Let's get down to business

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Mary-Clara, Camilla, Emily and Selena walked out of the thinker's room.
Serly looked up at them with an annoyed face.
-Are hugs normally supposed to be this tight and long?
Marina quickly released.
-Sorry. I don't think I'm normally like this, I just like you a lot and want to be friends with you but you won't want to be friends with me if I keep hugging you and talking so much so.
She quickly shut up.
-And I thought I overthink too much.
Emily mumbled.
They chuckled.
Serly slowly stood up.
-Are you sure you can stand up?
Mary-Clara asked.
Serly shrugged.
-I'm standing now, so yes I can.
She gently smiled.
-Let's go inside...
Mary-Clara, Camilla, Emily and Serly went in.
Oliver looked down at Selena because of the half left sentence.
-Did you get what you wanted?
Oliver chuckled.
-Patience, my dear.
She shook her head and they followed the girls.
-Now that we're all fine, shall we get down to business?
-I'm excited.
Tom commented on Selena's question.
Everyone gathered around the working table. The maps were opened. Everything they needed were on the table.
-So, NF gang, you will attack on the three remaining hideouts on your east.
-Very well.
Jonathan replied.
-SP gang, you already destroyed every enemy around your area, so you and the SJs will attack on the hideouts of that area.
-The more the hideouts, the more we have fun!
Sam exclaimed, while Theresa smiled disapprovingly.
-As in for us, the NT gang, we will attack these two hideouts on our west. The only hideout that will remain will be the one on the underground one.
They all nodded.
-Now go to your camps and start planning. Is 21:00 a good time to start the big attack?
-It's a perfect time.
Theresa voiced out and waited for more agreements, which she later got.
-Leader of the SP gang, Dan, listen to the SJs. Watch out for each other. Meet you all at 9 pm.
Everyone teleported to their camps.
Selena brought new papers.
-Do you want to collaborate?
-I think it's faster that way.
Serly spoke.
Selena nodded.
-Drones are roaming. Guards are everywhere. We can split up. Two on drones two on guards. But last time we attacked, the guards weren't guarding the hideout. Same might be here. Our goal is to catch the guards, not get in the hideouts. We'll look for drones with drones and look for guards ourselves. Emily, you'll look for drones with me. Serly and Oliver will go look for and attack the guards. Any disagreements?
They all looked at each other, looking for disagreements.
-Good. Now remember, you have to be fully awake there in order to spot them. Don't zone out or get distracted.
They nodded.
-Emily, can you upgrade the drones now?
-U-upgrade? I need the tools...
Selena didn't change her cold stance.
-Can we get them?
She blinked.
-They're with Asher...I don't know if he'll give them.
Her eyes rolled and her breathing got  heavier for a second.
-Go call him and tell him to give them to you.
Emily fake coughed.
-I don't know what tools you want and need, you have to tell him yourself.
Emily was sweating.
Selena sighed.
-Fine, give the walkie talkie to me.
She smiled and happily gave it to her.
-SP gang, come in.
Emily looked confused.
-Hearing you.
Dan answered.
-What do you think about upgrading the drones?
-Add what?
Dan continued in a monotone voice.
-Invisibility and soundproof.
-Sure okay. I'll come over right after we finish our planning.
He replied coolly.
-But we don't have the tools.
-I'll get them, no worries.
His soft chuckle was heard.
-Will Felix give them to you?
-If he doesn't... I'll make him.
He ended the call.
-Why didn't you just call Asher?
Selena turned to Emily with an icy glance.
-We hate each other. No way he'll listen to me. Besides, you can't work on all that on your own. For the whole team. Every team. And you'll get closer with Dan...
Emily's eyes widened and her mouth opened.
-I can't get closer to him, he makes me nervous and I'll say dumb things because of that! And I won't be able to concentrate on the drones!
-Now, now my friend, no need to frown, you'll be perfectly fine with him when you work. The only reason you say dumb things is because you're usually not busy when around him.
She smiled.
-Are you sure? If he thinks I'm dumb I won't have a chance!
Emily furrowed her eyebrows in worry.
-So practice on making a good impression.
Selena smirked.
-I already made a bad impression. He thinks I stammer instead of talk.
She patted on her shoulder.
-Prove him wrong. I'm sure he won't hesitate to change his thoughts about you.
-I hope...
Oliver and Serly chuckled and snickered at their conversation.
Dan appeared.
-Here are the tools. And the drones.
He threw them on the table.
-How did you manage to make him send them to you?
Selena squinted curiously and yet impressed.
