The last attacks

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Theresa, Sam and Camilla were prancing in the forest and happily singing and loudly laugh- just joking. They were seriously and carefully walking.
-You two keep going. I'm going to go through a different path.
Theresa announced.
Sam chuckled.
-It's like you created this forest. What have you done? Memorized the whole map?
Theresa rolled her eyes and left.
-You could've answered...
Sam mumbled to himself.
He turned to Camilla, squinted and returned his eyes forward.
-You're being awfully quiet.
-Really now?
She mumbled sarcastically.
Sam suddenly stopped, but she kept moving.
-What is it with you?
He asked her aggressively.
Camilla didn't stop nor answer.
This bothered Sam even more.
-I think I asked you a question and questions must not be left unanswered.
She kept going.
Sam ran to her, held her arm and turned her around.
-Just fucking tell me! We were fine several minutes ago.
Camilla scoffed.
-He can't even realize what he did.
After staying frozen for a second Sam quickly brought her face closer to his and looked in her irritated eyes.
He smirked and looked at her lips.
-What did I do that hurt you?
He whispered to her.
She pushed his face away.
-You're disgusting.
Sam's green eyes turned bluer.
Anger was written on his face in such a beautiful handwriting.
-You don't work because you want to save the people, you just like murdering and hurting people. You're just a psychopath, no different than the evil-doers.
Camilla gulped her anger.
Sam looked at her with a surprised and slow realization emotion.
-You're mad at me because I didn't let go of that guard, aren't you?
He scoffed, turned away and back to her.
-I don't have the right to let go of guards, you understand that? I'm just doing my job. And even if I did have the right to let go of them, I wouldn't risk other people's safety by believing my enemy's words. My enemy's friend is my enemy. End of story.
Camilla looked at him angrily.
-You didn't even look like you pitied. I wouldn't have minded that much if you did, but you didn't. You don't even seem to have any remorse. You just coldly froze him. Pun not intended.
She turned and walked away.
Sam furiously took a deep breath and went behind her.
This walk had no conversation.
And it stayed that way until they reached the last hideout.
-It's about time. Where were you?
Theresa's whisper turned their attentions to their walkie talkies.
-Anyways. I need you two to attack the guards from the front. Now.
Sam bluntly answered.
He ran forward leaving a rolling eyed Camilla behind.
All six guards were watching out. They were armed and ready to attack.
Sam jumped over the handrails and quickly shot a guard with a spell.
The guard fell on his back. Before he stood back up, the five other guards attacked on Sam with their various weapons.
Two had guns, one had a stiletto and the other two had arrows.
The knocked down guard had a stiletto.
One arrow flew to his forehead while the other to his stomach.
Sam put up a protection spell and avoided getting hit by the arrows.
The shooters didn't stop.
Theresa jumped down from a tree and landed behind the shooters.
Unfortunately, her landing was loud and well heard by the guard with the stiletto and the guard with a gun.
They quickly turned around and attacked her.
The guard who was knocked over stood up and attacked on Theresa from behind.
Theresa side kicked the guard with the stiletto and couldn't keep fighting because the guard from behind caught her and held her tightly. He threatened her with his stiletto.
The gun shooter took his aim and shot straight at her forehead.
She ducked and the bullet landed on the guard's forehead.
Theresa kicked him in the groin and freed herself.
The gun shooter aimed at her again but Camilla came up from behind and froze him before he fired.
The second gun shooter turned away from Sam and aimed at Camilla.
Seeing the sudden change, Sam sacrificed his safety and froze the guard with the gun.
Taking advantage of the moment, one of the guards impatiently shot an arrow at him.
Theresa quickly snatched a stiletto out of a guard's hand and threw it at the shooter.
The arrow got digged in Sam's shoulder.
His roar echoed in the forest. It wasn't the roar of pain, but of anger.
The guard fell on his knees and bled with a prideful smile on his face.
The last guard quickly dropped his weapon and raised his hands up.
Sam pointed his wand at him while breathing heavily.
Their eyes locked like a hunter's and a prey's.
