Chapter 3

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I gasped and sat straight up in bed, struggling to catch my breath. I thought that the nightmares were over. I hadn't had them for years, but here they were reappearing. I looked over at the clock. 6am. I laid back down on the bed and brought my hands to my face. The pale light that comes right before dawn was coming through the blinds. I rubbed my eyes and rolled out of bed. I thought that my past was behind me. I thought I would never have to relive that horror again, but I guess I was wrong. Then again, when was I ever right?

Edith came knocking on my door not even a minute later. "Brynn are you awake hon?" She asked cracking my door open. "Yeah come in," I said walking over to my bags. "Did you sleep well?" "Like a baby! And you?" "Good! I made breakfast if you'd like some. It's hash browns and eggs," my stomach growled, and I remembered I hadn't eaten since yesterday afternoon. And boy was I hungry! "I'll be down in a second!"

"Ugh I can't eat another bite! Edith you are an AMAZING cook!" She smiled, "We'll I'm glad you liked it." She got up and starts clearing away the dishes. "So is there anything you were planning on doing today?" She asked as she took the dishes to the sink. "Not really, maybe go to the mall, probably pick up a few things. Did you know they won't let you take razors on the plane?" "Are you serious?" "Dead serious," I replied "But other than that, nothing," Edith was quiet for a moment. "We'll the keys to the car are on top of the fridge. Don't be out too late! The mall opens at 9am so I'd go get some razors and such first," "Ok! Thank you Edith!" I gave Her a hug before pulling on my converse and heading out the door. "Bye Brynn," she whispered.

'Why can't a find a parking spot?' I thought to myself. 10 rows of parking spaces I'd gone through were all full. Who would've guessed Target would be so busy at 8:45am? Not me that's for sure! "FOUND ONE!" I called out loud as I pulled into an empty space. I was parked next to a very shiny expensive looking Range Rover. I wish I could afford something that nice! The wind whipped through my hair as I walked to the doors. I was regretting leaving my coat at home, as it was quite cold for November. I grabbed a cart, knowing I was going to get way more than I intended. First on my list? Toothpaste. I pushed the cart, which had a squeaky wheel, down to we're the toothpaste was. I was looking over the toothpastes, trying to decide which would be the best. There were many options, but I just couldn't decide. As I was looking them over, I felt someone watching me again. "You know, if I were you I'd go with the Spongebob kind," a familiar husky voice whispered into my ear. I drew in a sharp breath and whipped around to face...Harry. "Oh hey!" He smiled, the same dimply smile I had seen just a day ago. "You're the girl from the plane!" He gazed into my eyes, the shining green color captivating me. "Yeah," I said, lost in his eyes. My fingers ached to run through his soft brown curls. We just stood there, taking each other in. In that moment it seemed like we were alone. We were the only two people that mattered. It was just me and Harry. It was peaceful. But the peace was broken by my phone ringing. I dropped my gaze to my purse, and dug around for my phone. It was Kyle. "I have to take this," I mouthed to Harry as I answered the phone. I was expecting him to leave, but he stood right in front of me, studying my face. "Hi Kyle!" I answered brightly. "Hey baby, how was your first day in London?" "It was amazing! I swear the Starbucks tastes better over here," Harry chuckled and looked down, and I turned my back to him to look at the toothpaste again. "So what are you doing?" Kyle asked. "I'm just picking up a few things that I forgot at home," I replied. Suddenly I could feel Harry's warm breath on my shoulder. "She's getting Spongebob toothpaste," he said into the phone. I whipped around and gave Harry the look. "Brynn who the hell was that?" "Sorry Kyle I have to go," "Brynn don't you dare han-" I pressed 'end' and took a step closer to Harry. "Why'd you do that?!" I asked "he's going to hate me!" Harry smirked and looked up at me. "I'm not the one who hung up on him," he laughed. I rolled my eyes and turned my back to him again. Suddenly his large hands were around my waist and his lips were against my ear. "I know you want me," he whispered, sending shivers up my spine. "No, get away from me," I said. "I didn't believe that for one second" he said. He roughly turned me around to face him. "Tell me Brynn, do you want to be with me?" I was at a loss for words. Never before in my entire life had a guy been so upfront with me. I didn't know what to do, so I grabbed my purse and walked away. I could hear Harry walking behind me. "Brynn, don't deny what you feel," he said cheekily. I rolled my eyes and practically ran to my car. Or, where the car had been, rather. It was gone. The shiny range rover was still there, but Edith's beat up car was no where in sight. I heard a crunch behind me and whirled around. There was Harry, leaning against the range rover smiling somewhat wickedly at me. "What?" I spit, angry that he was laughing at me. "You parked in a reserved spot, didn't you?" I looked back, and sure enough there was a sign...

'Spot reserved for handicapped persons only'

I sighed and turned back to Harry. "I guess I did," His face was serious now. "Hop on in, I'll take you to wherever you're going," "Where's your car?" I asked. Surely he wasn't talking about the range rover. Or was he? "What, I'm not good enough to drive this?" He was getting angry. His eyes had turned dark. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths. "This is my car Brynn," he said as he opened the passenger'a door for me. "Please get in," I was very frightened now. I was scared that if I didn't get in,he would force me to. I was scared that if I did get in, he would harm me, or take me somewhere I didn't want to be. I was torn. "Brynn?" Harry's voice was softer now. He looked up at me through his long eyelashes. "Are you alright?" I shook my head. "I'm fine," I lied. I climbed into the passengers seat and Harry shut the door behind me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Harry came around on the other side and got in. He started the car and drove away,without asking where he was going. "Brynn, tell me you like Chinese food," he said "what?" I asked. I was confused. "I'm taking you out on a date, Brynn. Do you like Chinese food?" I was shocked. All I could do was nod my head. "Good" Harry sighed, focusing on the road once again. I looked out the window. What had I gotten into.

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