An uninvited guest

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-Serly, it's 11, why are we still going to work?
Oliver moaned lazily, well actually, to be honest, I can't say lazily, because he's been working for a long while now, and it would be more correct to say tiredly.
-I said until Selena and Emily return we're going to work.
She reminded him.
-What if they're caught? Shouldn't they come by now?
He asked eyes stuck to her.
She heavily sighed.
-Remember how late it was when we returned?
After trying hard to recall, he answered.
She turned to him and smiled sarcastically.
-Congratulations! Neither do I! But it was late. Probably later than 1 am.
His face was expressionless.
-We're going to work till 1 am?
-If not longer.
Her sarcastic smile wasn't gone.
He stood up and declared.
-Okay. No way I'm working that long. I'm going to sleep and you keep working if that's what you want to do!
Serly rolled her eyes and zapped Oliver.
-OW! Seriously?!
She smiled cockily.
-I warned you.
He sucked the burn.
-All those criminals are so s-
A loud howl was heard.
-That did not sound like an animal.
-Or a human.
They whispered to each other.
-It's almost like it's...
-Both a human and an animal.
Serly continued Oliver, remembering the day she found out about it on the ipad.
They looked at each other with the fear of danger visible on their faces.
-Lights off. Take the zapping machine. Wands are out of our reach. He can smell us, so he's coming inside. Hide under the table, I'll hide here. When he enters, I'll zap him. Then you'll come out and zap him from behind.
Oliver took lead.
-That's not exactly a good plan, but I'll go with it, since we don't have much time.
Serly did everything he told her.
The only sound heard was the quiet growl of the werewolf. His heavy breathing matched with Serly's. Nothing was visible. No one was visible.
The werewolf followed his sense of smell. He was drooling. The moon's ligh reflected in the small puddle on the floor.
There was silence. The werewolf entered the thinker's room. Oliver was hiding in the dark on the werewolf's right. The way the werewolf turned. He smelled him. He came closer to him. He didn't move.
Serly slithered out from under the table. She came closer to him. He turned around and got zapped by Oliver. the composition of his howl included pain and the feeling of vengeance. He wildly turned around and tried to claw his face, but he quickly dodged it and from behind Serly zapped him. He turned around and pushed Serly to the ground. Her zapping machine flew far from her. Before she could crawl to get it, the werewolf ran and crushed it in his mouth. By that time, Oliver managed to find a dagger. Serly stood up and got attacked by the werewolf. His claws slipped in the tent's fabric, as Serly dodged it. She ran away from under the werewolf's legs and went to bring their wands. The werewolf turned around to find Oliver standing with an attacker's pose. The beast attacked him and jumped on him. They fell on the ground together. He clawed his face. Blood flowed. Oliver stabbed the werewolf in his stomach. He loudly growled in pain. Their hands were covered in blood. Oliver took out the dagger. He kicked him and rolled over. The werewolf rapidly jumped on his feet and bit Oliver's leg. He shouted. Serly hurried and hit the werewolf with a spell. He released Oliver's leg and ran towards Serly. She threw another painful spell on him. He flew to the ground. Before he stood up, Serly tried to freeze him, but she missed. Even though he was terribly wounded, the werewolf was able to turn around and run away while wildly howling.
Serly rushed to turn the lights on. Small puddles of blood decorated the floor, but that didn't get her attention. The tent's fabric was ripped open and all the papers and tools were lying around, but these didn't catch her attention. A werewolf is a human turned into a beast and the question "who was that?" was born, but not even this was able to distract Serly from the one thing that her attention turned to.
Serly ran to Oliver and dropped herself on the floor. After caressing his face, she rolled up his trousers to check the bite wound. It was deep and blood was everywhere.
-This is deep, this is deep.
She worriedly repeated to herself.
-I mean, on the bright side if we hadn't been working, he would've killed us, right? Being a workaholic saved us.
She turned her attention to his clawed but smiling face. True, pain was visible in his eyes, but happiness was the maestro in this symphony of emotions. Her lips were facing upwards, but her eyes showed her true emotions. Fear, worry, stress and even sadness.
She went and quickly washed her hands with soap and water. After that she stopped the wound from bleeding by applying direct pressure with a clean, dry cloth.
He watched her every slick movement. Every time she walked away and returned, her waist swung left and right, her loosened up and ruined hair flew around freely, and his favorite part was how he felt comfort every time she returned to him.
Washing the wound was the next thing she did. The water was warm and the soap was mild. Then she had to rinse the bite for 3 to 5 minutes. Serly ran to look for something.
-What are you looking for?
-Antibacterial ointment.
-If I'm not mistaken it's in the third drawer on your left.
Serly searched it there, took it and returned to Oliver. She applied the antibacterial ointment to the wound to help reduce the chance for infection.
She sighed and looked in his eyes.
-It needs to get stitched.
He chuckled and took her face in his palm.
-Call the SJ gang, tell them to send Eve over. And ignore Theresa's questions and shouts.
She put her hand on his and after several seconds removed it, in order to call for the medical expertise.
-SJ gang, come in.
-We're here.
A determined and emotionless voice answered.
-Send Eve over, now.
-Who got hurt? What happened?
It seemed she was either a nosy soul, or a caring one.
-We need medical treatment for a deep bite.
-A BITE? HOW DID YOU-? Fine, Eve teleporting to your place now. Same location?
Right after she gave her answer, Eve appeared. A young woman with black pixie cut hair, big round blue eyes, round face, small nose, thin eyebrows, pale skin and thin short body.

