The attacks

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-Zapping machines?
-And most importantly, hope?
-That's everything on the list.
Marina answered Jonathan's questions.
-So, let's leave!
Mary said.
Jonathan nodded.
-Be careful and good luck.
-Same to you.
Marina left with Mary and Lisa left with Jonathan.
Mary and Marina were walking through the forest, looking for drones.
-I'm so glad we're fighting against robots and not humans.
Marina started.
-Really? And why's that?
-Well... I'm kind of afraid of blood and robots don't have blood.
Mary looked at her.
-You're afraid of blood and yet you became an evil-hunter? I'm not judging you, just asking.
-Yeah. I'm hemophobic. It used to be worse, but after seeing blood so much, I stopped fainting. Now I just freak out.
-Oh. It's really brave of you to face your fears.
-Hey, I did say check bravery to Jonathan and I don't lie.
Mary laughed.
-What are you afraid of, Mary?
-Oh, I'm terribly afraid of neglect. I don't open up easily and when I do, and people stab my back, I just...start hating myself and feel like that's what I deserve. I feel like I'm worthless and don't mean a thing to people, so I cut everyone out of my life and hate myself.
Marina put her hand on her shoulder supportingly.
-Yeah, neglect is terrible. Everyone who hurt you don't deserve to have you in their lives. You're an amazing person, and you deserve only the best.
Mary smiled at her.
-And that's why you're here with me.
-Aww, thank you! You just cooked my heart.
Then they heard buzzing sounds.
-Shh, quick, climb the tree. I'll stay here.
Marina climbed the tree while Mary covered her face.
The drone zapped her, but she dodged it.
Marina swung on the thickest branch and kicked the drone. The drone fell down, but got back up. Other drones appeared.
Mary and Marina stood back to back and the drones surrounded them.
-Game on.
Mary smirked.
They quickly ran opposite directions. Three drones followed Mary and three followed Marina.
Mary threw a disarming spell, but both of them got knocked back, because the drone zapped her at the same time. The other two drones zapped her. She got burned but rolled over and avoided more damage. She stood up and dodged a zap by protecting herself with a tree. The moment she hid behind that tree the fallen drone rised back up, but it's wings were damaged. They zapped her again, but she jumped and hung on a branch and kicked the drones. Then she jumped down and before the drones could get back up, she continuously threw explosion spells on them and destroyed all three drones.
On Marina's side, things went on differently.
The drones were zapping her while she was running and dodging them. Then one drone flew past her and appeared in front of her.
-Oh, bloody hell's bells!
Two from behind and one from the front zapped her, but she accidentally fell on the ground and the drones fell back.
Marina quickly stood up and looked to her sides.
-Yeah! You duds!
Then the drones slowly flew back up.
-No! you duds! You pillocks and plonkers!
She took her wand out and tried to freeze a drone, but it zapped and nothing happened.
Marina side kicked the closest drone and sent it to a tree, then ground.
The other drones repeatedly zapped her but she ran away.
The drones turned to her direction and flew after her, but she suddenly stopped while the drones kept flying. Marina froze one of the drones from behind and ran to the left. The drone flew after her and zapped her.
-Ouch! You tossers!
She turned around and threw different spells on it. None touched it.
-I take it back! Humans are better than robots! They can get tired!
The drone zapped her and she fell down.
The drone kept zapping her and she kept protecting herself with protection spells.
Then the drone fell on the ground and burned.
-Saw you needed a hand.
He gave his hand to her.
-Oh! Haha! I see what you did there! You gave me your hand because I needed one!
Boris lightly smiled.
Marina took her hand and laughed.
-For what?
-For giving me a hand, of course. Now I have to check on Mary.
She ran.
After running for a while she stopped.
-Mary, where are you?
-You two finished your attack?
Lisa asked.
-Lisa! Are you okay? Not hurt or-
-I'm feeling great, thank you.
-She hit three birds with a single stone, amazing, am I right?
Jonathan stated.
-Wow, yes! I'm not surprised, she's awesome!
-That truly is amazing, Lisa. I'm here Marina, I'm fine. A little burnt, but it's okay.
Mary chuckled.
-Same about me.
She laughed.
-Anyway, let's meet at this hideout and move to the next.
Jonathan said.
-Okay! Meet you there.
Were the last words heard from the walkie talkie.
-We've got everything with us?
Selena looked over at them.
-Zapper, daggers, battle axes, wands, arrows and bows, crossbows, swords, stilettos, location trackers and walkie talkies.
Serly checked them all.
-That's more than we need.
Oliver chuckled.
-Now remember, don't say a word about our plans.
Selena turned to Emily.
-Yes, ma'am.
-Let's go.
-Why do we need all that weapons? Axes? Crossbows, bows and arrows? Swords and stilettos?
Oliver looked at Serly.
-Since I'm not going to attack, you're going to need a lot of weapons to kill all the guards. You're not a good killer.
She smirked at him.
Selena scoffed jokingly.
-More weapons don't mean success, higher skills do.
Oliver chuckled.
-That's debatable.
-Fine, alright, I'll confess. I want you to enjoy killing them as much as it's possible.
-That's so sweet of you.
Oliver smiled and pulled her closer to himself by her waist.
She put her hand on his shoulder.
-Wait. Do you hear buzzing sounds?
Selena whispered.
-Quick, hide. Don't let them see you.
Each hid somewhere.
The drone flew and looked around. After making sure that no one is around, it went on.
Everyone came out of their hiding places.
They quietly continued.
Drones appeared and disappeared several times.
And now finally they reached their wanted destination.
Selena looked at Oliver and Serly as they looked at her. She nodded.
