You've really thought of everything

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-You've really thought of everything, haven't you?
He was amazed and yet suspicious.
-That's because instead of sleeping, I planned.
She deadpanned dissatisfied.
-But now we have nothing to do.
He was literally inviting her to an argument.
Serly stayed quiet for a minute.
-We can help the SJs draw the map of the forest.
She doesn't fear work and responsibilities.
Selena nodded affirmatively and began thinking about something.
-But first, let's make our plan clear.
Selena took a pencil, paper and began drawing the plan.
-Four teams divided in two. Two hideouts. One person attacks, the other searches for drones. But this plan is for you two only, Emily and I need a different plan. So one of you attacks, the other searches and destroys drones. Then together you two attack on the computer man and gather information.
Selena looked at the paper for several minutes, mumbled something to herself and began drawing her plan.
-We'll distract the guards with an explosion sent by our drones and controlled by Emily, their guards and drones will get distracted. We'll attack the guards from behind and get in the hideout. The drones will be looking for the explosion, the guards will get distracted for some seconds, and our faces will be covered, just in case the drones see us. You can do that, Em, right?
-Yeah, sure I can. All we have to do is find a great place to stay hidden and control drones.
She thought.
-You're right...So now that we have plans, like Serly said, we should draw the map. That way we can find a great place to hide and we'll speed up the process.
Selena isn't afraid of work and responsibilities either.
-Okay, so now I have to send drones?
Emily asked bluntly.
-Yes. If only we could make them invisible.
Selena thought hard and continued.
-Send them to four places. And warn the others. We don't want them to destroy our drones, thinking it's an enemy.
She immediately obeyed.
-Oliver, you know how to control drones, so help Emily. Serly and I will do research on portals and maybe even some research about other things we theorized about. After all this, we'll get a treat and take action.
-Yes ma'am.
Oliver said with a hint of something in his voice. Suspicion? Jealousy? Laziness? I don't know...
They take the drones and walk out of the thinker's room.
-Okay. So let's start with portals. Surely, we have to know how to stop Hemsworth from creating portals and opening portals. We know how he created them, and that's a possible motive of his for kidnapping people, so now let's see how to destroy portals.
Selena created a mental manual book.
They took the ipads and began researching.
Several minutes later Oliver came in.
-Selena, if we meet any drone, we're supposed to know if that drone is an enemy or not. I suggest we put a sign or something on all our drones and tell the SJs to do the same, so we understand if the drone's an enemy or not.
Selena nodded after thinking.
-Good point, Oliver. You talk to the SJs and tell them what sign to put on the drones.
Oliver froze there.
-Wait, what sign should I put on it?
Selena didn't look up from the ipad.
-Really doesn't matter.
-I'm thinking we should use a circle with 16 dots on them. 4 blue, 4 green, 4 purple, 4 yellow.
-Yeah, sure.
Selena kept looking down.
-But now we have to draw that, send that to the SJs, make changes, because Theresa's definitely going to make changes and we're going to tell them our plan.
Oliver guessed.
-Then go do that.
Selena deadpanned.
Oliver left annoyed.
-Emily, Selena said we should do my idea.
He told her arrogantly.
-Well congratulations.
She said lazily.
-Go do it.
Her face dropped.
-Me? Why me? You go do that.
He rolled his eyes and came up with a comeback.
-A while ago Selena told you to warn the others about the drones, so you should do it.
Emily's face indicated annoyance and surprise, in short, her face was a "How dare you?" face.
-Well, the signs were your idea, so you should draw them and send them.
She argued.
-I shouldn't be the one to send it, because you're going to be the one warning them, so it's better if you send it, warn them about everything and all I'll do is draw the sign.
He looked at her as if he was superior.
-But I still have to control the drone too. I have more work than you!
She lost her cool. She is afraid of work and responsibilities.
-Things shouldn't be equal, they should be fair.
He stayed calm, obviously, he was winning the argument.
-But this is unfair!
Emily did not want to do more than half of the work.
Meanwhile in the thinker's room their argument's noise was perfectly heard.
Selena groaned.
-Serly, can you go check on Oliver and Emily? What are they up to?
Serly walks out of the thinker's room and sees Oliver and Emily arguing.