-I threatened him. Don't ask how.
-And he gave them to you?
Emily stared at him surprised.
-After a lot of curses and threats, yeah.
He shrugged.
-You know, one day I really am going to get him fired. He doesn't deserve his role. He is a parasite.
Selena mumbled.
-He doesn't deserve to live.
He smirked and they darkly chuckled.
-You and Emily will upgrade the drones here. We won't interrupt you, right?
She turned to Serly and Oliver.
-We won't.
They looked at each other and cut their eye contact.
-Great, so see you when you or we get hungry!
Selena pushed Oliver and Serly out.
Emily glared at Dan.
-So...let's begin.
The three of them sat down on the logs.
-Here's an interesting question.
Oliver started.
-If Hemsworth is trying to manipulate not only Serly, but also Mary, then he's watching not only us, but also others. How is he watching and how is he watching not only us, but also others?
Selena and Serly looked at each other.
-We have to research about that. If we don't stop him from watching us, he'll know our plans and he'll easily stop us.
Serly stated.
Selena nodded.
-Go bring the Ipads. Careful to not interrupt them.
Serly went inside the thinker's room.
They were hyper focused and were quietly working.
Without saying anything, she took the ipads and silently walked out.
Each took an ipad and began researching.
It was absolute silence for a long time.
-Here's something interesting I found.
Serly interrupted.
-Read it.
She ordered.
-Window portals are transparent portals used for watching, listening and, for stronger ones, meddling in other people's affairs, for example using objects or taking objects, putting spells and curses on people etc.
-Look who's secret we found out. So there are transparent portals opened around us?
Oliver asked.
-I'm 100% sure it's this. Everything else I found that can listen or watch us are objects, like mirrors, that are enchanted by the... enchanter. That's Hemsworth. But to enchant an object he has to be near the object. He can do that by opening his usual portal and do that but I think that's a lot of work to do. Besides, he has to do that at night but that's impossible because at night we protect the camp. During the day he might get caught, it's dangerous for him. But I don't know if he'll take the risk.
Selena and Oliver agreed.
-So how do we make him not see us? Can protection spells do that?
-It's supposed to work. I'll look that up j-just...
She took a deep breath, shut her eyes and covered her face with her hand.
Selena looked at Oliver with a questioning look.
He slid next to Serly and held her hand.
-I've got you.
His whisper got sent in her ear.
Selena searched instead of Serly.
After staying that way for a while, she opened her eyes.
Selena was protecting the camp with her wand.
Oliver smiled at her.
-In a day twice. That's a high score. He must be really desperate.
Serly groaned.
-Eager. The word for really desperate is eager. But now I am tired. I have to rest.
She stared at him with a serious face.
-Help me stand up.
He stood up and gave her his hand. Once she stood up she fell on his chest and whined.
-My head hurts worse than in the morning. How come I remember a feeling? I usually don't. At least it's fixing my sensory memory.
He laughed.
-You know what? I'll carry you there. It's much faster that way.
Before he finished his sentence, he picked her up, causing her to loudly gasp and laugh after that.
Selena sadly smiled and continued her work.
After putting Serly to bed he kissed her forehead.
-I feel like you're taking advantage of my weakness.
He smirked.
-I'm not taking advantage of it, I'm showing you that not allowing anything isn't the best way. Not everything has a bad intention and not everyone wants to use you, you know. I mean, do you feel bad when I show affection?
She shook her head, hesitantly.
He smiled.
-I understand that you've had bad experiences, but I promise you, I won't give you more or let anyone else give you more, alright?
She softly chuckled.
-You...you are... the most wonderful person I've ever met. And while I do have crazy theories of you and your intentions...my intuition disagrees with them. You just have little experience with women.
His smile widened.
-I-I'm just a perfectionist, I don't go after any woman. Only the ones I see as worthy of me. And... that's only been you.
She hid her blushy smile behind her fingers.
-Same with me. Now go before we run out of time and Hemsworth kills a million people.
He sighed.
-If you say so.
And he left her tent.
Selena was still putting up spells when smiling Oliver walked out of the tent.
-Now quickly help me with these spells.
-Yes ma'am.
They chuckled.
-But after we finish this, no one can teleport here. The spell will wear off in 5 hours. What time is it now?
He answered.
-So we have to do the spell at 14:30. After that we don't have to repeat. At 19:30 we'll tell the groups to come.
-What about the attacks? How should we do it? Once we go out, we won't find our way back.
Oliver reminded.
-Well, the SP gang is with the SJ gang. Dan can't and Eve doesn't attack, so six members against...I don't know how many hideouts...I say we ask the SP gang about it.
