Times change people change

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It is 1:55. Selena, Emily and Dan are still attacking. The plan was to attack only one hideout, but when they found more hideouts they, without hesitation, they attacked on them too.
Oliver and Serly finished the maps. All four parts.
-Which 3kms? Why didn't it show the direction?
Oliver groaned.
-In the recordings, every hideout is small and, well, do you think there could be a place to torture in them? I think it should be somewhere hidden.
She theorized.
-Yes, I agree. And do you think we should call Selena and Emily? That might interrupt them, but...I don't know...
He shrugged.
-If they're attacking then the walkie talkies are on vibration. At least they'll know we're asking about them.
Serly assumed.
-Alright then.
They called. It was picked up by Selena.
-Are you all alive?
Oliver asked tiredly.
-Yes, we're all alive.
-Then why aren't you back yet?
He questioned a little later because of weariness
-We're attacking every hideout we find close to the one we already attacked. Two hideouts down.
-Were there any clues?
Serly asked with an enthusiastic tone.
-We're letting the clue searching for the NFs.
Not so enthusiastic anymore.
-We'll discuss everything the day we meet. By the way, how are you two doing?
Oliver and Serly looked at each other. Oliver let out a heavy sigh and slowly spoke.
-We accidentally found out the ball's password. Apparently 3km away from here there's a place full of people getting tortured.
-That's the ball's information?
-Uhuh, but we don't know which 3kms.
He sighed.
-Have you tried the potion?
-That's what told us 3kms.
Serly answered instead of him.
-So when are you coming back?
Oliver wanted to go to sleep.
-I don't know, but maybe in an hour? Just don't wait for us.
-Okay. When you're back don't wake us up.
He said.
-We'll try.
They ended the conversation.
-Can we go to sleep now?
She analyzed the room.
-We still have to clean everything here, organize the plans and maps, go clean ourselves, change our clothes-
-That's a lot of work.
He smirked unwieldily.
Serly sighed.
-I know. So let's start now.
Oliver sat down on the sofa and watched Serly organize the papers. She was slow and sleepy.
-Do you want to sleep with me?
Serly turned around with a confused look.
Oliver chuckled.
-Sorry, that sounded... wrong... what I meant was do you want to not do all the work and sleep here? With me? Because I'm going to sleep here.
She stopped for a moment.
-Then who will do all the work?
He rolled his eyes.
-We'll do it tomorrow. It's not our fault a werewolf attacked. We did what we had to do and even more than what we had to do. We deserve to relax.
Serly smirked at him. Her eyelids were much more visible than usual.
-Are you sure?
-Yeah, I'm 100% sure.
She kept smirking. Then she turned around and continued organizing.
Oliver lost his hope. But not his charm. Never his charm.
Her sudden answer made him raise his head up. He was happily surprised.
-Yeah, I'm 100% sure.
She sold his words back to him.
He chuckled.
-You agree to not work and relax with me?
She licked her lips and thought.
-I do. You worked without relaxing for straight hours with me, so now it's my turn to step out of my comfort zone... and grow.
Oliver smiled.
-Great, so... we're sleeping on the sofa...
Serly turned off the lights. The moon's light was the only brightness.
She walked towards Oliver, who was now getting his shoes off. She sat next to him and did the same.
-I hope our feet don't smell.
He chuckled.
-That's your problem. I don't have a sense of smell. I won't smell a thing.
Oliver squinted.
-Why don't you have a sense of smell?
She shrugged.
-That's a mystery. Probably a problem too, but I love this problem. I might not smell flowers, but I also won't smell feet.
They chuckled.
Oliver lied down. Serly sat on his waist. They both felt uneasy at that moment, but shrugged it off. She untied her long black hair.
His eyes walked all over her and he sat up, his face not so far from hers.
-I never saw you with untied hair.
-Now you did.
She pushed him back to his old position.
Her hands secretly entered his shirt. She smirked as she felt all his muscles.
-Your bitten leg is fine, right?
He bit his lips, feeling her warmth.
-My bitten leg is great.
Her eyes seductively turned to his.
-How come?
His smirk widened.
-I don't know. It's just great.
Her hands slowly retreated.
She lied on him, her chest on his. Her head was on his upper chest, right under his neck. The right hand of hers was on his shoulder, the left one was on his right rib. His hand was on her back, close to the lower pars. The other was under his head.
-You know that in the morning Selena and Emily are going to see us, right?
Her whisper ringed in his ear.
-Yeah, I know.
