Chapter 22

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It was really hard for me to accept that Christine was gone. I really wanted Brynn to be lying to me, or have been cheating on Christine with Brynn, anything but having to face the fact that she was gone forever. I just didn't want to live through this all over again. It had been hard enough the first time. But yet here I stand, at her grave. A single wilting rose was layed across the stone. I wiped a tear from my eye and kneeled down next to the grave.

"Hey Christine. It's Harry." I smiled and laughed at myself. "I'm such a fool, but maybe you CAN hear me, so I'm going to keep going. Okay I miss you a lot Christine. I want you in my arms. I want to hold you again, and smell your sweet perfume. Why did you have to leave me here? I was a wreck without you, and I still kinda am. I found a new girl now, and I really like her. I hope it's okay with you that I'm moving on. I know you always said we'd be together forever, but I think our forever was cut short. Please give me some sort of sign that you agree, and that it's okay with you that I'm seeing Brynn," I whispered the last part, tears flowing. I took a deep breath and looked up. In the distance, I saw a beautiful white swan swimming across the lake. It seemed to stare at me for a second before turning away and swimming off into the distance. I knew then that Christine approved of Brynn. Swans were always Christine's favorite. I remembered that at least. I knew that I needed to get back to the hospital and rest, so I went back to Brynn. 

"All finished?" she asked, smiling up at me. I took her into my arms and hugged her tight. 

"Yes, I'm done," I smiled back.

"Okay, then you have to get back to the hospital because we're almost 10 minutes past your curfew!"

We hopped into the car and went back to the hospital. I knew I needed to say something to Brynn about all of this, but I couldn't find the words. As she pulled up to drop me off, I knew what I needed to say.

"Brynn?" I said quietly. "Yes Harry?"  "I love you, I really do. I really mean it. I won't let anyone or anything hurt you ever. I'll protect you, I promise. And I'll never hurt you either. You're my everything Brynn," She was crying as she wrapped me in a big hug. 

"I love you too Harry, more than anything in this entire world,"

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