 A young woman with black pixie cut hair, big round blue eyes, round face, small nose, thin eyebrows, pale skin and thin short body

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The moment she came, stress and duty were written on her face.
-It's a deep wound. And for deeper wounds, you need stitches.
Oliver sighed.
-Do your job.
Eve began stitching. Serly cleaned the floor. Most of the papers were covered in blood. She put all the trash on the table next to the ball.
He watched her all along, without batting an eye.
Eve gave Oliver a tetanus shot and a potion to drink. She bandaged his leg and put all her tools in her bag.
-You're lucky your leg was bitten. It could have been worse. What were you bitten by anyway? Was it a bear...or a wolf?
-Close enough. A werewolf.
Eve's eyes widened.
She turned to face Serly.
-Who was it?
-We don't know who he was, but what we do know is that he was here to kill or at least hurt us.
-Are you alright? Did it hurt you too?
She rapidly asked.
-No. I'm fine.
She sighed in relief and politely continued.
-Thank God. Oh, I realized I don't know your name.
Eve struggled to understand.
-Sorry... can you repeat?
-It's spelled s e r l y. Serly.
-Serly. What a unique and beautiful name. It's very nice to meet you.
Serly pronounced quite silently.
-Oh, you have to put antibiotics on that claw wound. Wash it with mild soap and running water. Make sure the water's temperature is warm. Put a clean cloth on it. Then put the antibiotics on and a sterile bandage. I'd put the antibiotics myself, but Sam's hurt himself badly and Lisa is busy healing Jonathan, so I have to go.
Then her attention turned to Oliver.
-Stay well! And watch out for your leg. Rest.
She teleported.
-I can't rest Serly will zap me.
Oliver joked and smirked.
Serly chuckled and kneeled. He caressed her face once again and smiled.
-Has anyone told you you're beautiful?
Her face turned red and she laughed.
-Yes. You did that morning.
-That's because you're beautiful. And I can't risk not telling you.
Serly smiled.
-Why not?
-What if I hadn't told you? You wouldn't know I think you're beautiful...a heart of gold and a balanced mind you've got.
A chuckle hopped out of her shivering lips.
-A...heart? You're complimenting me...because I-I'm helping you...and not because...I know first aid?
He smiled lightly.
-You are helping me's the use of knowledge, if left unused?
She bit her lips as tears began to fill her eyes, yet she chuckled.
-I-I'm sorry...I'm...not used to getting that kind of compliments...m-my helpfulness usually goes unnoticed and I never get thanked. I'm just...
He looked at her shocked and brought her face to his.
-Hey, hey, hey, hey, don't! It's alright, I mean...I-It's not your fault some things happened to're lovable...and...everyone has a dark side and dark years, it's deserve love and affection! Others don't realize it, but they're blind! And you're beautiful, brilliant and just...amazing. Do you know how much I adore your presence? You changed me!
Her tears began falling as she pulled him into a sudden hug.
-I think you're beautiful too.
Her teary and breathy voice sounded moments later.
Shocked at first, but then his arms pulled her in and held her even tightly.
After a while, Serly released and chuckled uncomfortably.
-Sorry...let me just...treat your scar.
She escaped and brought a dry clean cloth after washing his face and put it on the wound. It was painful for Oliver, but Serly distracted him from that.
-I'm still wondering how someone can not love you.
Her cheeks reddened and she gave him a shy smile.

A Chaotic but Perfect World: In the Epping Forest Where stories live. Discover now