Chapter 18

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*beep beep beep* *beep beep beep*

Not another day. I didn't want to get up today. It's been exactly one month since Harry was attacked. They put Kyle on trial for attempted murder, and he is waiting for the verdict. Most likely it will be guilty. Edith passed away just a few days ago, and her funeral is today. I am expecting it to be me and Edith, along with the pastor, alone in the empty church. Even though I know there was nothing I could've done, I felt guilty knowing that Edith was gone, and I couldn't help her. I slowly pulled myself out of bed and put on a skimpy black dress that Harry had picked out for me long ago. Not exactly funeral-esque but who cared? The only other person who will be there is dead. So I dragged myself down the stairs, already sniveling. I just felt awful that I had spent more time with Harry than her. 

I pulled into the church parking lot 5 minutes before the service, and was shocked to see that there were no parking spaces left. Why were all these people here? Was I at the wrong church? I hesitantly went inside, and the instant the doors swung shut, everyone turned to look at me. I stood there, dumbstruck as all these people I didn't know watched me walk down the aisle to a seat up front. I could hear them whispering my name behind my back, and wondered how they knew me.  I sat quietly in my seat as the service started. I stayed relatively calm, but got nervous once the preist asked if anyone wanted to come up and say a few words about Edith. I was going to go up, but a small, middle-aged woman beat me up there. As she turned around to face the church, I almost had a heart attack. It was my mother.

She's supposed to be dead! I layed my 3 year old hand over he un-moving heart! She is dead!

Thoughts raced through my mind faster than the speed of light. I glanced around the room to see if anyone else was having a similar reaction, but they all were smiling up at her. I was completely shocked! But when she opened her mouth to speak, I was even more dumbfounded.

"Hi, I'm Elizabeth Parson, Edith's youngest sister. You all pretty much know me from when I was a little kid, considering most of us are family," 

My heart stopped. Elizabeth Parsons? Edith's little sister? Why hadn't anyone ever told me about Elizabeth? And wait, did she just say everyone in this room is my family? Why am I just now figuring this out? I placed my hands on my temples and took a deep breath. This was a lot to take in. 

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