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Selena and Emily had put every picture on the table. All of them are hideouts, lairs and labs. Most of them looked the same.
Serly walked in with a flirty smile on her face.
-So, will you tell me what you found out?
Hearing the difference in her tone, the girls raised their heads.
-Right after you tell us all about that smile.
Selena smirked.
-What smile?
She asked cluelessly.
-Does it have something to do with...
She hinted.
-With what?
Selena rolled her eyes.
Serly's smile widened.
-Like you read my mind!
She exclaimed.
Serly changed the subject.
-What did you find out?
Selena looked straight in her eyes while smiling.
-Wait wait wait wait wait.
She walked towards her.
-It's Oliver.
She teased her.
Serly quietly giggled while pushing away Selena's hands.
-That doesn't matter right now. Just tell me what you found out.
Selena smirked.
-Okay. Sure, fine. I'll tell you what we found out. Look at these pictures. They all look similar, don't they?
-Yes, I realized that.
She confessed.
-That's because they're the same. There are only four places. All these pictures are the pictures of them all from different angles. But all four of them are 3kms away.
Emily explained.
-So one of them is the place where they torture people?
-Or all of them.
She answered.
Serly nodded.
-Right. Because there were two torture... styles.
Selena squinted.
-What kind?
After thinking for the right words, she replied.
-Let me just get the recording and show it to you.
She began looking for the recording.
-Of course I don't know where it is, Oliver used them last. And he probably doesn't remember where he put it.
Selena sighed.
-Go ask him.
Serly left quietly.
Selena smirked at Emily.
-Uhh... did I do something wrong?
She asked timidly.
Selena rolled her eyes.
-My matchmaking skills are unreachable.
Emily blinked at her confused.
-Why did you make a match? When did you make it? Why do you need a match anyway? You're going to light something up? Don't we already have matches for fire?
Selena facepalmed.
-Do you do that on purpose?
She blinked once more.
-Do what?
She stared at her unemotionally.
-You're so oblivious.
Emily squinted.
-I think I'm missing something...
Selena huffed.
-Yes! Awareness!
Serly and Oliver rush inside.
-Last time it was in the potion.
Oliver hurriedly told her.
-Where is the potion?
She asked demandingly.
-You did the cleaning and organizing, you should know.
He looked at her obviously.
-Well, guess what, I don't know!
Serly answered with stress rising dressed as anger.
-Did you look-
-I looked everywhere a potion could be, but it wasn't.
She was worried, stressed and mad. He saw that.
-How about you go sit down and I look for it?
She glared at him coldly.
-And how are you supposed to find it?
-I'll...retrace my steps.
He awkwardly smiled.
-I remember I let it there, but now it's not there.
Oliver looked at her suspiciously.
-Yeah...I remember you let it there too. Right after we used the potion...
He began pacing.
-We called Selena. After that you began organizing the papers and then we slept together.
Serly angrily coughed.
-No need to mention the together.
-Right... so it's supposed to be there now.
Serly kept scowling at him. Eyes wide, furrowed eyebrows and straight lips.
-I didn't do anything.
Her face became colder.
-Seriously! You have to believe-
Oliver's eyes widened in fear.
-No need to shout, calm down.
-It's just that... I have the feeling we weren't uncaring... Did you two see any kind of potion here?
She pointed that question to Selena and Emily.
-I didn't see anything. In the morning when we found you two sleeping together...
Selena smirked.
Serly lowly growled.
-...we went straight to the maps. And we made a new potion for these pictures. Oliver, did you find anything while making breakfast?
Emily asked with genuine curiosity.
-I wasn't really focused on that.
He guiltily answered.
-Okay, so forget about the lost things. We have it in our brains.
Serly seriously looked at him.
-Next time I upgrade the drones, I'll make sure they have the ability to turn invisible, have our logo on it and send each other files.
Emily stated.
Serly nodded.
-Okay, that's lesson learned for you, as for the torture types, it looked like they were in the same room, from different angles. While in the first part the people getting tortured were shouting and screaming in pain, and the blurry colors black red and... different skin tones, in the second part the people getting tortured were...
-Moaning and groaning...but there were shouts and screams too...
Oliver remembered.
-Yes, and there were baby cries in the second part. No baby cries in the first part.
She squinted.
-And everyone was naked in both parts.
Oliver slowly came to a conclusion.
-That's what we're assuming-
She corrected him.
-This has been going on for more than 9 months!
He realized.
She scrunched her nose.
-...are you saying they-
-Yes, they were naked, moving around freely unlike the people in the first part, and there were baby cries. Also moaning... that's what sounds you make when you get-
-Okay! No need to continue.
They both turned their faces to disgusted Selena.
-Okay, so in the first part, they're getting tortured. In the second part...you think they're impregnating each other?
Oliver replied to her question.
-Yeah...but not when it's boy-boy and girl-girl. You know, because men can't get pregnant and women can't impregnate.
-That means they're having intercourse?
She asked him.
Oliver nodded confusedly.
-But it doesn't make sense. Why would they kidnap people for that?
-Maybe they forced them to do that for a bigger reason?
Emily threw in the discussion.
-Actually, I disagree...
Serly looked at her.
-...all the people having intercourse, look too happy and...they kind of look like zombies. I think they're controlling them somehow.
-But for what? Why would they make a bunch of people have s- intercourse?
Oliver questioned.
-I guess it's like Emily said, it's for a bigger reason. Also, since we're discussing, who was the werewolf?
Serly looked at him for ideas.
-Yeah, that too...
He got lost in thoughts.
-We have his blood, we can find his DNA, but I think that's useless...
Emily scratched her head.
-Why do you think he attacked?
Selena asked.
Oliver shrugged.
-...to kill us... probably...
Serly nodded.
-The more we find out, the more confused we get left.
After thinking in silence, Oliver voiced his opinion.
-I truly think Hemsworth wants to kill us. I mean, of course he does, but like... he wants to kill us either by leading us to a trap or by sending that werewolf... also, why is he trying to manipulate Serly? With dark magic?
-He might've sent the werewolf as a distraction.
Serly said.
-From what?
Emily wondered.
-To buy himself some time.
Selena deadpanned.
-For his plan. Whatever it is.
Oliver murmured.
-You know, you lot? I did research about portals, and it's written that it's made of souls and pain. So, maybe he's kidnapping people to torture them for pain then kill them for the soul. But I don't know about the rest...
-That's a pretty good theory, Emily.
Selena squinted.
-All types of portals, right?
Serly asked.
-How many portals does he want? Why would he kill thousands of people for portals?
Oliver questioned one after one.
-He probably wants his portal to be huge.
Emily shrugged.
-Why? Does he want to send the Earth somewhere?
He kept thinking.
-I honestly have no idea what he wants.
She confessed.
-About portals, can you travel back in time with them?
Serly asked calmly.
-I read about that. With portals you can go anywhere including back in time. But not to the future. But, every location has a different composition. It was written that no one can make portals to send them back in time anymore, because the secret ingredient, which I don't know what is, is destroyed.
Emily replied.
-That's what was written about that potion too. Was it Retinetia?
Oliver recalled.
-Yeah, I think it was called that.
She had trouble remembering.
-Also, you said anymore, and that means it was possible before. When did they destroy it?
Selena squinted.
-Uhh... I'm not really well at remembering numbers, but I think it was it was in the 40's. Or was it the 30's?
Another woman with bad memory.
-The details don't matter. My theory is his whole family worked on this plan of his, and he's getting all the extinct ingredients from the past thanks to a portal made by his...ancestors. Maybe they made it, didn't destroy it and now he's using it for a different purpose.
Serly theorized.
-Exactly my thoughts, but what are his purposes? What does he want to achieve?
Oliver still questioned.
-Power, I think.
Selena thought.
-What's he going to do with power?
He wondered.
-Control people, make money, probably, rule the world?
Emily shrugged.
-He's a psychopath, what else do you expect? Not everyone is careless towards power like us, you know.
Serly reminded them.

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