Important steps

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-Then let's tell them to start attacking sooner and at the time we're going to attack tell them to come over with the weapons and everything we'll need.
Serly said.
All five looked at each other.
-I think we should do that. Tell them it's very important for us to attack earlier... because the rest of the day we'll be planning the big attack for tomorrow.
Emily agreed with Serly.
-We'll be changing the plan of the big attack. I think that's the best option. Fast and easy.
Dan confessed.
-That's extremely spontaneous, but all of you are right. We will tell them to attack every remaining hideout until 19:00. Like we said, at 14:00 they'll start their attacks, which will last 3-4 hours. At 18:00 they can rest and prepare to come over at 19:00. At 14:30 our spell will wear off. Oliver, Serly and I will collaborate and attack on the 2 hideouts. I don't know how long the process of upgrading will last, but when you're done you will immediately send them to digging. It's 10 now, we have plenty of time. How long do you think the process of upgrading will last?
Selena asked with a demanding tone.
-Maximum 7 hours. Minimum 5 hours. So 6 hours, probably.
Emily answered.
-Great. Oliver, get the walkie talkie.
Oliver lent her the walkie talkie.
-SJ gang, come in.
-Is anything wrong?
Thomas answered.
-You are going to attack at 16:30?
-Yes, that's right.
-What if you attacked at 14:00?
-... okay, we can do that but may I know the reason?
-At 19:00 I'm calling everyone over. We found a big hole in our plan. We're going to have to attack tomorrow.
-Oh. Very well then.
-And when everyone comes over, bring everything with you. I'm talking about the weapons, tools, clues if you have any...
-Of course. And when is Dan coming?
-Dan has a lot of work to do. He can't return.
-Well, upgrading drones isn't the easiest that it?
-Yes. Make sure you bring everything i said.
-We will.
And the call ended.
-NF gang.
-Jonathan speaking.
-When will you attack?
-At 15:30.
-Can you make it 14:00?
-Yes, we can. Why? Are there any changes in the plan?
-Oh, yes there are. I need you all to come over at 19:00 with everything.
-You mean with everything? Weapons too?
-Okay. Meet you at 19:00.
-Good luck.
They ended the call.
-The three of us already have a plan.
Selena said.
-Yeah. But it includes Emily. And Emily is busy.
Oliver reminded her.
-The same plan without Emily.
She stated.
-The drones are also busy.
He argued.
-... you're right.
Her eyebrows furrowed in thought.
-What if we tell the SJs and SPs to attack on them? Or tell the NFs to attack on one, the SJ+SPs to attack on the other?
He blurted out a million possibilities.
-Then they'll have 4 hideouts to attack on. Which means 3-4 hours becomes 4-5 hours. That's a lot of change. I don't like that.
Selena refused.
-What do the drones do anyway?
His question was probably pronounced before thinking.
Dan answered his question without looking up.
-Just that?
He shrugged.
-And the guards too.
Selena deadpanned.
-If Serly on her own was able to defeat all the guards, then two against them-
Oliver continued.
-What about the drones? Emily helped you destroy the drones!
Serly reminded him.
-The NFs and SJ+SPs are doing it, so we can too.
He argued.
-The NFs are 4 people and the SJ+SPs are 7, if Eve doesn't attack.
Her voice was surprisingly not so quiet.
-What if two attack on the guards and one breaks in the computer lab and self destructs the drones?
Selena hesitantly nodded at his request.
-That could work. But what if we meet drones in the forest on our way to the hideout?
-Last time I checked protection spells can work against lasers. And three against whatever isn't really that hard.
Selena glared at him.
-Emily, I hope now you understand how important you are to us.
Dan smirked and Emily blushed at the leader's comment.
-The drones, you mean.
She corrected her.
-But no one drives drones better than you.
Emily shrugged.
-Good point. I'll take the compliment, then.
-Fine. We'll do that, even though it's spontaneous. Which one of you knows how to self destruct?
They looked at each other.
-Not me.
Serly deadpanned.
-I don't either, but if we call and ask Emily for a second, things can't go wrong, can they?
Selena looked at Emily, preparing her for growth.
-Can they?
She repeated his question.
-No. Everything will go smoothly and according to plan.
Emily said with determination sparkling in her eyes.
Selena seriously nodded and turned to Serly and Oliver.
-Who'll follow her directions?
Oliver looked at Serly.
-I will.
She volunteered.
-Then it's settled. At 14:30 we will leave for the attacks. We'll be back in 3 hours. Dan and Emily will stay here and will not do the protection spell. If the drones' upgrades will last 6 hours then at 15:30 with plus or minus they will be ready and sent to dig. At 19:00 the groups will come over and the big attack will take place. The hole will be dug, the outside hideout will be attacked on with the help of the other groups and lastly we will enter the underground hideout.
Everyone nodded.
-Is everyone ready?
Theresa asked sternly.
-Yeah. Let's go!
Sam answered for the fifth time.
-Not so fast. We need to check everything.
She, again, said.
-But we checked three times already!
Camilla whined.
-There have been changes in the plan. Dan isn't here, the time has changed and therefore the whole plan. Many things can go wrong.
She thought out loud.
-Don't worry, Theresa. I'm sure Sam and Camilla will follow your orders perfectly fine, just like Boris and Nathalie will follow mine.
Tom supported her and continued.
-And Eve will be fine here on her own, she can fight in case something happens, right Eve?
She smiled and nodded.
Theresa looked at everyone and heavily sighed.
-Thank you...for... forgiving me... and not losing your loyalty. I promise... I will never ever leave your side and betray you.
Before anyone could say anything she pulled everyone in a tight hug.
She exhaled.
-Let's go.
Camilla, Sam and Theresa went left while Nathalie, Thomas and Boris went right.
-They always attack at night, no need to be mega focused, Clark.
One of the guards said.
-Good. This is a brilliant plan, if you don't mess it up.
Theresa whispered through the walkie talkie.
-They're all going to least they're enjoying their last minute.
Sam chuckled lowly and darkly.
-Bruv, you're dark.
Camilla whispered with irritation clear in her beautiful and unique voice.
-Don't act like you're not going to enjoy it.
He smirked and looked away from her.
-What if Hemsworth kills us?
The guards kept chatting.
-He's busy spying on the spies. Don't be a wimp, just lay down. There's nothing to guard, anyway.
-I feel like something bad's going to happen.
-Chill out bloke, you're not some fucking seer. Everything's going to be fine.
The guard kept looking around while the others slept.
-Camilla, it's time.
Theresa's voice was heard from the walkie talkie.
Camilla masterfully climbed the nearest tree and quietly jumped on the roof of the hideout.
It was eerily quiet... for the guard.
-Sam, your turn.
Sam did everything Camilla did just as masterfully.
-You two ready?
Theresa whispered.
-I was born ready.
Sam chuckled darkly.
-Do it when I say it.
-Got it.
Camilla quickly commented.
-On your marks, get set...
The guard fell down after a small chip shot his neck.
A big box appeared in Sam's and Camilla's hand.
He smirked viciously.
-What's in yours?
Camilla asked him full of enthusiasm.
He shrugged.
-We're about to find out.
They threw the boxes down. Different types of wasps and spiders walked out of the boxes.
-False widows!
He laughed menacingly.
She smirked at him.
-You look like the Joker with that laugh.
-I'll happily be the Joker, but in turn you have to be Harley Quinn. My Harley Quinn.
She rolled her eyes and watched the chaos under her feet.
The guards shouted in agony. That reminded the evil-hunters of the symphony released after hells gates are opened, so a newcomer enters.
The guards scratched their stung places, ran away, some stayed, trying to be brave, and Sam and Camilla just waited.
Finally, when everything calmed down, Theresa spoke.
-Great job you two. Now get it done.
Sam smirked.
They jumped down.
The guards were weak and in pain.
-Well, well, well, are you enjoying the last minutes of your lives?
The guards couldn't stand. They began groaning and whimpering.
-Spare us!
One of the guards cried.
Sam smirked.
-Well, Death would be rude not to grant your wish.
The guards cried in pain.
-How should we make their wish come true?
Sam turned to Camilla.
-Can't we just freeze them? 24 hours later they're going to die.
Sam looked at her coldly then turned to the guards.
-Naturally it is, then.
They froze the guards one by one.
Theresa walked towards them from the forest.
-You made the best decision. Let's not waste time and go to the next hideout.
-What about the computer man?
Camilla reminded.
Theresa opened the door with a spell and saw the man lying on the floor, in pain.
-Freeze him too.
Sam froze him.
Theresa walked towards them and looked at the computers, checking something.
-Tom's group destroyed every drone. Time to move on.
She took out her walkie talkie and brought it closer to her lips.
-Well done, group. You did it.
-Same should be said about you.
Tom answered.
-It was Dan's bright and completely natural idea.
-An idea without action is nothing. You deserve it.

A Chaotic but Perfect World: In the Epping Forest Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora