Chapter 9

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"No," I said, quickly standing up. "I was just looking around," I glanced around the room before making eye contact with him. "Do you play?" I asked. Harry looked at the ground, a smile forming on his lips. "I haven't in a long time," he whispered, barely audible. "But you know how?" I questioned. "Yes," he said looking back up at me. "Play for me," I demanded lightly. "What?" Harry said, looking at me surprised. "I asked you to play for me, would you?" I asked again, a bit sweeter. "I suppose," he said, taking a seat on the bench. I say back down next to him. "This was her-" Harry started, but stopped himself. "I mean I used to love to play this song," he gently placed his long hands on the piano keys. Unsure, he pressed a key. It must've been right because he went on. The notes melted together in a beautiful harmony. His hands floated effortlessly across the piano, and I was transported to another world. I felt the music. I closed my eyes and leaned against Harry's shoulder. The song ended abruptly. "Is that all?" I asked, my eyes still closed. There was no response. I opened my eyes and saw Harry's hands frozen over the keys, his eyes fixed on them. "Are you alright?" I asked. Still nothing. I wrapped my arms around Harry. "Talk to me," I whispered gently into his ear. A tear escaped his eye and I held him tighter. "It was Christine's favorite song," he whispered before standing up and going back up stairs.

I was confused so I went upstairs too. I found Harry sitting on the couch, crouched up and quietly crying. He was muttering something quietly to himself. "Harry?" I cautiously stepped into the living room. He didn't look up. I sat down next to him, and found my arms aching to hold him. He looked so helpless and weak, it was loveable. Harry wiped his eyes. And looked over at me. "I'm sorry Brynn. I've fucked every part of my life up. I don't want it to get any worse,"

"Harry, it won't I promise, things can only get better," I tried to be reassuring.

"You don't know the Hell I've walked through Brynn," he said in an angry whisper.

"So tell me," I challenged. He looked back up at me with his tired green eyes.

"Where to start,"he said with a smirk. He laid down on his back, and opened his arms for me to join him. I laid down carefully. I was surprised to find how perfectly we fit together. "Let's see," he started. "You're probably wondering who Christine was eh?" Harry absent-mindedly started stroking my hair. I didn't mind. "She was my last girl friend. Actually she was my fiancée," he paused "She was perfect. Everything j could have asked for. But she walked out on me," I heard Harry sniffle, and looked up to see him crying.

"Harry," I sympathized.

"She was my best friend throughout my whole life, ever since our older brothers were both shot and killed right in front of us," he gazed into the distance, remembering. "We were but 8 years old. Our brothers only 15 and 16," He looked back down.

I guess it's my turn. I had never told anyone about my past before. I had thought that if I hid it, it wasn't true. But I was about to face the nightmares again.

"My dad had a mental illness," I blurted. I hesitated, but kept going. "He didn't think there was anything wrong with him though. It was always our fault. Mine or my older sisters. Especially our moms. He was a drinker. And a mean drunk. He was so nasty. He'd call me a pig a whore and a disgrace to the family, all when I was only 3 or 4 years old. That is when he came home wasted and beat my mom. He beat her with a broken bottle," my voice quivered. "He beat her till she was broken and bleeding. She bled to death with me in her arms," I let out a choked sob and Harry held me tighter in his arms. "Shh Brynn, it's alright, it's all behind us," he whispered soothingly. "But the nightmare wasn't over," I said craning my neck to look at harry. We both had tear stains down our cheeks. "He killed my brother too. Kidnapped him. Police found him in the ditch, no trace of my father," Harry hugged me soothingly. "I'm so afraid of being alone," I squeaking, tears streaming down my face. "I was alone at that house for days, scared that my father would come back for me," I sobbed into Harry's chest, reliving the nightmares. He hugged me tight to his chest. I looked up from my sobbing and saw that harry was crying too. I reached a shaking hand up to wipe the tear away. Harry took that hand and placed it on his chest. I looked him in the eyes and I saw the pain in them. All the burdens he carries that he doesn't tell me about. And the nest thing I know, his soft lips are planted against mine. It's like an electric spark. I can taste his toothpaste, and a bit of my lipsticks as we kiss. It's our first kiss. When he pulls back, I smile at him and lay back on his chest. I can't stop smiling, the memories long forgotten."let's watch a movie, datling?" Harry asks. "Sure," I smile back, snuggling into Harry's warmth. I could get used to this.

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