His hand was trembling from anger, his shoulder was bleeding and his sweat was running down like a river.
He, then, slowly lowered his wand, but not his eyes.
The guard cowardly ran away and jumped down the handrails.
Sam loudly groaned in anger and threw his wand on the floor.
Camilla walked towards him.
He looked at Camilla and angrily smirked.
-Still a psychopath?
Camilla scoffed.
-If you didn't want to do it, then you didn't have to! I didn't force you!
Camilla looked at him with tearful eyes.
He bulged at now crying Camilla.
-I'm just a disgusting psychopath. Doing my job pretty well, eh?
He stormed to his wand and picked it up.
Theresa shouted.
-I wouldn't have even been here if I were on my own because I'm Mr Good For Nothing.
He teleported.
Camilla fell down on her knees and kept weeping.
Theresa looked over at Camilla.
-I fucked everything up...
She said through her crying.
-Why do I always ruin everything...
And she kept crying.
Theresa sighed and kneeled down.
-Don't take it near your heart. He'll calm down very soon. It wasn't you he was angry at, it was himself...
She tried to calm her down.
-B-but it wasn't his was mine. He did what I wanted him to...but I scolded him...again...
Theresa had nothing to do but listen.
-I'm just too selfish to see other people's problems... now he'll never forgive me...
Camilla sniffed.
-I'm sure he will. He always does. So it's pretty useless to cry now. Let's return to the camp and get ready for the last attack, okay?
Camilla looked at Theresa and nodded.
-What about the others?
She asked curiously.
-We have destroyed every drone, so they stayed at camp and relaxed.
Theresa answered.
-And the computer men? We didn't attack on the last and this one.
-We'll call the evil-hunters' department. They'll deal with them.
Camilla wiped her tears and stood up.
-Then let's go.
-Any moment now...
Mary whispered to Marina.
Marina groaned.
-We've been walking round and round, I think, and still haven't met a single drone! Where are they?
Mary faced her.
-It is possible we destroyed them all...
Marina's eyes lit up.
-That's great! No way!
-But it is also possible they are hiding. We can't be sure.
Marina frowned.
-Well I sure do hope we destroyed them all.
Then she smiled.
-What if we asked the others? You know, the NTs, the SJs and SPs.
Mary squinted.
-That might interrupt them, so...all we can do for now is look for drones.
Marina sighed.
-You got a point.
They continued the pursuit silently.
Suddenly, they heard the sound of leaves rustling, the way they do when someone or something touches them.
-What was that?
Marina quickly pointed her wand there.
Mary squinted again.
-Marina, I don't think that's a drone...
Marina became much more curious.
-Then what is it?
Out of the bushy trees came out Tom, Boris and Nathalie.
Marina quickly lowered her wand.
-Boris! Nat! Tom! It's just you!
She laughed.
Tom smiled.
-Hey! You two are looking for drones too?
Mary nodded.
-We're looking for them but can't seem to find any.
Tom turned to Boris and Nathalie.
-If we met Mary and Marina here, then this must mean-
-We destroyed all the drones. That would be the whole forest.
Boris continued Tom's sentence.
-Yeah...that would be all of them...
Nathalie realized slowly.
Marina squealed and hopped.
-We destroyed all the drones!
She tightly hugged Mary and gasped.
-We should go help Lisa and Jonathan!
Tom smiled.
-We can help too...if you want.
Marina chuckled.
-Thanks but we can do it.
She turned to Mary, who doubtfully smiled.
-Well, we need to find the hideout first...and until we reach there, they'll already finish their jobs...
Marina blinked at her.
-You have a good point.
She blankly stared at her.
-But what if we- no, that doesn't change anything...unless we- oh, no. That doesn't work...I mean...we can go back and... prepare supper I guess?
Mary smiled.
-That is actually a good idea.
-I agree. We should do that too.
Tom voiced his opinion.
-I feel like that makes sense, so sure. We should do that. But first we should warn the others.
Nathalie requested.
Tom nodded.
-Well then, see you later.