He answered the same way.
-Good. If you didn't I would have to say I told you so.
She slightly raised her volume.
-It's not like you don't like saying that.
He chuckled.
-I don't. That means you didn't believe me even though I was right and now we're in trouble.
She argued.
-Them seeing us isn't trouble.
He argued back.
-It is. They're going to start thinking we're in love.
Oliver chuckled.
-They already do...
She sighed.
After several minutes of silence, he suddenly spoke.
-So, tell me about yourself.
She looked up at him.
-I thought you wanted to sleep?
He smirked, but it wasn't visible in the dark.
-I do, but there are too many questions playing as obstacles in my mind.
Her calm exhalation got him to sharpen his ears.
-You already know my birthplace...Lebanon, and you also know that at 7, my family travelled to Armenia, to stay permanently. Before this, we went there a year before and my parents even several years before, but just as tourists, in order to see if it's a good place or no. And they liked it, so we packed and travelled to the country of our ancestors, because my parents, especially my mother, foresaw that Lebanon's future will not be stable for keeping lives. She was right. Anyways, in Armenia, I struggled to make friends, because I couldn't adapt, despite the various places I went, like drawing courses from 8 to 12, pottery from 12 to 16 and religious studies with it, and also to a creative technology center. And a year ago from now, I was doing research for a job like this one. And I found it, signed up, got accepted and flew off to here. Why? Here's the answer to the question that interested you so much, because...you know, Armenia is in danger...and...I can see a lot of probabilities for it in the future...so I'm preparing myself...just in case, you know... they're saying Yerevan bizimdir.
His grip strengthened, after caressing her back.
He exhaled.
-So you're preparing for a...war?
She nodded.
-If not a war, it's just self defense after the war, which will be lost, no way Armenia can win against Turkey and Azerbaijan, especially when it gets absolutely no help from other countries. That was the only hope, but no one's taking action against the lawlessness of both. Only words. There's no such thing as human rights. Just validation of feelings. I mean right now Turkey and Azerbaijan have obstacles on the path of building the Turan, but politics is a big game, anything is possible, so being prepared is a necessity.
He smiled with a sprinkle of sadness.
-You're a brave lassie, aren't you?
She shrugged.
-In my opinion, anyone has to be ready to fight for their homeland. Sure, Armenia isn't my homeland, I don't have a homeland, but it's the second part of my gone homeland, so I have to, I can't let it die too. And not only the country, also the culture. Western Armenian is declared an endangered near extinct language by UNESCO, so Eastern Armenian is the only Armenian left to know and protect.
He shook his head and sighed heavily.
-It must hurt. Not having a homeland, a place to be together with others, who have the same culture, speak the same language and belong...I understand you, you know. Of course, I haven't lost my country homeland, I'm literally living in it, but... metaphorically, I've never had a homeland. I grew up with Sam and his family, you remember him, right? The blonde with a knack for irritating people. I mean... I'm grateful that I grew up in a healthy, fine and loving family, but they just... you know, didn't really understand me. They were more grounded, traditional and serious, while I was...the complete opposite. I was constantly on the clouds, thinking of possibilities and all imaginative stuff, I was more interested in exploring than working with what I already knew. I had a thirst for knowledge, but they just... didn't get that. They just said I was lazy, like Sam, because he also wanted to explore, but not for knowledge, but for experiences and fun. And while we were all different, we still got along great and... despite my constant repression of ideas, since I had no one to share with, I'm kind of grateful for the way things turned out.
She listened to him carefully and smiled after he finished his story.
-And...why do you work as an evil-hunter?
He sighed.
-Probably because I just went with the flow and landed here. Selena found me, and asked if I wanted to join, and Sam was also with me, so we were like yeah, sure, okay, and... we're still here. Although, I'm thinking about getting into to tech department like Emily and Dan. I don't know.
He shrugged.
She laughed softly.
-You basically have no plan for your life. If you need help with that... you can count on me.
Oliver chuckled.
-And if you need help with being more loose, you can count on me.
She hugged him tighter and silence befell.
-Isn't it hot?
Serly spoke again.
-You mean...hot as in...sexy or...the temperature?
He asked without assumptions.
-Well, honestly, both are true. But I'm talking about the temperature. I want to take my shirt off, but in the morning...
She groaned without continuing.
Oliver chuckled.
-One moment.
He raised her up from his chest for several seconds, took of his shirt and threw it on the armrest.
She watched him in great detail, with wide eyes and a slightly reddish face not visible in the dark.
