Chapter 24

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I wandered aimlessly around the apartment, searching for the last of my things. I pulled a sock out from under the couch, and was just reaching for a stray hair tie when the front door was forced open. It was Harry and he was completely drunk. His eyes were pink and he walked with a wierd limp. 

"Harry?" I said tiidly, standing up. "Hey, how are you?"

He just stared at me for the longest time before dropping a bag on the couch and walking upstairs. It was a presnt bag, so I quickly went over to open it. There was a little yellow card inside, so I opened it. It said: 

"Dear Brynn-

I can't believe you're actually going to leave. I thought I was going to spend forever with you. You were basically the other half of me. I love you so so much. I'm writing this at the store because I know I'm going to be drunk by the time you get this. Sorry :) Anyway, just keep in touch with me while you're in America? I don't want to lose you like I lost Christine. I can't go through that again, especially not alone. Okay, the store keeper is giving me weird looks so I'm going to wrap this up. I love you Brynn. Don't ever forget that and don't ever forget me.

-xx Harry

There were tears in my eyes as I folded the card back up and took out the present. It was a small piece of paper, a check. For $10,000!? There was a little note written on the back. It said: Use this money to buy a piano and put it in your house in America. Everytime you play it, remember me.

Along with the check there was a piece of sheet music titled "Love" It was something I had never seen before. Underneath the title it said "For Brynn, the only one I want" And on the side scribbled out in Harry's handwriting was "Play this/have someone play this for our engagement :)" I was crying now. I knew that I needed to go and be with my family, but I wanted to stay in London forever, and start a life with Harry.


Harry left that night after I fell asleep on the couch, and he never came back. I waited for two weeks, but I had to leave after that. I had a plane to catch. I sat on the plane and watched as the city of London faded behind us, leaving all my memories there with it. I held in my hands the sheet music, tracing over the notes with my fingers. It was all I had left of Harry now. I didn't know where he was or if I would ever see him again. I hoped so, but I guess only time would tell. I had finally found the perfect guy, and he knew the keys to my heart. But now it all felt like a dream, I was not ready for reality yet.

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