Mary smiled.
-See you later.
Tom answered and the girls teleported.
-Are you really sure we shouldn't help Lisa and Jonathan?
Marina asked worriedly.
Mary sighed.
-Sure, Jonathan is not feeling well and Lisa is on her own, but we can't do anything, Marina. We have to trust them.
Marina bit her lip.
-I just... don't want to be guilty if they get hurt...
Mary patted on her shoulder.
-If they get hurt.
Lisa and Jonathan hid close to the hideout.
-Are you sure you can attack?
Jonathan smiled.
-Don't worry. We can do it.
-But can you?
Jonathan sighed.
-I can if you can.
Lisa let out a sigh.
-Alright. I...can do it.
Jonathan caressed her face.
-Good to know. Come on then, let's go.
They ran to the hideout and hid.
Jonathan coughed.
-I think you shouldn't attack.
Lisa looked concerned.
-I appreciate your care, but I won't leave you on your own.
-You don't have to sacrifice yourself for me, Jonathan, I will never be able to pay you in return.
Jonathan weakly smiled.
-This is a gift, a duty of mine. Not a debt. You need not to pay.
Lisa chuckled. that case, thank you.
-My pleasure.
Lisa opened her hand and waited for something to appear in it.
-Uh oh.
Jonathan turned to her.
-Is something wrong?
-We are out of smoke balls...
Lisa said purely worried.
Jonathan stopped and thought.
-We don't need smoke balls to win this fight, Lisa. What weapons do we have?
Lots of arrows and bows appeared in her hand.
-Oh no. This is a nightmare. I'm terrible at shooting arrows!
Jonathan brought her closer.
-Don't say that ever again, okay? We just need a good plan and we'll be ready.
He turned back and thought.
-Aha! I got a plan.
He turned back to her.
-We will climb trees and shoot from there. You see, they have swords, axes and daggers with them. They can't shoot anything!
Lisa turned back and back to Jonathan again.
-They have guns with them...
Jonathan looked at the guards and back at Lisa.
-They do...but they can't hurt us if we put up protection spells.
Lisa stared at him and sadly sighed.
-I don't know if I can do it. I'm not talented with arrows.
Jonathan sighed.
-Lisa, dear, I know you can do it, but if you don't want to do it with arrows, you can do it with your wand. We'll climb the same tree, so you can be safe. Okay?
Lisa nodded.
They climbed the tallest tree (it's about time you moved!) and looked down at the guards.
-And now we shoot. After shooting we hide, alright?
After saying this, Jonathan coughed.
Lisa agreed.
Jonathan carefully aimed at a guard and shot.
The arrow ran through the air and crashed in his neck.
-Intruders on the right!
All the guards began firing and shooting at them.
-It seems I forgot about this possibility. Let's teleport back to the place we were hiding and attack them from there. Then we'll climb another tree and attack from there.
They teleported back and Lisa threw a freezing spell at one from there.
-Two down, four to go.
Jonathan and Lisa ran to another tree.
The guards turned back and found a frozen guard, which made them decide to stand back to back and shoot around.
Jonathan winced.
-This is not good. We need to distract them.
Lisa looked at him curiously.
-What are we going to do?
Jonathan thought and smiled.
-You stay hidden here, I'll come back.
After saying this, he teleported to the tall tree.
Lisa's heartbeat fastened as she thought of all the ways Jonathan could get hurt.
Jonathan took out his wand began putting up protection spells around himself.
The gunshots stopped bothering him.
Then he teleported back to his hiding place and waited for the right moment to freeze a guard.
Lisa didn't understand what he was doing.
Jonathan froze a guard and quickly teleported back to Lisa's tree.
Only three guards left.
The guards were more focused on the tall tree and the hiding place.
Jonathan took her walkie talkie and climbed down.
He ran to another tree and climbed it.
With his hair tie, he tied the walkie talkie on a branch and teleported to the NF camp.
He brought his walkie talkie close to his lips and talked.
-Climb higher and shoot an arrow from the right, okay? Do it when I tell you.
