Chapter 12

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"Brynn is everything alright?" I heard Harry's voice outside the bathroom door. Ok Brynn, act natural, everything is fine. 

"Yes, I'm fine, just changing," I replied. I was still on the toilet, unsure of what to do. Edith was way past the age of having to deal with this, so I didn't think she would have any. I decided to look anyways. I opened the two cupboards under the sink. The only things under there were razors and shampoo. No luck. I didn't want to tell Harry about my dilemma, it was embarrassing! I checked the clock above the door. I had been in the bathroom for almost 10 minutes! Harry had to be wondering what was taking me so long.

"Brynn?" Speak of the devil. "Brynn darling, what's wrong?" His tone was convincingly worried. "Are you ill?"

"No, I'm fine, really!" I said. Then I started to cry. Damn hormones. 

"Brynn, are you crying? Open the door Brynn, let me in," Harry said. I heard him twisting the locked doorknob. I didn't want to let him in, but I felt like I had to. I looked at myself in the mirror. Makeup streaming down my face and my hair a wreck, I looked a real mess. I sniffed and wiped the makeup away. I unlocked the door and Harry came barreling in. He saw my face and held me in a tight hug. 

"Brynn, you're crying," he said stroking my hair. "Tell me what's wrong, love,"

I sniffed and came up with a lie really quick. "I just miss Edith, and everything in this house reminds me of her,"

"Oh Brynn," Harry said, holding me still. "She'll be alright. She'll be back and better than ever in no time at all!"

I faked a smile and looked back up at Harry. "I'll go get changed now, thanks Harry,"

"No problem love," He smiled back.

I went back into my bedroom and grabbed some clothes. Black sweatpants it is. I changed my underwear, and shoved another clean pair into my purse. I pulled a white t-shirt on, and braided my hair quickly. I searched around my things for 50 cents. Hopefully wherever we went, I could find a bathroom and buy something. That should hold me over until I can go to the store by myself. I found two quarters in my jeans pocket and shoved them in my sweatpants. I grabbed my purse and opened the door, where Harry was waiting.  "Ready Brynn?" I took his hand and left Edith's.

"How about there?" Harry asked, pointing to a small, fancy-looking restaurant. We had been driving around for quite a while now, and I was really starting to get hungry. I could tell that Harry was too. "Hmmm I don't know, that seems fine," I said. "Just pick something, Brynn," I knew that by now I would really need a bathroom. "Stop here," I said, not even paying attention to where we were. "Uh...Brynn? You sure you wanna eat here?" I looked up. We were sitting in the parking lot of a run-down McDonalds. "I just need to run to the bathroom. I'll be back soon," I gave him a peck on the cheek and dashed out of the car. I hurried into the bathroom, praying that my pants were ok! I hopped into a stall and sure enough, they were fine! I quickly purchased what I needed to with my 50 cents and did what I had to. I was in and out in less than 5 minutes.

"Hey," Harry said, when I got back in the car. "Better?" 

"Much," I smiled. 

"I think I know where to go," Harry smiled. He started the Range Rover and drove out of there. He drove us to a tiny resturant back in the heart of London. A cute little Italian shop with little black tables outside. It smelled like french bread and spaghetti. 

"This is cute," I  smiled, taking Harry's hand. A friendly waiter showed us to a table in the back. It was light with candles and there was a rose waiting on the table.

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