They all confidently walked towards the guards.
The guards all quickly pointed different weapons at them.
Selena smirked and tapped on Serly's shoulder.
-It's actually pretty surprising to see you finally though about using the weapons. I bet you don't even know how to use them.
She smiled.
The guards all angrily looked at them until one of them said.
-Get them.
The guards jumped on them.
-Four on you four on me.
Selena whispered to Oliver, who nodded and jumped forward.
He ran towards the guards who also ran towards and threw an explosion spell on him.
He flew back, throwing another guard down.
Two guards began shooting with their guns.
Oliver put up protection spells until the guns stopped shooting.
He knocked down one of them with a spell when he felt a sharp object go deep in his back.
Another guard came up from behind and stabbed him.
That guard later fell to the floor.
Selena rushed to Oliver.
-Can't you ever stay safe?
Oliver chuckled.
-Yeah, no, I'm fine. Don't worry.
On Selena's side...
Two guards with guns began shooting, while one threw a dagger on her.
Serly put up a protection spell, and Selena threw an axe at the dagger. The axe fell on the guard's leg and the dagger right next to him.
Serly ran to the computer lab.
Selena ran towards the stair handrail, jumped on it, backflipped and at the same time threw a stiletto on one of the guards.
The stiletto went inside the man's forehead. He fell on his back.
The guard with the broken leg crawled and caught her legs. She fell down and missed the gunshot.
She zapped him and got released.
Selena ran towards the shooter and sidekicked his gun.
The man punched her.
Her face turned to that side.
She turned to him in rage and tried to stab him with a dagger but he caught her hands and leaned her against the wall.
She turned the dagger in her hands and stabbed his hand.
He roared in pain.
Seeing that he got weaker, she kicked him in the stomach and he released her.
He fell on his knees and held his hand close to himself.
Selena punched his face with her elbow and he fell unconscious.
She turned around and saw Oliver get stabbed and she quickly knocked down the guard.
-Can't you ever stay safe?
Oliver chuckled.
-Yeah, no, I'm fine. Don't worry.
The last guard ran and picked the last axe up from the floor then threw it on Selena.
-Selena, duck!
Oliver pushed Selena down and went back.
The axe fell down the stairs.
Selena turned around and angrily looked at the last guard.
-I've had enough!
The guard turned around and ran away.
Selena threw a spell on him and he fell down.
She ran towards him and he quickly stood up and jumped down.
She threw an explosion spell on him and quickly ran back to Oliver.
-This is terrible! You need to get healed!
Oliver leaned against the stair handrail and groaned.
-Eve doesn't attack.
Selena took out her walkie talkie.
-Eve, quick. Stab wound. You know the destination. The NT camp.
Serly then walked out of the computer lab.
Confusion on her face she fastened her steps.
They all teleported to the NT camp.
Serly lowered his face to her.
-What happened?
She asked with a demanding tone.
Oliver sighed powerlessly.
-I've got a knife in my back, but don't worry I'm fine.
She stared hard at his face and let it go.
Oliver smiled at her in pain.
-You don't have to lie to yourself. You're not fine.
Oliver closed his eyes in pain.
-No, I'm not. I feel like my back is getting ironed.
Serly and Selena laid him down on the sofa, his face down.
Serly parted his clothes, while Selena went to get a clean cloth.
Serly got down to her knees. Her face in front of his.
-I'm supposed to talk and keep you calm. Well, actually, it's more to keep your heart rate slow. So I'm going to say whatever comes to my mind. If your head position isn't comfortable... you can rest your head on my lap. Do you want that?
Oliver smiled.
-I'd appreciate it.
She slowly raised his head up, sat down and put his head on her lap.
Selena was now applying pressure on the wound carefully, without removing the dagger.
Serly was caressing his face.
Eve appeared with the right gears. She quickly ran to the stab wound and began treating it.
Oliver winced in pain.
Selena helped Eve make things faster while Serly successfully calmed him down.
Dan and Emily were still quietly and productively working.
Eve prepared a potion for Oliver to drink. He slowly sat on his knees and drank it up.
Eve smiled.
-Your wound will be healed in 2 hours. Rest.
Oliver lied down again.
Selena smiled at Eve.
-Thank you.
Eve nodded and disappeared.
-If in 2 hours, I'll be healed, and the attack lasted an hour only, then the next attack will also last an hour, but I won't attack. And we said we will return in 3 hours, so we'll have a free hour. No change in plan, yes?
Selena chuckled.
-You'll stay here, while Serly and I attack on the next hideout. But we need a different plan.
Serly nodded.
-Two against drones and guards. What can we do?
Serly sighed.
-I... don't know. All that's coming to my mind is teaming up with others. But if they're busy and already have a plan..then...
Selena nodded determinedly.
-The first time we attacked, it was just you and I. You attacked the guards, on your own, while I destroyed the drones, with the help of our drones, but my point is, you can do it, just you two. If you meet any drones on the way, you'll destroy it. Then, even if the computer man has warned them, you'll also be ready.
Oliver voiced his opinion.
Selena looked at Serly and nodded.
-Now that I think about it, why not? If we stick together, none of us will get hurt. But they definitely will.
-I believe in you two too.
Emily laughed.
Dan smiled at her.
-To be honest, I'm quite surprised none of you got hurt, but Oliver did. Not being sexist, it's just a fact that he's supposed to be physically I believe you can do it.
Selena turned to Serly.
She sighed.
-Alright. We will do it.
She raised his head, got up and let his head go.
-Well come on then. Let's do it.

A Chaotic but Perfect World: In the Epping Forest Where stories live. Discover now