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Selena looked at the time.
-Huh, we'll play for another half hour. Who had it landed on?
Emily pushed the bottle. It kept spinning, and finally landed on Serly and Emily.
Emily was the one to ask. Again.
-What a luck. The most indecisive person has to be the one to ask. Why me? Ughh!
They chuckled.
After thinking for a while, she buzzed with a question.
-I got it! What's your favorite quote?
Serly smiled.
-I got many, but I choose Socrates's "All I know is that I know nothing". But I also really like "Give them one and they'll want another". I guess that quote taught me greediness, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Not always, but most of the time.
She nodded and curiously asked what she wanted to learn.
-Who said that?
-You don't know him. He's an Armenian writer. If you want to know his name, it's Atapek Khnkoyan. Good luck remembering his name.
She smiled and chuckled.
-I mean, I would love to find and read his stuff, you know, getting acquainted with a new culture is an interesting journey, but as you said, I'll probably forget his name. Will you remember to remind me about him.
She smiled and nodded, happy someone's interested in her culture.
-That's it? Or do you have other favorites too?
She asked her genuine curiosity gleaming in her eyes.
She stopped and thought, then spoke.
-I also like "Be alone , that's when ideas are born" and "If you don't make a change, nothing will change ". That means everyday Is the same day, you just react differently to them. Not only you, everyone.
-Yeah. I agree. I blame it on the hormones. They're the ones that affect your... thinking. Especially on women. You know what I'm talking about. Women experience hormone changes far more than men. Sure, men experience too...wait, do men experience more? Or is it equal? I have to research that...
Serly nodded with a smirk on her face, finding her skepticism funny.
-Now we push it.
She pushed the bottle. It was still spinning.
-You know, I find you very strange and mysterious. For a moment you're all angry and stubborn, then you're all over me, and then you're nerdy and also extremely patriotic.
Oliver shared his thoughts.
-It's called being a woman.
She joked, ignoring the "all over me" part, as Selena continued.
-But really, he's speaking true words, you are mysterious. Getting to know you is certainly going to take a long while. In average, how much time do you need to warm up?
She thought and answered.
-If the others don't do anything, I never open up. It's up to everyone else. I know I'm not doing a right thing waiting for others, but...I have to try to speed things up, because apparently people like friendships even at work. It's not a part of me, I'm one of the least friendliest people you'll meet, order to reach my goals...i have to be social...which is very hard for me...
They laughed, and Emily lightly tapped on her shoulder.
-I get you, lassie, I get you...
Selena drove her eyes to the bottle.
-Oh hey, look, the bottle has landed. I tell Oliver to do something.
-You mean ask, right?
-I dare you to kiss her.
Selena pointed at Serly, who looked expressionless, but her eyes hinted that she was thinking "You serious!?".
He tried to soften the situation.
-Her neck.
-N E C K?
-That's right, neck.
Oliver looked at her scared.
-Fine, but you're not going to watch.
-How else are we supposed to know if you're kissing or not.
-Serly will moan, right?
He turned his head to her and smirked.
-N-No, moan? This situation is awkward enough. No need to add more awkwardness to it.
Oliver looked at Selena while smiling.
-Okay, cool, just great...but why?
Selena smiled back.
-Because she needs to get used to risks and speed up the process of forming relationships, you know.
He looked at her baffled.
-What do you mean? Our relationship is going fine, why speed things up?
-I'm sure my hearing abilities are just fine. She said you're not a friend, but just an acquaintance, that is if you make her smile more often.
She said slyly.
-T-that's nothing. Just let things flow with their normal speed, eh?
Selena shook her head.
He looked at Serly.
-If you get angry, it's her, not me. If I don't obey to her, she will kill me...but if I obey to will kill me...Emily, I love you, you're the only person who doesn't want to kill me!
He acted as a sad crying man, who's grateful and regretful of his wrongdoings to Emily.
They all laughed hard at his caricature.
-Oliver, stop acting and start actioning!
-Alright, alright, just nervous.
He stood up and walked towards her.
His neck felt the need to get scratched.
Serly stood up.
-You're going to sit on my lap, correct?
She nodded awkwardly.
She spoke quietly.
-Right, this is, of course, completely normal. Serly sitting on my lap and I kissing her...neck, and her moaning...
-No one's moaning.
She looked at him with warning eyes while figuring out how to sit on his lap, when his legs are wide open. Lastly, she opened her own legs and sat down, face to face, his manly muscles right under her, stirring every kind of sensation and fantasy inside her. Face pink, he smiled and snickered, handlessly pulling in from under, trying not to grind or feel her. She wrapped her arm around his neck, so she won't fall easily. One of his hand wrapped her waist, while the other dressed her thigh. Their bodies were one, once again. They glared at each other and smiled awkwardly. Her face was right in front of his.
-Someone misunderstood the meaning of "partners". Not "partners", but "partners".
He whispered in her ear and she quietly chuckled.
Her eyes moved to his lips, like a boat without an anchor. His eyes also glared at her lips, and he bit his lips. Their hearts were beating fast, unclear whether from fear, sexual tension or attraction.
-Okay, you're kissing for a minute.
Selena declared, cutting their connection.
-A minute?
He looked at her and smirked. His grip on her waist strengthened, bringing her closer to himself. Faces were away with a two minute walk, if a shrunken human was to pass.
-Start when I say it.
Selena and Emily were putting on a timer.