She walked towards them and asked calmly.
-What are you arguing about?
Emily quickly got up and explained like a toddler.
-Oliver is making me do all the work.
Oliver rolled his eyes.
-We would've gotten stuff done if you weren't this lazy.
Emily looked at him with the previous expression, "How dare you?".
-Speak about yourself. You could've done it. Why are you making a lazy person do all the work?
Serly sighed.
-Okay, now, you two, get to work. Did you at least do any of the work? Did you make a sign, send it to the SJs or at least did you warn them about the drones and our plan?
Oliver and Emily looked at each other.
-Get. To. Work. Now.
Her voice had determination and anger.
Seeing silence, she turned around, preparing to leave, but Oliver said.
-Great, another bossy person.
Serly turned around. She looked at him expressionlessly, but there was a hint of burning anger.
-None of you probably know this, but I am tired of doing nothing except obeying. And now my obeying has doubled thanks to you!
He continued.
-I'm just telling you what you are supposed to be doing. You're not obeying to any of us, you are obeying to the ministry. We are all obeying to the ministry. And that's not even the biggest picture. We are all obeying to the systems of the world.
She sighed heavily.
-Our enemy is moving non stop, so hurry up. Both of you. Doesn't matter who does what as long as you get stuff done. That's the rule.
-Well sorry...
Oliver walked closer to her and angrily looked at her eyes.
-But I don't follow the rules.
He quietly announced to her.
-If you don't, then I'll make you.
She whispered to him with equal amount of anger in her voice.
-You don't even have to try. I won't obey.
-Nothing's impossible. So, no. I won't give up.
Saying this Serly looked at Emily.
-Hurry up.
Then she stormed off.
Oliver kept looking at her from behind with pure anger on his face.
Emily came closer to him.
He didn't get his eyes off of Serly.
-We got stuff to do.
Oliver aggressively sighed.
Serly entered the thinker's room.
-What was the problem? What happened?
Selena turned to her.
-Nothing. They were arguing about who was going to do what and I reminded them that it doesn't matter who does what as long as they get stuff done.
She mumbled.
Selena smirked.
-Good job. You learned the rules well. Although, now I think I made a mistake pairing the laziest together.
Several hours passed, each was in their tent. It was evening.
Serly was changing her clothes, wearing more comfortable ones. She took on a black shirt, which fell down from one shoulder, revealing her bra strap, black baggy trousers and her black boots. Tying up her hair, she walked out of her tent. Oliver was leaning on a tree. Seeing her, his eyes gulped every aspect of her new look as he smirked.
She crossed her arms, silently staring at him.
He laughed and walked over.
-You're still mad at me? Seriously, that was inconvenience. You don't have to take that to heart.
-Just start the training.
Her dry voice spoke.
Oliver shrugged, his smirk still there.
-If that's what you want.
He cleared his throat and exhaled.
-Alright, so this training is going to be a bit different than any other. I mean we're going to combat, but don't worry, I won't hurt you. I'll teach you attack at first, then defense. If you learn both, we'll start the fight.
Serly threw a dirty look his way.
Eyes rolled.
-Whatever. Alright, so...
He came up from behind and took her arms gently. Eyes instinctively looked down, the edge of his lips curled up.
-I also need you to know, that, as a woman, you also have other things to defend yourself against, if you know what I mean, so, as the job executor of this group...
His grip on her wrists strengthened.
-Give me your best. Hit me as hard as you can, as mercilessly. I'll be fine. What would you do in a situation like this?
Her back got in firm contact with his.
She tested his strength on her wrists by trying to move her arms, then stopped.
-You have time now, but you won't have it there. Plan carefully.
He hinted.
Suddenly, her leg swung up and hit his groin. In pain, he quickly kneeled down, but hands didn't release. Unhesitatingly, she wrapped her legs around his neck and stepped on his arms. They let go.
Oliver kept groaning.
-You've got...a unique strategy...I'll give you that...
She smirked smugly and got off his neck.
-You asked for it yourself.
He stood up with great difficulty, yet with a smirk on his lips.
-Yeah...I hope my testicles keep working properly.
Serly quietly giggled as he moaned.
