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Oliver took her outside and held her face.
-It's him again, isn't it?
She lightly nodded and opened her mouth to say something, but the pain didn't let her.
She shut her eyes tightly and gasped for air.
-It's like... it's... getting st... stronger...
Oliver was worried. He didn't know what to do.
She rested her head on his chest and continued suffering.
Oliver looked around and saw Mary-Clara coming towards them.
-I know what to do. Serly, calm down, breath in and breath out. Relax. Let your eyes closed lightly. You'll feel a strong pain for several seconds, but then everything will be alright. Don't be at war with him, anger makes things worse. Be calm. Don't let him control you. Your anger makes you easily controllable. Think of things or people that make you happy.
She looked at Oliver.
-Hold her hand for support. It helps.
They followed her instructions.
It was visible she was feeling pain, but remaining calm.
-When you feel that he left, slowly open your eyes.
She held her other hand.
Serly's eyes stayed closed, but she felt no pain. So she slowly opened her eyes.
She looked up at Oliver, who smiled.
-What did you think about?
Serly smiled lightly and squinted.
Oliver laughed.
-Right after denying it!
-Seriously, did I deny it?
-Then why don't you kiss me or let me kiss you?
She side eyed him.
-I'm not ready for a kiss yet. I don't just kiss randomly, you know, I'm not used to it.
Mary-Clara stole their attention from each other.
-I'll go now. I'll make sure no one interrupts you and remember to relax. Don't move around too much. Wait for the pain to wear out.
She nodded.
-Thank you. For... everything.
Mary-Clara smiled.
-Not worth it.
And she returned to the thinker's room.
Their eyes crossed again.
-If you don't mind.
She rested her head on his chest again.
He sat down.
-We'll kiss later or...?
She turned to face him.
-Patience, my dear.
He chuckled.
-I'm waiting. Patiently.
Mary-Clara entered the thinker's room.
-So? How is she? Where is she? Is she fine? Is she-
-Slow down, Marina.
Mary-Clara laughed.
-She's fine. She has to rest, that's why she's not here with me.
-How is she supposed to rest with Oliver?
-It's not that she...ummm, doesn't like you, but I truly think...she should stay with Oliver.
-Oh! I get it. You're giving them a private moment.
Mary-Clara awkwardly smiled.
-He calms her down. And that's what she has to do. Calm down.
Marina blinked.
-I'm sure she would've calmed down with you...but she has... how should I put it...uhh, adaptation problems. Adaptation of people. And she asked him for they're... close.
Marina nodded happily.
-I understand.
Mary-Clara sighed.
-You set them up.
Her eyes opened wide with shock.
-I did not!
-You left them together.
Marina shrugged.
-They can't do anything together. She's tired. She spent her energy. So now she's resting.
-With him.
Camilla passed to Marina's side.
-Snogging is a great way to relax.
Mary-Clara turned to her eyes wide open.
-Listen, I-I know they're, umm...a really good fit, but please do not ship them.
Selena turned to Emily.
-You heard that? Ship them. That's what matchmaking is. Not making a match to light fire. Ship them.
Emily laughed.
-Yeah, I know that. Why would you say that to me?
Selena squinted.
-You do that on purpose, don't you?
She slowly began walking towards her.
-Do what on purpose?
She took steps back.
-Oh yeah, this too.
Emily nervously laughed.
-You mean act dumb? I do that just to see your reaction.
Selena put on her angry face.
-You mean you anger me for fun?!
She began trembling.
-N-no, I do not! I just...i-it's just an experiment!
Selena's eyes opened wide.
-And experiment? So I'm a lab rat?
-Bloody hell? No! Of course you're not!
She laughed nervously with fear in her eyes.
-You are going to regret doing that, Emily.
Her expression was now fully scared.
-Please don't kill me!
Her back touched someone and she quickly turned back to meet Dan's amused face.
-So after you see her expression, you copy it?
She blinked nervously at him.
-W-well yeah, that's the reason I do it but I never use them actually.
She quickly mumbled.
-That means you anger her for fun. That's expectable from you, cutie.
Emily was trembling.
-No, please don't put a bad word for me. I'm begging you.
Dan squinted.
-Are you shaking?
-Of course I am shaking, I'm gonna die!
She turned to see calm Selena and turned back to Dan.
-Just joking. I'm cold. I'll go find a jacket under my pile of clothes on the floor.
She finally realized her body was touching his.
-I'll go now.
She walked towards the tent door but Selena grabbed her arm.
-No way you're going outside.
-Oh. Right. I doubt they're doing anything but fine. You know, she's stone hearted. I'll teleport.
And so she did.
-But I don't think she's stone hearted. She's soft and sweet. I like her. It is true, she is fiercely defensive of her and their privacy, but I feel it's because of the world's harsh treatment towards her.
Mary-Clara declared her opinion.
-That's because she's with Oliver.
Selena smirked at her.
Tom coughed.
-About Emily.
Everyone turned to him.
-She has a name.
-What a big discovery, Tom.
Dan deadpanned.