-You're fine with me touching your thigh, right?
He whispered to her, so randomly, because he can't shut up.
-You're going to kiss my neck.
She smirked at him, her arms around his neck strengthening.
-Do you think she dared me to do this because we were... "too friendly" in the morning? Even though you said we weren't friends? I know you're lying...but...hypothetically, if you weren't...what are your thoughts?
He tried to distract himself from his feelings, yet he slowly embraced the physical proximity and got hard down there.
-I won't be surprised if that turns out true.
She confessed, mouth finding hard to close down.
-Okay, start now.
Selena ordered calmly, and also slyly.
Oliver smirked at her, looked down at her neck and cautiously put his lips on them.
Goosebumps. Again.
He began kissing her neck up and down, soft bites were also a part of this masterpiece. Tongue entered the chat.
Selena pulled Emily's hand and they left the tent, secretly and unnoticeably.
Serly thought she was slipping. Her hands were sweating. Her heartbeat fastened. But her brain was working perfectly. She was counting. No way she could trust them.
Oliver was now licking her jaw. They said neck, not jaw. Looks like he was actually enjoying it.
It was hard for Serly to not moan. All her body parts were tingling. Especially the most sensitive part.
Sensory overload.
He brought her closer than she already was, failing to keep her away, yet near at the same time, his lips still picking her skin and letting go, making sure to leave a mark.
Her eyes were bulging open each time he was sucking her neck, melting her and tickling her nerves. His manliness played with her femininity mercilessly.
She lowered her hand and landed it on his chest, feeling his heartbeat fasten.
He reached up to her ear and licked it slowly, right after gently biting her earlobe.
She let herself loose on him, brought her chest closer to his, breathing quite heavily under his ear, still feeling him under, hard as metal, while she was wet as liquid.
-Don't go too hard, we're in public!
Serly whispered through her teeth in his ear.
-I'm not going too hard.
Oliver announced in her ear, while tickling and tapping on her thigh with his fingers.
-Of course you are, then what is-
Before she could finish her sentence, he bit her neck, slid his south on hers and a gasp appeared from her lips. He smirked and snickered, licking the bitten flesh, while her face was all rosy and chin on his right shoulder, hands clutching.
-So the only reason is because we're in public?
He sent a message through her ear, but didn't get an answer, only an unseeable smirk.
And finally 60 seconds. Except that the audience weren't announcing it.
61, 62, 63, 64, 65...
Were they even watching?
Serly caressed his chest. He looked at her.
-70 seconds.
They blinked at each other then turned to where Selena and Emily were supposed to be sitting.
-They've left...You two would be terrible roosters! I know that you're both female, but still! You two would be terrible female roosters...or alarms!
He acted irritated, but it wasn't convincing.
The women returned, giggling.
-A minute has passed already? We weren't really watching you since you didn't want to.
-Whoopsie, I had set the timer 1 hour instead of minute. My mistake.
Emily awkwardly laughed, as Selena continued.
-But you look like you enjoyed it.
Selena said with her crafty smirk still upon her face.
Oliver's face dropped.
-Yes, I enjoyed kissing my rival's neck.
Selena laughed and responded.
-She's your partner.
He shot his eyes open.
Emily shook her head with a smile on her face, and spoke in a calm voice.
-You don't even look like rivals.
Oliver turned to Serly, analyzed her from up to down, glared back at them and continued.
-... rival.
Selena scoffed.
-Alright, then it's rivals to lovers.
He groaned.
-Kissing her doesn't mean I love her. Judas kissed Jesus.
-I don't think you're Judas, nor is she Jesus. No, definitely not.
She playfully argued.
-That's not my point. She's my rival. And I'm hers.
Selena smirked.
-...then why's she still sitting on your lap?
They looked at each other, then down and stood up.
-... not that I was rushing you...
She snickered while checking her nails.
Oliver looked at her and turned away from her trying to hide his smile.
-Shut up, Selena.
He sat down. Selena was looking at them.
-So...what did you feel?
Oliver and Serly looked at each other and back at Selena.
-You mean during kissing, or after?
-During kissing. How'd you feel?
He smirked and licked then bit his lips.
-I won't lie, It felt great. I probably got her wet, but it was...great.
Selena gave him a questioning look.
-Her neck, not her...well, you know...
He looked at her face then lowered his eyes.
-...I don't know about there...
He slowly licked his teeth, after murmuring.
And once again... goosebumps...
She tried hiding her smirk behind her fingers, but it was clear because of the color of her face, her eyes and the fact that she's putting her fingers in front of her lips, after licking them.
Taking note of their feelings, Selena spoke up.
-Em, let's leave now.
She turned to her and blinked.
-But we still have 15 minutes until half an hour.
-I said let's leave now.
She warned her of the upcoming with her eyes, and she got it.
Emily was the most innocent person here. All she did all day was wake up, get up late, get ready slowly, have breakfast (eat everything because she's a ravenous monster), do whatever Selena told her to, eat again, do whatever Selena told her again, debate with Oliver maybe sometimes and yeah, that's pretty much it, oh wait, how could I forget the most important part? Sleep, sleep a lot, or not at all, and dream of her crush Dan, yeah that too.
So, shortly said, she wasn't only a ravenous monster, but also a clueless monster.
And so they left, leaving the two alone together, right after they had a hormone mixing moment.

A Chaotic but Perfect World: In the Epping Forest Where stories live. Discover now