Chapter 7:

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I stood there silently, my gaze darting for Harry's motionless body to Edith's bent over frame. "He's not dead is he?" She asked, crouching down to check his pulse. I did the same, gently lifting his head and placing it in my lap. "Oh I never meant to hit his bloody head," Edith mumbled under her breath. I chuckled under my breath and looked down at Harry. He was so vulnerable and innocent looking, just laying there. Almost like an angel that was taking a nap. But there was still a sense of danger about him. I took a shaking hand and traced the pink scar down his jawline. What could've caused that? I moved my hand up to his hair, which was soft as silk. I ran my hands through it gently, and Harry stirred underneath me. His eyes opened, an they were tired and bloodshot. His eyes pierced mine, with a questioning gaze. "Boy what right do you have coming into my home and terrorizing my niece?" Edith yelled. "You're lucky I didn't kill you! Now tell me what caused all this commotion?" Harry snapped his eyes to Edith. At first he looked like he would snap at her, so I squeezed his shoulder, hoping he'd get the message. "I'm sorry mam I don't know what I was thinking," I eased my grip on his shoulder. He slowly tried to sit up, but fell back against my chest. "Damn, what did I do to my head?" "I smacked you with a frying pan! I thought you were going to hurt my baby!" I giggled at aunt Edith's protectiveness. "Maybe we should have him lie down," I suggested. They both turned to look at me, Harry with thankful eyes and Edith with a confused look. "Maybe we should," Edith said, puzzled.

After Harry finally got to his feet, me and Edith managed to drag him down the hall to the bedroom. He willingly laid in bed, sinking into the comfortable mattress. His eyes fluttered shut almost immeadiately, and once again he was looking like an angel. I stared at him, in awe of his beauty. I was debating wether or not just to climb right in with him and snuggle up to his warmth. I decided against it, and went back to the kitchen for my breakfast.

The sunlight was pouring through the open windows, bathing the kitchen in a warm yellow light. It was cozy and smelled like bacon. I inhaled deeply. "Oh! Brynn here's your food," said edith, handing me a plate of steaming eggs and bacon. "Thank you Edith," I smiled warmly and sat down at the table. I tried to focus on whatever it was Edith was telling me, but my mind kept flitting back to the mysterious boy sleeping in the back. I just couldn't stop thinking about him. "Can you excuse me, Edith?" I asked, hoping I didn't interrupt her. "Sure dear," she smiled "I can tell you've been itching to check on that boy"

I gathered the dishes and put them in the sink before going to Harry. He was still asleep. I gingerly lifted the covers and slid in next to him. He jumped as I wrapped an arm around his waist. He turned to look at me, but I had already buried my face into his back. I snuggled up close, and closed my eyes. The last thing I heard before I drifted off to sleep was Harry saying, "Glad to see your no longer mad at me,"

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