-But, there's a but. This was your attack. I could've attacked too. The guard, or guards, definitely would. Let's redo the positioning, yeah?
Oliver stood behind her and caught her wrists again, then kneeled down.
-Wrap your legs around my neck...
She obeyed. Her heart beat faster and breath got heavier. Between her thighs wetness ruled, and it was quite clear he felt it on his neck from his tongue licking his lower lip cheekily. Her breasts were just on top of his head.
-Great. Now, this is a very....bold move. It could work well if done speedily, but we can't ignore the risks. Success isn't guaranteed. If you do this, I might do this...
He immediately let go of her wrists and caught her legs. Before she could react, he spread her legs open, saved his neck and pushed her to the ground, until her position was of a dog. Shirt slid down, revealing her back and bra.
Serly blushed, yet a smirk sprinkled her pinkish face, while Oliver looked at her assets with a cheeky smile, manliness got hardened.
-And I could do other bad things to you in this intimate position. Of course, I could've done it worse. Do it again, for a moment, please.
Her position came on once again.
-Pardon me about this, but...
He snatched her thighs and removed her from over his neck. She ended up sitting in his hands in the air, kind of afraid, actually.
Oliver slipped his right hand to her back and the left one under her knees, holding her. Her hands surrounded his neck unwittingly, faces looked at each other, shocked.
-Excuse me.
He put her down and they returned back to their training position. His eyes suddenly changed the moment he took her wrists again.
-You alright?
Serly nodded.
-Fine, then...
She turned around once more.
-Remember this. A man's weak spot is the groin. You made the right decision hitting there, but you forgot about a woman's weak spot. Of course, my arms are stronger than yours, that's obviously out, but there are other nuances here. Your legs. Opening them is...risky, to say the least. I know, you're in a combat, you're going to have to move around, but you have to take note of...human nature and psychology. You see, a man's brain, when sexually aroused, sees a woman as an object. And that makes things more dangerous for you. Look, I didn't act upon these urges, because you're my...partner and this is for training, but the guards will take advantage. When a human is reduced to an object, it is easier to be merciless. The goal of the guards will be to take you there and just...destroy you, in a different way than with a man. So, first of all, you'll have to wear tight clothes, so it's harder for them to take it off, jackets are fine, they can, in fact, even help you when they grab you by it. Your hair should be as short as possible, gather it up in a bun or something, so they can't pull it. Now, about your battle strategy...first, hit the groin, but not now, please. Then, since the weak spot's been attacked, the brain will subconsciously focus on the pain down there and the grip will weaken, but still not freed. So, you'll have to attack the next weakness, in that exact moment, the arms and hands. You can go for the face too, you can kick it, that'll also work, but you'll fall down. If you're sure, that you can quickly step back up, then go ahead. Just don't make the mistake, don't open your legs. Then, if you decide to attack the hands, do it on the hands, not arms. If you do it on the arms, the tables will be turned and you'll end up in the recent position. Now, let's try it, yeah? Hit me in the groin area too, I'll be fine.
She followed his orders. After kicking his groin, he kneeled down, taking her down with him. She leaned on him and pushed his hands with her legs. He released, but quickly grabbed her by her legs tightly and pulled her in closer.
-You opened your legs. Don't put your legs in a dangerous situation.
Heaving, they got back on feet.
-How else am I supposed to attack your hands?
Serly asked, annoyed.
Oliver, once again, grabbed her wrists from behind and kneeled down.
-Look, while I kneel down, my grip on your wrists get weaker. That's when you're supposed to attack on my hands. And not with your legs, but with your arms. Yeah, I've got your wrists in my hands, but your arms are free. First, you have to step out of the circle formed between my arms and your legs. I can easily grab and squeeze your legs like that, trap you. Now, step out...
She walked out.
-Next, you have to open your arms. Since my grip is weak and I'm kneeling, you'll easily free your wrists. But you're going to have to act fast.
Selena looked out of her tent and began watching them silently, unnoticeably.
Serly got back in the circle and he stood up.
-Okay, so, let's say you already kicked down there, because I really want to build a family in the future and have children, who aren't adopted.
She giggled, he smiled and got down slowly while also weakening his grip.
