Chapter 6

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Back to Brynn

I crouched on the ground, sobbing as I watched the Range Rover drive away. What had I done wrong? How could he just leave me like this? I raked my fingers through my long hair and wiped the tears from my cheeks. A million questions rant through my mind but one stuck out. What made him get so scared and run? Was it something I said? Or maybe something I did? Oh well. I guess the only friend I had here is now gone. I picked myself up off the ground, and looked in the direction Harry had driven. He was completely out of sight. He was gone. I went back into the store and bought regular mint toothpaste and a normal toothbrush. I put the stuffed animals back and checked out. Then I checked a phone book for a taxi service. After what seemed like an eternity it finally showed up, and I climbed in. It smelled like sweat and sub sandwiches. Yuck. "Where to?" I gave him Edith's address and away we went. I tried calling Edith on the way home, but she didn't answer. It was about 6:30. Maybe she was eating? At the thought of food my stomach made a dying whale noise. I clutched it, groaning at how hungry I actually was.

The lights outside Edith's house were off, which was strange. I payed the taxi driver and went up to the front door. It was unlocked, so I let myself in. "Edith?!" I cried into the darkness. No answer. I flipped on the kitchen light and there was Edith at the table, draped over a bowl of cereal. "Edith? Oh my god are you ok?" She slowly lifted her head. "Oh Brynn you're home! Sorry to konk out on ya but its my medication. It makes me drowsy." "Oh ok, jeez you scared my to death!" Edith looked back down at her bowl. "I'm sorry," she whispered, barely audible. I knew that she was apologizing for scaring me, but it seemed like there was more to this story.

•The next morning•

bzzzzzt. bzzzzzt. bzzzzzzt.

I groaned, throwing the warm covers off my bed and feeling around my nightstand for my phone. I retrieved it and squinted at the bright light. It was 5:00 in the morning! Who was texting me?! I opened the message:

Brynn, I'm sorry about yesterday, did you get home alright?


I thought back to the last time I saw harry, and cringed at the memory. I sighed, looking back up at the screen in my hands. I didn't know how to respond! He had left me at target in the middle of a foreign country where I knew no one. It wasn't exactly an easy thing to just "forget". I finally decided to text him back. "Hey, I'm sorry but I don't think I can forgive you just yet." I hope he understands. I push back the covers all the way and head to the bathroom to take a shower. I relax under the steaming water, letting it soothe my skin. I close my eyes and just forget everything for a moment. But a moment only lasts a second, and then my phone buzzes again. "I said I was sorry what more do you fucking want?" What?! Did he actually just send this to me? Right about now I was thankful that he had NOT given me a ride home, because at least he didn't know where I lived. I decided against replying. Instead I shut my phone off and went downstairs to get some breakfast.

"Morning Edith!" I called, knowing she was already awake due to the kitchen light being on. I could see the glow from around the corner. When she didn't answer, I thought she was upstairs still, or just didn't hear me. "Edith are you-ohmygod oh my god no," A large dark shadow had swept across the hallway, much like the figure I had seen in the parking lot at the Chinese resturant. "Harry. You need to leave." I whispered barely audible. "Brynn I'm sorry, how many times do I have to tell you," he slurred his words together. "You're drunk Harry," He stumbled over to me, trying to put his hand on my shoulder. I stepped back causing him to slip forward. "How did you find my house?" I asked. "Doesn't matter." He replied smirking up at me. "Harry back off," I said my voice growing stronger. "Feisty huh? Just how I like em," Harry took another step closer, cornering me. I was panicking. I could feel an attack coming on. My throat was closing and my chest was tightening. "Harry I'm begging you, back off," he smirked and reached a hand out to stroke my face. "Shh Brynn you'll be fi-" The sharp crack rang through the house. Harry fell to the ground,unconscious, and standing behind him was Aunt Edith, with a trusty frying pan in her hand.

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