-Yeah! A big discovery for you!
Dan looked at him with a slight confusion on his face.
-You called her cutie.
Thomas continued.
Dan rolled his eyes.
-Yeah, so?
-She has a name.
-Yeah, so?
-That's what you said. "Why to give someone a nickname when they already have a name?".
Dan rolled his eyes again.
-I like her.
Sam chuckled from across the room.
-I bet you can't say that to her face.
He coldly stared at him, while Nathalie giggled with Lisa and Eve.
Emily came with a jacket.
-I saw them kiss.
She said expressionlessly.
Mary-Clara turned to her.
-You didn't spy on them, did you?
Emily smirked.
-Not quite. I just saw that. Pure accident, just like their kiss.
Sam and Dan snickered, Tom and Camilla scoffed, Boris, Selena and Theresa rolled their eyes, Jonathan and Eve shook their heads slowly, Lisa, Marina and Nathalie dreamingly looked at the ceiling with their hands under their chins, while Mary-Clara squinted.
-I decide to believe you, even though their kiss was probably not an accident, so if you compared your accident with their kiss, then you spied on them.
-So can I go out now?
Marina's high pitched voice was heard.
Mary-Clara sighed.
-I guess y-
Before she finished her sentence Marina ran outside.
During they did all that in the tent, Serly still rested her head on his chest.
-Exactly when did you start having feelings for me?
Serly chuckled at his question.
-The day the werewolf attacked, I think. I don't know.
-Close to mine.
-When was yours?
-The day after you fainted. Or maybe even that day. I realized I care about you...too much. At first I denied my feelings for you. I waited for them to go got worse. I didn't understand what was going on inside me. Every time I looked at you...I felt a strong pain inside you feel anything like that?
He looked in her eyes.
She chuckled.
-I can't breathe when I look at you. That's probably how they created "taking your breath away"...I feel like I'm suffocating and I want to...I know it's weird, but I want to... somehow I want to...
She struggled to explain.
He smiled and caressed her face.
-No need to use words. I know what you're feeling...thanks to your eyes...
She looked down at his lips and smiled.
-Those traitors...
She looked back in his eyes and smirked.
-And they are shining now.
Serly chuckled.
-No, they're not shining. My eyes don't have their own light. It's the reflection of the light sitting in front of me.
Then she suddenly became more serious.
-Don't dare say your face's light is my reflection, that's-
-Scientifically wrong, I know.
They chuckled.
She exhaled and looked away.
-Do you think the pain has worn out?
She stood up.
-No, definitely not.
She quickly sat down while holding her head.
He didn't stop looking at her.
-Funny thing love is, don't you think? I mean... I've never been so goofy. Alright, I am a goofy person, but not to this extent! I kind of lost my ability to think critically around you.
-Tsk, that's bad. That's actually awful.
She was quiet for a minute, then she spoke.
Oliver chuckled.
-Yeah, but it's out of my control. Alright, I'll confess, too many things are out of my control, but again...not to this extent!
Serly smirked softly.
-Well, that's you being an exaggerated form of yourself, but I'm being... completely someone else.
He nodded.
-You've got it worse. Sure, others will think I'm crazy and I've lost my mind, but about you...they'll probably think you're in love. Yours is worse, isn't it?
She laughed quietly.
-Yeah, to me, yes it is. But...what's so crazy about you, exactly?
Her palm and fingers caressed his hair and slid down to his cheek.
-I don't know, I honestly don't...
His fingers gently raised her chin up.
Eyes glanced at her lips, he licked his and glared at her eyes.
Heads came closer and eyes were calmly shut, but their lips didn't brush yet when Marina interrupted them by running and tightly hugging Serly.
-HOW ARE YOU? I was worried sick about you, you know this same thing happened to Mary the day we found out the underground hideout and then she closed her eyes and did something like meditation or something like that and I thought she's having a heart attack but then I remembered myocardial infarction looks like a fish wiggling hehehe, but that's super scary it's not funny at all, seriously , Marina, pull yourself together! And, so when that happened to you too I thought does she know what to do or no, then Mary went after you and I thought she doesn't know what to do and now she's probably fainted and when she returned and said that you're fine I wanted to come and hug you so badly but Mary didn't let anyone interrupt you because she said you have to rest and Oliver calms you and I thought she set you up but she denied that so then some stuff happened between Selena and Emily and then between Emily and Dan so she went to get a jacket but Selena didn't let her walk out so she TELEPORTED there AND (whispering) Dan said he liked Emily AS I SAID AND then she came back and told everyone you two kissed so I thought I could come out and hug you but then I thought people need some more time alone after a smooch, but my legs were faster than my brain so I came and hugged you, but I didn't interrupt anything did I?
Serly was out of breath from her squeezes...while Marina wasn't from her story told in a breath.
-Marina...I-I told you...
Mary-Clara smiled lightly.
-No. Not at all...
She awkwardly smiled at Oliver, who was smirking with an annoyed but happy face.

A Chaotic but Perfect World: In the Epping Forest Where stories live. Discover now