At that moment, Serly jumped out of the circle and immediately broke the chain on her wrists, breaking free. Turning around, she found him laughing.
-Ah, about time you got this one right. But I say we rest now, I'm drowning in my sweat.
Oliver walked into the thinker's room and lay down on the sofa, one leg up, the other down, and took off his shirt.
Serly left to her tent.
Quietly, Selena entered the thinker's room and turned her attention to him.
-So, how's the training going?
He groaned and heavily sighed after blowing out.
She walked towards him and leaned on the sofa's back, smiling.
-I meant how's she doing?
He lazily turned his eyes to hers.
-She's doing...fine. Not too bad, actually. I thought this'll take longer. I think I'll get this session done in a bit, she's a fast learner. But don't tell her I said these stuff about her, yeah? I'll kill you.
She laughed.
-Alright, Mr prideful...I watched you two for some minutes and I've got to say, you two have chemistry. I was surprised at how well you got along. Moments ago you were arguing.
He moaned.
-Ugh,, we don't have chemistry.
Selena smirked.
-No? You looked like you were having a good time. Laughing, teasing, joking...none of these shout no chemistry. In fact, they reveal the exact opposite.
His fingers ran through his hair.
-Look...she's hot, that's all. I mean, even her worst enemy would say this. I even dare say she wasn't wearing a shirt. That wasn't a shirt, that was an ornament. I could see her bra from under. And her trousers were pretty loose, frankly, even a light wind could make it fall down. Her skin is very soft too, her touches, when not kicks, of course, burnt and felt...weird. Her body pressed against mine felt so good...I don't know why...she's just warm made me feel...something, but I can't determine what. I just don't understand her motivations...Anyway, to keep it short, I was really enjoying the view and her.
She chuckled.
-That's a lot of information on her physique. were enjoying your view, huh? I wonder how that doesn't mean chemistry, which includes intense sexual interest and tension, hyper awareness of touches, humor and flirting...I could go on.
He sat up and looked at her shocked.
-You said some interesting stuff here. First of all, I wasn't flirting with her, second, I'm just making observations about her...uhh...physique, not getting attracted to her...sexually, then, we're training, physically, of course we're going to be hyper aware of physical touches!
Selena smirked and scoffed.
-Darling, you can deny it all you want, just know, that eventually the repressed urges will burst out and flood.
Oliver rolled his eyes.
-Impossible. We hate each other.
Her knowing face didn't disappear.
-Oh? And please do explain to me how one can hate someone while enjoying their time with that same person.
He looked at her leisurely.
-I already said this, I won't repeat. I didn't enjoy my time with her, I just enjoyed...
Suddenly his tongue tied up and face froze. Selena smiled and began fixing his hair.
-My, you're sweaty.
While still thinking of a good continuation, Selena went and brought a cloth to wipe his sweat away.
-What was so enjoyable? Seriously. I couldn't have been enjoying my time with her.
She brought a glass of cold water and gave it to him.
-Drink it all up. Realization will hit you.
Oliver looked at her hopefully, drank up his water and continued mumbling to himself.
-Am I actually attracted to her? No...that can't be true. But then why do I her?
He began retching.
-You know, I'm actually feeling unwell.
Slowly, he laid back.
Selena shook her head.
-A while ago you were complimenting her. She's a quiet lady.
-It would be better if she stayed quiet more often.
He replied.
After thinking, a smirk grew on his face.
-How do I get rid of it?
Her face expressed confusion.
-I mean the attraction. How do I stop getting attracted to her?
-Dear, you can't get rid of it. Either you repress it, so it bursts out suddenly, or you act on your urges immediately. The result is always revelation. But if you want a healthy way, you'd start forming a good relationship with her.
He shook his head.
-I'm not doing that.
She shrugged.
-Suit yourself. Now redress and get back to training.
Oliver took his shirt and stood up, leaving the tent.
Serly was there, fixing her hair and clothes. Sensing his presence, she turned around and her focus shifted to his athletic chest. Unfortunately for her, the view was temporary. He stole her attention immediately.
-Let's continue our session, yeah?
She nodded humbly.

A Chaotic but Perfect World: In the Epping Forest Where stories live. Discover now