Mary and Marina stared at him with questioning looks.
He coughed.
-We'll be back soon.
He teleported back to Lisa's tree.
The guards were shooting higher.
-Jonathan, you're a genius.
Jonathan winked and froze a guard.
-It's a trap!
The guards began shooting lower again.
Jonathan and Lisa teleported to the tall tree and climbed higher.
Lisa froze a guard.
-Only one left.
Jonathan coughed.
The guard heard it and shot at them.
Lisa pulled him away and saved him from the bullet.
Jonathan thankfully looked at her.
-Come on.
They teleported back to their hiding place and froze him.
-And done!
Jonathan sighed.
-That was our last attack... hopefully the next will be more the way, your walkie talkie.
They walked to that tree and untied Lisa's walkie talkie from the branch.
-Whoever sleeps in this position has terrible taste!
Oliver groaned.
-That's my everyday sleep position.
Serly mumbled.
Oliver quickly turned to her.
-Ow! I meant...
He lied back.
-How do you sleep in this position every night?
She blankly stared at him.
-You don't have to face me, you know.
-I mean, it has nothing to do with taste, it's just body language, but still! Don't you have any neck pains? Also, I read it's bad for your health.
He kept talking.
Serly blinked.
-Did you hear me or are you ignor- OW!
Oliver, once again, turned to face her but rapidly returned to his uncomfortable position.
-No. It looks like it was you who either didn't hear me or ignored me. I said you don't have to face me.
Serly stated bluntly.
Oliver chuckled.
-Do you even know how hard it is to not face you?
Serly rolled her eyes.
-By the way, you didn't answer my question. If you don't know what I asked, I asked you if you ever have any neck pains and how you sleep in this extremely uncomfortable position.
Serly stayed quiet.
-Why are you ignor-
-You talk too much.
Oliver blinked.
-That's not my fault. I-
-Can't do anything else, so all I-
-Can do is talk.
-As I said, unfortunately.
Oliver stayed quiet for several seconds, because that's the longest he can stay quiet now.
-Couldn't he had stabbed somewhere else? Like my chest? I would've been able to see your face that way, at least. But no, he had to backstab me!
Serly sighed.
-A stab is a stab, doesn't matter where it is.
Oliver chuckled.
-As you really like to say, details don't matter.
He kneeled with great difficulty and managed to sit next to her.
-And as I like to say, mind over body.
Serly rolled her eyes and looked away.
Emily and Dan weren't there.
Neither was Selena.
She smirked and turned to Oliver.
He looked at her lips then in her eyes and asked curiously.
-What's with the smirk?
She slid closer to him.
-The room is empty. It's just you and me.
Oliver blinked.
-You're going to stab me?
Serly's smirk widened. your mouth... with my tongue.
He smirked and licked his lips.
She brought his face closer to hers and they closed their eyes...
But they are very lucky, that's why they heard a teleportation sound.
Serly quickly opened her eyes and turned to see the SJs and the SPs.
-Y-You're early. Of course you're early.
She rapidly stood up and walked out of the thinker's room to call Selena.
Sam blinked at Oliver.
-What were you doing?
Oliver didn't turn his annoyed face to him and sarcastically answered.
-Nothing big, just missing out on the same big opportunity because of the same small reason. Again.
Sam and Nathalie held back their laughter while Camilla, Eve and Thomas smiled guiltily.
Sam coughed and smiled.
Selena, Emily, Dan and Serly walked in.
-Did you bring everything like I told you to?
Selena asked with determination sparkling in her eyes.
-Everything's with us.
Theresa answered confidently.
Then the NF gang appeared.
-Good evening. We are ready to hear and execute the new plan.
Jonathan announced.
-Splendid! Let's go.
Everyone wore confused faces.
Mary asked.
-Excuse me?
Tom wanted to make sure he heard her right.
-To where exactly?
Sam seemed extra flabbergasted.
Selena chuckled.
-Just follow me.

A Chaotic but Perfect World: In the Epping Forest Where stories live. Discover now