Chapter 14

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And the scariest part of it was, nothing was stopping me.

Except for the strong arms I felt against my waist, pulling me away from the edge. I gasped as I fell back into the man. I turned to face him, but he held me tight.

"Let me GO!" I screamed, tears rushing down my face. "Let me die! What do you care?!" I was screaming and crying. The fight went out of me and I let myself sob into this strangers chest.

"Brynn I'm so sorry," Harry said. My head snapped up and I glared at harry.

"Let. Me. Go" I said in the fiercest voice I could manage. Harry sighed a dropped his arms from me. He was still acting funny. I guess he had gotten a bit tipsy at the restaurant.

"Brynn, I really am sorry. Really," he slurred his words together.

In that moment, I felt distant. It didn't feel like this was all real. I took a small step away from Harry, and he took two closer. 

"Brynn," he said, his dark eyes piercing into mine, melting my heart. I couldn't stay mad at him. How would I? I collapsed into his arms, sobbing. I could hear his gentle heartbeat along with a soft murrmur of his rough voice, telling me that everything would be ok.

I found myself in Harry's apartment again, somehow. Judging by light filtering in through the blinds, it was probably mid-afternoon. Harry was nowhere in sight. I rolled of the couch and stretched. I tilted my head and listened, straining to hear faint music coming from the basement. As quietly as I could, I went downstairs. I saw Harry sitting with his back to me, at the piano. He was playing the same song he had played for me, just days ago, but there was more to it this time. As the song went on, Harry slowed, and after just a few moments, he stopped. His hands rested over the keys, wanting to play more. I held my breath, not wanting to make a sound. He suddenly collapsed into his hands, sobbing. He cried and cried, and I just stood there like an idiot. He was saying something to himself. He looked up at the pictures on the wall and whispered quietly, 

"Where are you Christine?"

I decided it was time for me to leave just then. I turned to go back upstairs, but tripped on the second step and crashed into the wall. I'm so graceful.

"Brynn?" Harry sounded worried. His gaze snapped from the wall to me. I quickly stood up and pushed my hair out of my face. 

"Morning!" I smiled my brightest, hoping he wouldn't ask how long I had been listening. 

"It's 4:30," was all he said. "Are you alright? Did you hurt yourself?" 

"No, no I'm fine," I said, rubbing my elbow, "I'm just super clumsy,"

Harry paused for a moment, looking back at the wall. "We need to talk,Brynn,"

I slowly walked over to him and sat on the piano bench next to him. "What's wrong?" 

"What were you doing last night?" he asked. "Why were you on that bridge?" His gaze was focused on his hands, which he was wringing. 

I couldn't give him a straight answer, because I wasn't completely sure. He took my silence as an answer. 

"Brynn, I haven't been completely honest with you, and I need to tell you this now," he took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes. "Christine was...well she was my everything."Harry wiped his eyes and sniffed back more tears. He shifted a bit and looked back up at me. "I told you that she walked out on me, but I never told you why. She was angry at me. We had a fight and I hit her...." Harry's voice cracked as another tear escaped his eye. "I didn't mean to, it just happened. I was drunk, and not thinking right," Harry gave up trying to wipe his eyes, so I did it for him. "And she stormed out of my flat that night, much like you did. I let her go for awhile, but got worried and went in search for her. I found her on that wxact same bridge. The same place where I found you." Harry paused. "Only...only..." His voice cracked again. "I wasn't quick enough to stop her," Harry collapsed into sobs. I tried to comfort him, but I knew what he really needed was to be alone. I had planned on telling Harry about Kyle, but now it didn't seem like such a good idea. I got up off the piano bench and kissed Harry's forehead lightly. I turned to walk away but he grabbed my wrist. His eyes were red adn puffy, with tears streaking down his face. 

"Please Brynn," he whispered, barely audible. "Don't leave me,"

And with that, I sat back on the piano bench and held Harry in my arms, while he cried.

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