Chapter 5

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Harry'a POV

She just looked so beautiful sleeping on the plane. Like an angel. Her hair was long, and my fingers ached to run through it. Her delicate small hands, the flush of color on her defined cheek bones, and how her plump, pink lips were separated just slightly. She was truly gorgeous. When I saw that man attack her, rage burned inside of me, like a forest fire. Raw and untamed. I couldn't hold back on this guy. As I sat next to Brynn now, I could feel the awkwardness in the air. But I had saved her, hadn't I? Shouldn't she be grateful? My mind was racing. All I knew was that I loved Brynn. I was almost certain. "Harry?" "Yes, darling?" Darling. That's what I called Christine. I shook away the thought. "Can we go to target? I really do need toothpaste," I chuckled. I was expecting her to tell me the way to her house, or to tell me off for taking her like this. "Of course" I smiled back.

"There's to many people here," Brynn said. We pushed our way through the crowds at the front of the store and went to the toothpaste aisle. "So are we getting the Spongebob one or?" I asked, jokingly. It was funny how I had only known Brynn for mere hours yet I felt like she was my best friend. I felt like I had known her forever. "Sure," she smiled cheekily, "I guess that means I have to get the Spongebob toothbrush too?" "Of course," she threw them into the cart, and walked into the next aisle. "Ooh makeup!" She squealed. Makeup? Brynn didn't need makeup! She was flawless! "Nah, I got too much the way it is," she sighed and passed the makeup. Her eyes light up as she saw something across the aisle. She totally abandoned the cart and made a dead sprint for whatever it was. I grabbed the cart and pushed it over to Brynn, laughing to myself at how ADHD she was being."RAR! Harry look its a lion!" She held up a baby's toy, a stuffed lion. She held it over her face and raked the paws at me, roaring in a cute little voice. I grabbed a stuffed kitten off the shelf and held it to my face. "Mewmew," I meowed much to Brynn's delight. She laughed and swiped the cat from my hands. "Hey give that back!" I cried. She grabbed her purse and ran the opposite direction. "Gotta catch me!" She laughed. I groaned, chasing after her. I finally caught up to her in the back where they were displaying couches. I grabbed her arm and spun her to face me. I pressed my forehead against hers. "I caught you," I whispered, as seductively as I could. She snuggled her head into the crook of my neck. "Yeah you sure did," she smiled into my neck. She was reminding me of Christine. I took a step back. "Harry? Are you okay?" Brynn looked worried. I couldn't speak. I was paralyzed. I slowly backed away. It all hit me at once. Her eyes were the same brown as Christine's. her hair the same soft chocolate brown. The way her one eyebrow was slightly cocked upwards. All of it reminded me of Christine. And that was not something I wanted. "Harry talk to me!" She was looking frightened. That's when I ran. I ran out of the store without giving Brynn the chance to catch up. I knew that I was her ride, but she could call a taxi. She'd find away. But right now I needed space. "Harry?!" I could hear Brynn calling after me. I started the car and drove off. But not before seeing Brynn in front of the entrance, tears streaming down her face as she saw my vehicle leaving. She fell to her knees with her head in her hands, still clutching the stuffed animals. I looked away quickly, and drove off. I turned the radio on, hoping it would calm me down. I was greeted with the words "I'm putting my defenses up, cause I don't wanna fall in love," I gripped the wheel noting how very true this was.

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