Chapter 8

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I woke up to dimming sunlight and a smell much like Kyle's. I opened my eyes and saw that I was still glued to Harry's side. He deep rhythmic breathing told me he was still sleeping. I inhaled his cologne, but noticed something else. Another strange smell. I unstuck myself from Harry's side and went to investigate. "Edith?" I called down the long empty hallway. I looked out the window to see it start to rain. It was a calming rain. I checked the living room, bathroom and Edith's room, but there was no sign of her. I was beginning to think she had wandered off when I came to the kitchen. I screamed and dropped to my knees, grabbing Edith'a wrist to check for a pulse. She was lying on the ground, and was once again unconcious. I had no idea how long she had been out, or if she had collapsed or if she had tripped. I was crying and screaming her name. I heard Harry's heavy footsteps down the hallway. "Brynn?" He called. I detected a worried tone in his voice. "Call 911!" I screamed. "We don't have 911 in london," he called back. He was at my side in an instant. "Then call whatever fucking number you need to call," He whipped out his phone and was talking to an operator while I tried desperately to revive Edith. "Edith wake up. Wake up! Damn it wake up Edith!!!" I sobbed holding her frail hand in my own. And sounding like a child, lost and confused who just lost their mommy, I choked out in whisper "Edith wake up," before I broke down.

"Yes, Ms.Rivara, your aunt should be alright once she wakes up," the doctor reassured me. Harry stood next to me and squeezed my shoulder lightly. "How long will she be in the hospital?" I asked. "Until she wakes up, which could be hours or months." I sighed. "Thank you. May we have some alone time?" "Of course," the doctor left the room, leaving us alone with the pale, barely alive, Aunt Edith. When I got to the kitchen I realized the smell was the burning bacon left in the pan from that morning. The doctors say if we had found her any later, we would've been planning a funeral. Harry interrupted my thoughts. "I'm sorry about the whole target incident," he said. I looked over at him. He avoided my gaze, looking at the ground with his hands folded in his lap. "I only have one question. Why," I said, also avoiding his eyes. There was a long silence. I thought he wasn't going to answer but suddenly he did. "You reminded me of her, okay? I try my best every day to get through without thinking of her. Or drinking. Or doing drugs. I try so damn hard. But when you're around it's impossible not to think about her. You two have the same eyes and everything," and with that Harry left the room. Immediately my thoughts were brought to Kyle. How him and Harry had the same eyes. I knew what Harry was feeling. I glanced over at Edith, and the machines that kept her alive. How peaceful she must be. Blissfully unaware of everything going in around her. I laid down in the bed next to her, and closed my eyes. Though I had been sleeping all day, I was exhausted. I pulled a blanket over my body a drifted into dreamless sleep.

I woke up in early morning light,alone, in an unfamiliar room. I jolted up in bed and surveyed my surroundings. I had never been here before. The stark white walls and honey wood floors were foreign to me. I got out of bed and saw a note stuck to the nightstand. It said: Brynn-Sorry if you wake while I'm out, I had some business to take care of. You're at my flat. You dozed off at the hospital and I didn't feel you were safe at Edith's. Feel free to explore the flat. Help yourself to any breakfast- (my stomach made the loudest grumble I've ever heard)- and I'll be back soon xH

I set the note back down and went over to the dresser. I peeled off my sweaty tank top and opted for a soft black ramones shirt in the top drawer. My hair was a mess, but I had no brush. Instead I pulled a grey beanie off the floor and set it on my head. I figured the comfortable yoga pants I had on were clean enough, and looked out the window. My mouth dropped at the sight before me. Harry must've lived in one of the richest neighborhoods in London! There was a Cadillac or Range Rover in every driveway! I smiled to my self and left the bedroom. I went downstairs and found the kitchen easy enough. I found a box of donuts on the counter so I grabbed one and gave myself a tour of the flat. Right off the kitchen was a small dining room, with pictures of sunsets lining the walls. There was a small vase of plastic sunflowers in the center of the table. I went on to the living room, which was smaller than I expected. There was a couch and armchair facing a big fireplace with a TV hanging over it. Along the wall were windows and a small table with a picture of a two little kids, a boy and a girl, and what looked to be their mom. As I looked harder at the picture, I realized it was Harry in the picture. I smiled, looking at how sweet an innocent Harry looked then,compared to his tough edgy look he has now. I made my way to an enclosed room adjacent to the living room. It was in the back of the flat. I opened the door and instead of finding a room, I found stairs. I flipped the nearest light switch and hopped down the stairs eager to see what was hiding. It was pitch dark in this room, so I figured it was the basement. I hopped off the last step, and was surprised to find carpet under my feet. I shuffled blindly along the wall searching for a light switch. When I found it, I let out a gasp. The room was beautiful! A crystal chandelier hung in the middle of the room, there were a couple of beige leather couches and chair positioned around the room. But the most striking point of the whole room was the gleaming baby grand in the center of the room. It was gorgeous. I tiptoed over to it. I could see there was a small opening behind the place where the piano was. Here my breath was taken away. Hundreds of small photographs were taped to the wall, covering it entirely. I walked up to the wall, gently touching a picture of young Harry with the small girl. I walked along the length of the wall, stopping at the last picture. It was of Harry and a beautiful girl. His smile was huge! She had blue green eyes and sandy blonde hair. She reminded me of someone, but I couldn't place my finger on it. Pondering over this, I went back to the piano. On the piano was sheet music for "Heavens Lullaby" one of my favorite piano songs! I had almost no clue how to play, but I sat down, admiring the keys and the beauty of the room. Suddenly I heard a rustle behind me. I turned around and faced the door, where Harry's was standing. "Do you play?" He asked.

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