Chapter 23

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Harry finally emerged from the basement, still teary eyed. I handed him a bowl of oatmeal, and was just about to say something when the phone rang. I held a "hold on" finger to Harry and  answered the phone.


"Hi Brynn, this is Elizabeth, your aunt? I'm calling to tell you that you'll be moving back to America with us in the next few weeks! Isn't that exciting?" 

THE NEXT FEW WEEKS? I just got Harry back, and now they were going to rip us apart? How could they do this?

"What?" was all I could say. 

"Pack your things, darling. Where exactly are we picking you up from?" 

I paused, contemplating giving her the wrong adress and fleeing. But I knew it was wrong. This was my family, and I needed to be with them.

"I can tell you're hesitant about this and that's understandable, but you can visit Europe whenever you'd like, I just really want you to be living with family,"

I sighed, knowing she was right. 

"Okay Elizabeth, I'll pack my things," I sighed and gave her the address as Harry's eyebrows narrowed. I hung up the phone and threw myself into his arms sobbing.

 "I have to leave Harry. I'm going back to America." I sobbed and he held me tight.

Suddenly his warmth was gone and I was left standing alone in the kitchen. I rubbed my eyes and saw him looking out the living room window.

"RIght when I thought I could love again, right when my life is getting back to normal.." he trailed off.

"I'm leaving, don't expect me back any time soon," he said, before storming out the door.

 I was left alone, wondering what was going to happen with the rest of my time in London.

*SORRY short chapter, mainly a filler. I'm getting sad writing these last few chapters :( I hope you like it! once this story gets 1k reads, I'll publish the after story, what happens after Brynn leaves for America :) THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING THIS SHIT :)*

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