmured.
The noise of fingernails running on a blackboard kept going on as the walls touched the two and the motion got slower.
-Hey, thank Hemsworth, at least we're hugging each other.
She said with a pressured voice.
At last their bodies were forced to mix up, and the walls pushed them further yet. As if it's the elevator's revenge for pushing its buttons every single fucking time.
-No, no, no, no, no! He's pushing us to kiss! Selena isn't the only one who ships us! We've got another fan!
Oliver joked as if sinking.
The motion stopped, and before the walls crash the two's bones and the elevator gets filled with a bloody cannibal soup, the door opened up, and they hopped off the ride.
She fell on the floor and him on top of her.
The doors closed, and the wardrobe's also. Yeah. The elevator was in the wardrobe.
He sat up and stood, then lended her his hand, which she took.
Both were heavily panting.
-Hemsworth has some dirty fantasies. You, me, coming out of a wardrobe and panting?
Serly snickered.
-Nah, Narnia is his favorite book or movie, he wants it to become reality.
Oliver added.
They cleared their throats after giggling and snickering.
-Alright, let's get serious before he decides to crash us again because we're laughing at him.
She, again, joked.
The room had bright blue colored walls and wallpapers with teddy bears on them, a parquet flooring, a bedside table with a broken lamp and a mirror on it, a blue baby crib and a colorful mobile, and a wardrobe, from which they landed here.
-A nursery...strange.
Whispers Oliver.
Serly walks towards the crib and looks inside it. A teddy bear without one arm. Ends were bloody.
-Let's check the nightstand.
He nodded.
She tried to open the drawers, were locked.
Her eyes went everywhere.
-Where could a key be?
Her mind wandered.
Oliver analyzed the room. But not for the purpose of finding a physical key...but one of the deepest pains and saddest memories. He went to the bed and touched the soft edges, eyebrows furrowed.
Serly turned her head in his way, sensed his emotional shift.
He took the teddy bear. It had a string, which he pulled. Twinkle twinkle little star began playing, distorted.
Her hands slept on the bed's edge.
-Are you fine?
A sad smile rose on his face.
-Yeah. I'm fine.
After a pause, when only the nursery rhyme was playing, he continued, melancholy teasing his nerves' strings.
-Is this what everyone else had?
She sighed and looked in his widows to the soul. Her head rested on his shoulder.
The manipulated tune stopped playing.
-I wonder what happened here.
He muttered.
Unexpectedly, he pulled the toy's head and decapitated it. The white stuffing spilled out.
Then, he's fingers pulled out the soundbox.
Serly looked at his actions baffled.
He broke the machine open, taking out the tiny, golden key.
His smirk danced on his handsome, but quite saddened face.
She looked at him, and smiled.
-How did you know?
Oliver bit his lips and looked away.
-You should expect sensitive stuff from the drawers.
He said in a raspy voice.
She didn't understand, but took the key from his hand and walked back to the drawers.
-Aren't you coming?
He shook his head.
His eyes avoided contact at all costs.
Serly repressed asking "why not?". Her hands went on, even though eyes were on him.
The drawers opened up. The first was mostly empty. Just a black, old diary. With a lock.
-This one also needs a key.
She voiced.
-It's that same key.
He said in a detached manner. Cold, yet a glimmer of worry in it.
And it opened.
-Oliver, really, are you alright?
Silence. No answer from him.
She stood up and slowly went near him. The atmosphere was off. Moving opposite of clockwise. Strange.
Serly carefully lied her hand on his shoulder. It felt wrong. Very wrong.
He aggressively pulled her arm and pushed her to the walls, his body on hers, strong hands painfully wrapping her delicate wrists.
He roared aggressively at her. She breathed heavily and felt fear, intense fear. And the reason was him. The one who made her feel the safest, now makes her feel afraid. In danger.
His lashed out, shrunk pupils suddenly softened, his grip loosened up and he took a step back.
-I-i'm sorry! Fuck! I'm sorry! I didn't- i-i wasn't-
He got further away from her, pulling his messy hair and tears filled his eyes. In milliseconds tears fell down, face got red, breath all shaky.
-I'm a monster! A demon!
He whispered to himself through his tears.
His fingers were marked on her wrists. Red.
She also teared up. Her heart kept beating fast, fear still not gulped down.
-Don't forgive me...don' don't deserve me...I'm evil...
He shakily told her, avoiding eye contact.
But she was silent. Unaware of what's going on really, what it all means and how she should feel other than afraid.
His sobbing was the only sound in the room. His wounds reopened.
-J-just tell me w-what you n-need. I-i'll give it to you.
Serly spoke. Brave. Reckless, maybe.
Tear swelled Oliver shook his head.
-Stay away from me...I'll hurt you.
She timidly leaned on the wall and stayed quiet, salt flowing down from her windows. And then, she sang.

A Chaotic but Perfect World: In the Epping Forest Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu