Two battles

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The NTs, SPs, SJs and NFs gathered their weapons and set off to the forest.
No one spoke a word.
As they reached the denser parts of the forest, leaves began rustling from the wind and crows began flying away.
The roads were misty and bone-chilling.
Deer, birds, snakes and even owls and bats hurriedly roamed their opposite ways.
The wind was humming a sinister lullaby about the grim reaper.
Selena stopped and turned around.
-Get ready.
Her throaty voice hissed as a sword appeared in her hand.
-Seven go with Serly, seven stay with me.
She ordered simply.
Boris, Sam, Oliver, Camilla, Emily, Jonathan and Marina stood with Serly, while the rest stayed.
-Lisa and Eve, stay hidden, we need you two to be safe.
She murmured.
A cutthroat howl was heard.
Fairies danced on everyone's nerves with their tiny, tickling legs.
-It's the werewolf...
Oliver realized.
Selena glanced at him.
-Meet you underground.
The moment they prepared to leave, the werewolf jumped forward with lusty eyes.
Blood was dripping from his mouth, the fur of his giant body was flying the same direction as the singing wind and his fiery breath was as loud as his thirst for death.
There was a memorial on his face. A black burn, which looked more like scales.
Nat hurled a freezing spell at him.
The werewolf opened his muzzle and let out a wave of a deafening roar, silencing the spell's future movement.
The evil-hunters went rigid.
Selena waved her head to the side and Serly nodded.
-Let's go.
She and her crew simultaneously ran different directions, but to the same destination.
The werewolf, lost who to follow, began running somewhere random, only to get stopped by the remaining evil-hunters.
Nat and Mary ran opposite ways, to trap the werewolf from two sides, while the rest fired different spells at him.
The werewolf masterfully dodged the spells and at the same time kept following the others.
Nathalie climbed a tree and swung from one branch to the other.
Mary ran as fast as she could while aiming her wand at him.
Overwhelmed by the distractions, the werewolf suddenly took a turn.
Little did he know Nat is hanging from branches.
Just as she heard his footsteps, she climbed up and waited for him to approach.
The beast, seeing the coast clear, kept running, free from spells.
The minute he passed under that tree, a big, very big squirrel fell down on his back while a crossbow landed on the ground.
The werewolf angrily tried to throw her on the ground by pulling down her leg, but she was stuck, her grip on his back was strong somehow, which caused the monster to snarl in pain.
He twirled around too fast, because of which Nathalie flew and got welcomed by a tree.
The werewolf turned around, seeking revenge.
The crossbow was too far from her reach.
Her head was spinning and she was slowly losing consciousness.
The werewolf ran to crush her with his strength, but got thrown to the side by an invisible dart.
Mary glided to Nathalie from afar.
The beast with a dagger in his back and a new black burn, sensing its own powerlessness and the disability to continue the pursuit, quickly teleported through a blue portal, which appeared out of thin air.
-Eve, Lisa, someone, we need to return to the NT camp!
As her message got sent to the others through the walkie talkies, Eve, Mary and Nathalie, from different places teleported to the NT camp.
Eve checked for her breathing and pulse.
-She is breathing and has a pulse. Can you bring a clean cloth, Mary?
She nodded and went to get one.
Next, she checked for broken bones and possible spinal injuries.
-She's lucky. No injuries.
Lisa appeared.
-Is there anything I can help with?
Eve, without turning to her, replied.
-Prepare an anti-pain potion, if you may.
Lisa got to work while Mary brought a clean cloth and Eve took it.
-Splendid. It's just the bleeding and unconsciousness.
Lisa and Mary sighed in relief.
Eve stood up and went to prepare a potion to restore her consciousness.
-Ladies, is it serious?
Tom's voice rang through the walkie talkie.
Mary ran to the walkie talkie.
-It's just the bleeding and unconsciousness, which will be restored now.
After several seconds of quietness, Selena asked.
-Is the werewolf still out there?
-No. He teleported through a portal.
Selena sighed.
-He was going to stop us from going. Well, anyways, hurry up as much as you can, when you're done tell us and we'll come and pick you up.
They ended their conversation.
They ran through the forest until they sensed the beast stopped following them.
-We will meet each other at the hideout...right? And we will wait for everyone too, right?
Jonathan panted.
-We will. Hopefully no one's lost.
Serly replied deadpan.
-I think I know my way. If I went right then I have to go left. Or was it the opposite way around? Which way did I run?
Marina got confused.
-You went left. Just continue going left and you will reach the hideout.
Boris instructed.
-Right! Silly me!
Marina nervously chuckled.
-Does everyone else clearly know their way?
Serly seriously asked.
-Yeah, I do.
Camilla answered.
-I do, more or less.
Oliver next.
Boris gave a short answer.
-Sam and Emily, do you know your way or are you lost?
Jonathan worriedly asked.
-Yeah, yeah, whatever.
Sam's response was all that was heard.
-So you know your way? What about Emily? Where is she?
He continued questioning.
After a long silence, Emily's voice was finally heard.
-A bat flew right at my face and almost stuck on me, so I ran away... and lost my walkie talkie. I'm here if any of you asked... don't worry.
Oliver and Sam laughed.
-Emily, just focus. If another animal comes your way just kill it or something, I honestly don't care. And hurry up everybody, or Hemsworth's plan will work.
Serly's aggressive tone ordered.
-Bloody hell, alright ma'am...Selena number 2... But I'm still not going to kill animals. They're better than humans.
Emily said the following sentences carefully.
As they went on, one by one they reached the hideouts and waited for the rest, until finally all seven met.
Jonathan coughed.
-Umm, should we...wait for the other eight or...
-She said they'll meet us underground, so no.
Serly unemotionally answered.
Jonathan determinedly nodded.
-Is everyone ready? Are all the weapons with you?
She questioned.
After checking on their weapons, they all confirmed that they are ready.
Slowly they went closer to the hideout.
Serly's eyes analyzed the situation.
-How many guards are there?
She asked everyone.
-15 guards...there are 15 heavily weaponed guards.
Boris replied.
Serly turned around.
-What weapons do we have?
-I have daggers, stilettos and axes.
Sam answered.
-Just drones.
Emily said.
-Cossbows, bows and arrows.
Boris revealed.
-Daggers, stilettos and axes.
Oliver sighed.
Camilla squinted.
-Arrows, bows, smoke balls and crossbows.
Marina smiled.
-Swords, stilettos and arrows.
Jonathan huffed.
Serly checked what she has.
-Zappers, higher quality smaller zappers, daggers and arrows...
She stopped and thought.
-How many drones have you brought?
Emily looked over at her drones.
-Half are with me, the other half with Dan. 8 drones that have invisibility mode and soundproof mode.
Serly nodded.
-The drones now have invisibility mode. Using that, Emily, you can sneak from higher behind and zap several guards, but it is highly likely the drones will get damaged. Other than that, your drones will also drop smoke balls from different places in the sky. How many smoke balls are there?
Marina looked at Jonathan, who answered instead of her.
-15 balls. The rest are with Mary.
She continued.
-And how many balls can make the guards lose their consciousness most effectively?
-There are 15 guards, so if 6 guards need 3 to 4 balls, then 15 guards will need 10.
She thought.
-Then 10 balls it is. However, the guards will probably think about running away, and, in fact, will run away, possibly to find and stop us, although it is possible most will prioritize their lives. To avoid that kind of situation, we will also fire arrows and bows at them. I need the 4 best shooters.
-I am a professional shooter.
Boris unveiled.
-I can't say the same about myself, but I'm talented.
Sam smirked.
-I'm pretty good too.
Camilla announced.
-And you can count on me as the fourth.
Jonathan assured.
Serly nodded.
-You four will attack on them from four angles the moment they try to leave. Not forgetting about the possibility of them succeeding to run away, Marina, Oliver and I will attack on them with the remaining weapons. As in for them attacking back, the shooters will put up a protection spell before shooting and the drones will try to disarm them as much as they can. Also, I think we should demand them to tell us everything they know.
All seven nodded.
-Then it's settled.
Her last comment parted them all.
Serly, Oliver, Emily and Marina hid not so far from the hideout.
Emily gave all eight drones smoke balls and turned invisibility and soundproof mode on. She controlled and made them fly closer to the hideout.
Every guard had guns, four had arrows, two had daggers and stilettos, two had axes and two had swords, four were controlling zapping machines which were around the roof and one was possibly the leader.
Serly took Oliver's hand and stuck the zapper in it.
She brought her lips closer to his ear and explained to him.
-Whoever you touch, including yourself, faints or even maybe dies. Just watch out.
His earlobe was wet from her tongue licking it.
He smirked and sighed.
Then she turned her attention to Marina and explained to her the same thing, which got her visibly worried.
Boris, Camilla, Sam and Jonathan went four different directions.
One climbed a tree, one hid in the grasses, one went higher in the trees while the other hid behind a tree.
After putting up protection spells, Jonathan brought his walkie talkie to his lips.
Hearing her name in a form of a whisper, she dropped the first smoke ball on the ground.
That ball caught their attentions.
-Get ready!
The leader shouted.
The shooters aimed their arrows, while the rest took out their guns.
The drone dropped the second smoke ball, which landed on the first one and they both exploded.
The guards covered their noses and mouths.
-Fire in the air!
The leader ordered.
Four guards did as he ordered.
The drones fled from that area.
The shooters aimed at the guards and fired.
The arrows sliced the sky in two pieces and entered the flesh of four guards, resulting injuries, and later death.
-Shooters, FIRE!
The four guards turned back to back and one after one pulled and threw arrows and bows.
The leader commanded.
The four laser controllers ran and took the axes, stilettos and daggers.
They jumped down over the handrails from different angles.
-Emily, zap some.
Serly quietly ordered and prepared herself for a fight.
The drone secretly came up from behind and zapped a guard, but the result was an angry guard shooting at random trees.
Serly brought Oliver and Marina closer to her.
-Two of us are in or behind the trees, and they know that, so that's what they're going to do. Us three and the drones are just distractions. We'll go and stop the three that Emily isn't attacking. And whatever you do, try to not get yourself hurt. Is everything clear?
Her voice was confident and determined.
Marina and Oliver nodded.
-And don't forget that the leader might send the two guards with swords too.
After this warning they went different ways.
Serly didn't go away.
-Aren't you going to go?
Emily asked her surprisedly.
She shook her head.
-Someone needs to protect you.
Emily lightly smiled and nodded.
Oliver took a dagger, stiletto, zapper and went left.
His eyes touched every opening.
He felt something inside him. A flash pointing to a direction. An instinct, acting as a warning.
Just as Oliver turned back, an axe in a guard's hand touched the ground centimeters away from him.
The guard left the axe stuck in the ground.
Before she could aim her gun at him, in Oliver's hand, in a second, appeared a stiletto, with which he tried to stab the guard, but, being a quick thinker, the enemy managed to slip away from the threat by kicking away the weapon with some slick moves. The stiletto flew and stabbed a tree. The guard, taking advantage of the moment, took out her gun and aimed at him. He stood frozen and watched for a creative possibility. His eyes went everywhere, then to the woman standing in front of him. Oliver raised his hands and began walking to his right and back, the direction of the axe, but far from it.
The guard walked round and made sure to stay in front of him.
He began walking back, and she began walking forward.
Continuing his retreat, she had to continue walking forward.
Their eye contact was frozen, not noticing anything from the surrounding.
He suddenly ran back and jumped on a tree branch, and she, running forward, but not noticing the axe under her feet, clumsily fell on the ground and missed her shot, and yet, before she could stand up and reshoot, Oliver, from the tree, swung and jumped down. The woman pointed her gun at him again, slowly standing up.
-One move and I shoot.
She pronounced with big difficulty with an Arabic accent.
A zapper immediately appeared in his hand, as he stepped on her gun. She caught his legs, causing him to fall.
Unhesitatingly, Oliver zapped her.
The guard accidentally let go of his legs, giving Oliver a chance to punch her.
Her head turned to one side, while she fell down on her back, the gun still under his legs.
The enemy tried to reach for the gun, but he pulled her up by her weak arm and pushed her to a tree.
Oliver darkly smirked and chuckled.
-A wise woman once said too much of everything is bad. Including confidence.
He let her fall down.
The guard breathed heavily and lied on the ground, hopeless.
Oliver took out his wand and froze her.
-One down, three to go.
Marina had taken the last 5 smoke balls and a few daggers.
-Well shite, it's kill or die, then.
