Chapter 16

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Harry seemed different on the way home. He was completely silent, only muttering a bit at a guy who cut him off. In my head I had been prepared for yelling and screaming, for his anger. But I was not prepared for his silence. In a way it was even more terrifying. Once we got home though, he released a soft fury.

"Brynn what the hell was that? Who was that guy?" He said. His voice was calm, but his eyes showed burning outrage.

"That was my ex-boyfriend Kyle." I said timidly. 

"Was he your ex before 20 minutes ago?" Harry asked. His tone had changed. I looked up to see tears forming in his perfect green eyes. "Brynn," he sighed "I told you everything, and I trusted you. I thought I could at least. Why?" The hurt in his voice was tremendous. It hurt my heart to hear it. I saw a single tear slip from his eye before he walked off and locked himself in the bedroom. I sensed that he wanted to be alone, so I left him. I also wanted to be alone. I had a lot on my mind. 

The doctors had told me that Edith wasn't getting much better, and this liver surgery would be expensive, and most likely end up in a failure. But if they didn't do the surgery, she would die even quicker. I couldn't decide what to do. I needed to talk to somebody, but who? I had no one right now. So I went down to Harry's piano and looked at the song he had played before. It was a beautiful piece that deserved to be finished, maybe on a later date. I dragged the heavy wooden piano bench out and place my hand delicately on the keys. It had been years since I even touched a piano. I closed my eyes and started on the C that I remembered the piece beginning with. I followed the music up until the very end, wishing there was more. My fingers ached to play on. But, knowing there was no more, I turned and left the piano. I sighed to myself, wishing that all the stress would just be lifted off my shoulders.

It was a week later when I got another phone call from the hospital. I was fearing the worse, thinking Edith was gone and that I would be arranging to have her funeral. I was envisioning her lifeless body as I stared at my caller ID. Did I really want to answer this? I picked up.

"Hello? Is this Brynn Parson?" came the familiar nurse's voice.

"Yes, it is," I said, trying to hold back the tears. I knew she was dead. I just felt it.

"Hi, we're going to need you here ASAP, it seems your boyfriend has been in an accident,"

In the moment, I could feel my heart drop and shatter into a million pieces, just as my phone screen had as I dropped it to the floor.

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