Chapter 15

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"So Harry, do you have any plans for today?" I asked, putting the final touches on my makeup. He was just finishing buckling his pants. 

"Not really, but I thought I might hang out with my friend Louis today," he said buttoning his flannel shirt. "Any big plans for you?" 

I started to say no, but was interrupted by my phone ringing. I answered it quickly, thinking it might be Kyle. 

"Hello, is this Brynn Parson?" the perky voice on the other end of the phone chirped into my ear.

"Yes it is...may I ask who's calling?"

"This is Lisa Waters from the UCLH, are you Edith Tomson's neice?"

My heart skipped a beat. "Yes I am, is something wrong?"

"I'm afraid she's gone into a coma, and we'll need you down here asap to answer some questions,"

My heart dropped into my stomach. "Okay, I'll be down there as soon as I can," 

I hung up after that, clutching the phone to my chest. Harry went to touch me, but I shrugged him away. I felt a crushing realization that my time with Edith was very short. She wasn't getting better and I knew that. But this was like a blow to my heart. My last living realitive, on the border between life and death. It was a lot to take in.

I pushed through the hospital doors, fighting the strong wind blowing against my back. I went up to the desk and the nurse directed me to a small, dim room at the end of the hall. It was depressing to be in. There were no colors, just white. Onlu one lamp was on, and it was dead silent, minus the steady beeps of the heart rate and oxygen monitors. I took a seat next to Edith's bed. She looked so different now. Her hair was all gone. The doctors had told me it was because of the new treatments. Her eyes were sunken in and her cheekbones were protruding. She was a ghastly shade of white, and she looked so fragile. I took one of her col, tiny hands. 

"Edith..." I started, tears already falling. "I've messed up, big time. After today, I'm going to have nobody, so I really need you to hang in there, ok?" I wiped at my eyes, and there was a knock on the door. 

"Come in," I sniffed. It was the doctor. He asked me a few basic questions, like my blood type, my relations to Edith etc. 

"Ok, Miss Parsons, thank you for coming in today. I'm really sorry to tell you this, but I think her liver may have failed, sending her into schock. For a person your age, this would be no problem. But for a woman of her age, I wouldn't expect the best results after the surgery," Sadly I shook my head and nodded, knowing that this would happen. 

"Okay, thank you doctor," I left the hospital. It had started to rain while I was inside. I stood in the doorway for a few seconds, before bursting into the raindrops. I drove all the way back to Harry's flat before remembering Kyle was at the airport. Shit. I was driving Harry's car. How would I explain that? Or the fact that I was 45 minutes later than expected? I turned around and sped to the airport. I'd figure it out when I got there. 

Kyle was standing there, looking pissed off. What could I expect? I was 45 minutes late, and had given him no warning. He saw me, and his eyebrows furrowed together, like they do when he gets mad. But I must've had makeup running down my face, because his expression immeadiately softened. 

"Are you alright Brynn?" he asked, taking me in his arms. "You look upset,"

I gave him my best smile, but quickly gave it up and looked down. 

"No, no I'm really not," I sighed "Edith's gone into a coma. Were you aware she has cancer? Well anyway she does and now they think her liver's failed." I wiped another tear from my eye. I had another whole part to the story, but he didn't need to know that now. "I just need a hug," I said. Kyle wrapped me up in his warm, strong, arms. I felt safe and at home. That is, until I heard a loud shout.

"BRYNN." It was Harry. I guess the explanation would have to come now. "Brynn, what the hell is going on here?" I could see the hurt in his eyes as he approached Kyle and me. Kyle took a defensive step in front of me.

"Hey man, I don't know who you are but-" Kyle started, but Harry pushed him out of the way and took one of my hands. I could see in his eyes that he was angry, confused and embarassed. But he didn't yell. He took my hand gently and looked me in the eyes. 

"Brynn, what's going on?"

I looked from Harry to Kyle and back, unsure of what to do. 

"Kyle, meet my boyfriend Harry," I said, regretting the words as they came out of my mouth. Kyle's face turned from confused to outraged.

"I FLY YOU HERE FROM AMERICA AND YOU CHEAT ON ME WHILE YOU'RE HERE?" Kyle shouted. A crowd was starting to gather around us. 

"HEY! MAYBE IF YOU DIDN'T DROP YOUR GIRLFRIEND OFF IN LONDON WITH HER DYING AUNT ALL ALONE MAYBE SHE WOULDN'T HAVE TO FIND SOMEBODY TO PROTECT HER" Harry shouted, getting right in Kyle's face. Kyle glared at Harry for the longest time, before flipping him off.

"Fuck you Brynn. Rot in hell," Kyle said taking his bags and heading the opposite direction. I was shocked. Harry came over to me, to make sure I was alright, before we headed out to his car. 

That had gone a lot different than I wanted or expected it to.

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