She thought to herself.
-And both of them include blood.
She laughed nervously.
Suddenly, she stopped.
-Fear of blood and yet here I am...
Her eyes shut.
-I hate myself...I loathe myself...I despise myself...weak, stupid and basically worthless.
Her eyes were dimmed and lightless, her heart hateful and hallow, her mind blocked from creativity and inspiration.
Silently her thoughts attacked her again.
-What have I done my whole life? Hard to count, because I have fingers...
The forest's darkness was perhaps not as dark as her thoughts.
Slowly, her eyes began to produce salty water.
-Why should I live and not them?
She began whimpering and trembling.
-At least they have a purpose... unlike useless me...
The wind was quietly wailing with her.
Her sadness morphed into anger.
-Yearning for friends because of fear of loneliness...well guess what Marina, you have to be lovable if you want friends, so just give up!
The spiteful voice inside kept whispering in her ears.
She dropped on her knees and broke down.
-Just give up, just give up, just give up already! You deserve to live? Marina Garner, a nobody, deserves to be happy?
Her cries fastened and increased.
-No! No you don't!
She drowned in her tears and whispered to herself.
-You don't...but that doesn't mean that others don't.
She stepped up and wiped her tears.
-Come on, Marina, be useful for once and perhaps you'll feel better.
Marina looked around her and up.
From behind, the rustling of bushes made her turn around.
-Don't be afraid!
A tall, strong and handsome man with American accent quickly blurted out.
Marina determinedly pointed her wand at him.
Her voice was oddly serious and demanding.
The man smiled and slowly stepped forward.
-I-I saw you're crying...I want to know why... I'm here need support...
She stared intensely at his eyes and sighed.
-I was crying... because...I can't get anything, I was...going to...end my life...and you interrupted me...
Her eyes narrowed.
-And I'm glad...what's your name?
The man smiled with his lips and answered.
-Adam. My name is Adam. Yours?
Marina chuckled.
-I-I'm adiós.
The man confusedly smirked.
Marina smiled.
-Alright. If you say so.
The next second she froze him.
-Huh. This pillock seriously thought he could manipulate me. That's funny.
-Did you destroy that guard?
Serly whispered to Emily.
-I did. Now I'm focusing on the rest, you know, the shooters, the ones with swords, I just have to try to not get hit by someone or something.
She answered.
Serly nodded and turned back.
Carefully watching around helped Serly notice the guard secretly hiding in the bushes, preparing to shoot at Jonathan.
-И вот так...(And there you go...)
She murmured to herself.
-What is it?
Emily asked curiously.
Serly pointed her finger at him.
-I'm going to attack on him straightforwardly.
Emily squinted.
-Are you sure that's the best idea?
Serly sighed.
-That'll scare him, so he won't shoot. The rest is up to me.
Emily shrugged.
Serly quietly walked to the guard, and he didn't even see her, until he unconsciously turned his head her way.
The guard quickly turned his gun's direction her way and fired.
At the same time, Serly fired a spell against him, and resulted both falling on their backs.
Hearing the noises, Jonathan looked down at them.
The guard crawled behind the tree and stood up before Serly did.
Jonathan took out his wand and impatiently fired a freezing spell at the guard, but instead, the spell froze a plant next to the guard, who was running away now.
Serly's legs carried her after the guard.
Unsurprisingly, she ran extremely fast, but still did not manage to catch him.
In her left hand, the one without a zapper in it, appeared a dagger. She threw it at him, without aiming it or anything. The dagger flew past the guard.
She tried one more time, and again, it missed.
Angrily, she threw the third dagger, with a much stronger throw. The dagger soared and, in a second, ended the guard's life by getting buried in his neck.
The Earth's gravitational force pulled the guard closer and tightly hugged him, taking his breath away.
Serly reached the guard and, as if the dagger wasn't enough, zapped him. And, as if that wasn't enough, pulled the dagger out of his neck.
Blood, like sheep impatiently running out of an open fence, swam away from home, to get lost forever on a different path and dry from the uninhabited, inoperative place.
She smirked.
-And that's what you get when you're greedy and lazy.
Saying this to the dead body, she turned around and left the scene.

A Chaotic but Perfect World: In the Epping Forest Where stories live. Discover now