-The SP gang will attack on the SJ gang's area's hideouts and our two hideouts?
His face expressed dislike.
-Let's not forget that they were late to the meeting. We changed the leader, sure, but he still deserves a punishment.
He smirked.
-That's a terrible punishment. They literally said the more the hideouts, the more they'll have fun.
Selena shrugged.
-Doesn't matter. At least they get it all done. First of all, we must warn everyone else about this. If they're only going to attack, then I don't think they need protection. All clues and secrets are here with us.
-But what if Hemsworth hears them talk about our plan?
Oliver gave her a possibility.
-We changed our plan. He doesn't know our new plan.
-Neither do I.
He deadpanned.
-The new plan is to let the others do the attacking and we, right after Emily and Dan upgrade the drones, do the digging. They'll be invisible, so he won't see them. If the others aren't protecting their camps, then Hemsworth can still watch them. They'll be planning their attacks at that time. And Hemsworth won't do anything because he never did anything. It's a way to earn time for him. And it's a way to distract him from our big plan. He did hear our plan but he doesn't know when we'll attack. At 19:45, that's when we'll attack. We can't tell the others about that yet because Hemsworth will hear it. We'll call them to our place at 19:30. We did say the big attack is at 21:00, but we'll start at 19:45.
-But they haven't attacked the other hideouts yet. We have to tell them to start attacking now. But then Hemsworth will find that suspicious. He probably already finds everything suspicious, like we found out how to make him stop watching us but we didn't tell the others about it.
He stated what might happen or might be happening.
She thought for a moment.
-We can...send them a letter with codes. With that machine.
-And we'll tell them most definitely not to read it out loud.
Oliver said without a question mark, but with a questioning look.
-We will tell them everything we just planned.
-But Hemsworth still will find everything suspicious.
-That's why we have to hurry up. How many hideouts are left?
He blinked and blew out.
-I don't know. But Dan would know. He came right after their plans were ready.
Selena nodded. They went inside the thinker's room.
-I apologize for interrupting...
Selena started.
They raised their heads.
-How many hideouts are left, Dan?
-For us, the SJs plus SPs, three hideouts. Why?
-First of all, you can't go back. And second, when will you attack?
Dan was confused but answered anyway.
-At 16:30. Why can't I go back?
-We put a protection spell.
Oliver answered him.
-Why? I'm the leader of them and...why?
-To stop Hemsworth from watching us. So eight hideouts. And we won't attack the other two.
Selena and Oliver looked at each other hesitantly.
-If we attack after 14:30, let's say at 15:30, the spell will wear off. We won't talk about our plan. He'll probably try to make us faint and all that but we know how to fight that. If now we tell the others to start attacking, they'll have nothing to do later.
Selena agreed with Oliver.
-After we finish our attacks, we'll call the others to our place. Not at 19:30, sooner. Suppose they attacked at 15:00 on maximum 3 hideouts. That will be...3-4 hours. We will attack on them at 14:45. The three of us. You, me and Serly. While we attack, Dan and Emily will work on the drones. After they're done, they'll send the drones and start digging. If my calculations are correct we'll all be together at that time. The NTs, NFs, SJs and the SPs. So together we'll attack on the last hideout.
Oliver thought about Selena's plan.
-So if we leave at 14:00, 30 minutes later Dan and Emily won't have to put a protection spell. I mean, what's he going to do? There are no plans to hear and ruin, nothing to steal and nothing to distract us with.
-But stay open minded. We have to expect everything. For the letter, what code do you suggest we write it in?
The three looked at each other.
-Something he won't easily figure out.
Oliver mumbled to himself.
-We have no idea what codes he knows or doesn't.
Emily said.
-I know that. How are we supposed to choose which code out of the millions that exist? There are so many options and they all depend on Hemsworth's knowledge.
He widened the risk.
Serly hurriedly walked in.
-You're talking about codes? Why? I can help with...codes.
Selena chuckled.
-You can help with everything. We're going to send a letter written in codes to the others and tell them our new plan.
Serly blinked.
-Can't we just write the letter in normal letters and tell them to destroy them after they quietly read it?
Dan spit out.
-Or maybe we'll tell them to meet us somewhere, a hideout we attacked is a great place to be honest, and after they all show up, put a protection spell and tell them the plan and then we can all leave.
Oliver voiced his idea.
-We can't do that, we need to tell them that now and if we leave now we won't be able to return. And if we do it later, then it's our old plan again, nothing's changed.
Selena commented.

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