Chapter 1

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I couldn't believe this! "You have to be joking" Kyle! There's no way this is real!" I was freaking out. "Hey! It's only for a few months! You'll survive!" "No, Kyle, I won't, besides I thought your dad said I could go with your family to Spain?" I was going to go crazy without Kyle! He was the only person I had in the world. No friends, no family, just Kyle. "Yeah, he said you could but he couldnt book all of us, and well, family comes first babe."Kyle said as he stormed out of the room. I followed him, cautious. Now that he was angry, I was keeping my distance. "Listen, I know you're not exactly excited about going to England, but it's what we have to do!' he ran his long fingers through his shaggy blonde hair and sighed. "My dad said he already re-rented the apartment out, so you can't stay there." He sat on the edge of the bed and put his face in his hands. He looked up at me. "At least we found someone to take care of you," I crossed my arms and pouted. "You make it sound like I'm a child that needs to be taken care of," Kyle looked back down to the floor . "Brynn, can you just bear with me here?" I sighed, and calmed myself down. "Ok," I said, sitting down next to Kyle. He put his arm around me and I leaned into his chest. "Why does my only relative have to live all the way England," Kyle leaned in and kissed my forehead. "Darling, I'm really sorry, but you have to go, considering you dont have any money to get your own place," A tear escaped my eye as I realized there was no way out of this. Kyle stood up and I did too. He wiped the tear off of my face gently with his warm hand. He pulled me tightly into his arms. "Shh Brynn, it'll be alright, I promise." he whispered lightly in my ear. I buried my face into his chest, taking in his scent. Warm, musky, he smelled like aftershave and the oranges we had eaten just minutes ago. Kyle's smell. I was going to miss that. "I'm going to miss you so much," I said holding him just a little bit tighter. "I'll miss you too baby," He rested his chin on my head lightly. It was silent. A peaceful silence. But moments later I could feel Kyle's tears on my head. "Kyle," I said. "Brynn I ca-" he couldnt finish. He started crying. I looked up at him and wiped the tears off his cheeks. I tried really hard not cry. I did. But in the end, seeing Kyle upset made me upset. The tears were few and slow at first, but suddenly they were flowing like a river. I cried and cried. We held each other, absorbing our last few moments together in somber silence.

The next morning:

My eyes strained against the early morning light. I streched my arm out to the other side of the bed, seeking Kyle, but came up with nothing but a fistfull of sheets. He must've already gotten up. I rolled onto my back and checked the clock. It was 6:45. My plane left at 8:00 am. I looked at the bathroom door and saw that the light was on. Kyle must be in there. I rolled out of bed and walked over to the door. I twisted the knob, checking to see if it was locked. It wasn't. I opened the door and went in. "Brynn? Is that you?" Kyle called from in the shower. "No, just some murderer." I replied sitting in front of the sink. "Did you sleep well?" he asked. "Yeah, I think so," Kyle laughed. "Well your dream sounded...interesting." "Was I talking again?" "Yeah! Kept me up most of the night," he chuckeled again. I heard the water stop. "Okaay, cover your eyes," he teased. I covered my eyes, smiling. "Kyle this is ridiculous." "No, it's not," he replied."Okay, you can look," I uncovered my eyes and he was wrapped up in a pink towel. "Nice color," "Thanks I think it really essentuates my eyes," He laughed. I stood up and walked up in front of him. He wrapped his damp arms around my waist. "So, you wanna hear about the dream?" he asked, raising one eyebrow. "Of course!" I said wiggling my eyebrows. We both laughed. "Okay, okay, well you were saying something about losing your elephant," "What?! No way you just made that up!" "I couldnt make this up if I tried," "Okay, go on," "okay well, I asked you where your elephant went, and you told me he flew away," I laughed. What kind of a dream is this? "And then," Kyle continued, "You were yelling that the doctor took your monkey," "Ok, you're lying, there's no way that actually happened, Kyle," "Swear on my life!" I laughed "Ok then what happened next?" "Well, I don't know because you stopped talking." "I bet I found my monkey," I smiled. I hugged Kyle tight. "I'm gonna miss you," "I'll miss you too babe," There was another moment of silence. "You know what you're gonna miss the most?" I looked up confused. "What?" "Your plane," I whipped my head around to look at the clock. It was already 7:45! "?Holy crap when did it get so late?" We looked at each other, then quick went our seperate ways tearing the bedroom apart trying to get everything together. I was throwing my clothes into my suitcase, pulled my hair into a ponytail, and didnt even bother to change. I swung my bags over my shoulder and Kyle was already downstairs. We both threw my stuff into the trunk and jumped into the car. Kyle started the car and zoomed out the driveway. "I hope we arent late!" I cried. The radio crackled to life. "All right coming up on our 7 o'clock hour we have the classics for you! And I hope you all remembered to set your clocks back an hour! Happy Daylights Savings Time Folks." I froze and stared at the radio. The I looked up at Kyle. We just looked at each other and started laughing uncontrollably. Just laughed and laughed. My stomached ached from all the laughter. We pulled into the airport parking lot and I sighed, finally laughed out. "We are so stupid," I said "But we're stupid together," Kyle replied.

I tugged my last suitcase out of the trunk, handing it to Kyle. I had lost the happiness from just moments before. "Hey, brighten up babe," he smiled, his left dimple appearing. I poked it smiling for a second, but couldn't hold on to it. I sighed and looked back to the ground. "C'mon, it's only for a few months then I'll come see you in London, after the new year." I kept staring at the ground, and I could feel the tears welling up inside. Kyle reached out and pulled my chin up to face him. "Smile for me," he whispered, looking into my eyes with his ocean blue eyes. I smiled with tears brimming my eyes, reallizing just how much I would miss him. He pulled me back into the comfort of his arms, where I felt safe. We stood there for awhile, but had to go inside to get checked in. We got checked in and I came up to security. "Ok Brynn, I have to go now," I gripped his hand. "I'll miss you so much," i said running my fingers through his blonde hair. It was still slightly damp from his shower. "Bye Brynn," he said, gently planting a soft, passionate kiss on my lips. He pulled away and I let go of his hand. I turned to walk through security, I turned to say goodbye to Kyle, but was pushed towards security by a crowd of people who sprung up out of nowhere. "BYE KYLE!" I shouted, facing backwards somewhat "LOVE YOU BRYNN!" I heard him shout back. I smiled as I got in line. Even though I was going to miss him for three months, I was excited for whatever laid ahead of me. I couldn't wait! I made it through security, and sat in one of the hard plastic chairs and waited for them to call out my flight. "Now boarding flight 70098, now boarding flight 70098," came the perky voice over the announcement speakers. I gathered up my bags and boarded the plane. I quickly found my seat and settled in. About 10 minutes later, I had a guest. "Excuse me," a husky,British voice said. It was a very tall boy, with curly brown hair that looked like it would be fun to run my fingers through. "Oh sorry, is this your seat?" I asked. I couldn't see his eyes, because he was wearing dark sunglasses. I scooched over, letting him have the aisle seat. "I'm Brynn," I said "Harry," he replied, taking off his sunglasses. His eyes were bloodshot and red, sugesting he was hungover. But I saw past that, and his eyes were beautiful. They were a shiny emerald green, and they sparkled but in a dark way. Like he knew something you didn't. I had a feeling he had many secrets. "Sorry, but I probably won't be up for much conversation," he said "I'm extremely hungover and just want to sleep," He leaned his seat back and adjusted so he was on his side, facing me. "That's alright, I said. I was thinking this would be a good time for a nap too" He didnt respond, so I turned and faced the window, closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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