-You didn't have to-
He silenced her with his finger.
-Hey, you were exploring my chest from under my shirt...now it's on display. Plus, the temperature won't be hot anymore...I think.
His smirk appeared again.
Serly chuckled.
-No, I think you literally raised the temperature.
She bit her lips and ran her fingers on his chest again.
-And yeah...you're very hot. But how are you going to handle Selena's and Emily's excitement like this?
He brought her to himself.
-I've got that under control, don't worry.
She relaxed her head on his upper chest, back in the old position, as well as him.
Their heartbeats were fast and synced. The wind was the only sound and darkness was the only visible thing...
Serly was woken up by a light stroke on her back. She opened her eyes. Too bright. Finally she fully opened her eyes. Oliver was smiling at her.
-Good morning sleeping beauty.
Serly turned her head to her right and found Selena and Emily smiling at her. Emily's smile was more like snickering, while Selena's was more like expecting the details of the intimacy.
She wasn't smiling. She was wearing her resting bitch face.
Serly sat up and so did he. She got off him and began wearing her boots.
-Take them lightly, yeah?
She gave him an annoyed yet gentle smirk and got ready to leave.
-I like your hair...
Emily threw at her, smirking, even though her hair was obviously messy.
On her way outside of the thinker's room she whispered.
And left.
Three of them silently looked at her as she left.
Selena turned to Oliver.
He smirked at her, understanding what she's going to ask.
-What was that?
She smirked back curiously, her eyes on his bare chest.
He chuckled while removing the bandage on his face.
-Which decision would you make? Clean, organize, get ready and tons of work or sleep...with a hot man.
She laughed, while Emily kept snickering, giggling and shaking her head.
-I don't believe you. There's no way she chose to sleep with you over work.
He shrugged.
-I can't figure her out yet, but I know that she's a darling.
Emily laughed.
-A darling?
Oliver began going through his hair, neck...
-Now, I know you're going to tease me, laugh at me and all, but...there's no point in...you know, fighting the...well...the...feelings and all that...
-Ahh...well, I'm happy for you, then.
Selena said with a cheeky smile on her face.
-And we won't tease you at all, don't worry.
Emily burst into a forced laughter.
-We won't tease you? Nah! He gets to tease me, laugh at me and annoy me for my feelings, but I'm going to let him live a peaceful, happy life? No way. I'm not letting go of this opportunity.
He chuckled.
-Yeah...do it, I don't care...I...have feelings for her...I'm developing feelings for her. I didn't have it before, I do now.
-Mate, you called her your rival and then slept with her in a single day! That's dirty...
Emily smirked as he rolled his eyes.
-Quality over quantity. It was only several hours, but they were very meaningful. Not just normal hours of work, but...different. You wouldn't know, you weren't there, gladly.
-Also, what happened here?
Selena asked, watching around the room.
-Ah, yes, a very long story.
He replied while putting on his shirt.
-What happened?
Selena insisted he tells.
-A werewolf attacked, we injured him and he injured us and ran away, we accidentally found out the ball's password so Hemsworth tried to control Serly's mind again, but she didn't faint like last time and then we finished the maps... shortly said, a lot of things went on here.
She raised her eyebrows and looked at the map, chuckled at it's perfection.
-You two...this is perfect...
She turned to face him.
-I won't let you work today. We'll do the work.
-But you'll tell us the information, right?
He hopefully smirked.
Selena brought his face closer and examined it.
-What happened to you? She changed you...Is this really you?
Oliver chuckled.
-And I changed her...
Serly came in. Her hair was tied again and her clothes were changed.
-Why are you still standing here? Go change!
Her demanding voice brought out her eyes.
-As you wish.
He lightly pulled her hair as he walked out.
She stood firmly, her arms crossed. Annoyance on her face.
-So...I have made the decision to let you do whatever you want except work. You have excelled in this. Both of you.
Serly blankly stared.
-Did the NF gang search for clues?
She sighed.
-Yes, they did. Just pictures. But we can't ignore them. They might be important.
-Are you going to use the location tracking potion to find the locations of those pictures?
Serly continued coldly interrogating.
-Yes, we're going to see whether the pictures have anything in common or not.
-Can you mark the locations on the map? Actually, I forgot that potion only shows the distance...
She growled.
-We'll pay attention to the ones that are 3kms away from here. And tomorrow we'll discuss everything with the rest of the groups.
She blankly answered.

A Chaotic but Perfect World: In the Epping Forest Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora