Chapter 13

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"Harry, did you do this for me?" I smiled, looking into those gorgeous eyes of his.

"Anything for you Brynn," he smiled back. I looked down at my old sweatpants as he led me to the table.

"I wish I would've known, I mean, I would've dressed nicer,"

"You're perfect Brynn," he said. "It doesn't matter what you wear," He gave me that same smile, dimples and all. I couldn't help but think of Kyle. My smile faded from my face, and I got a knot in my stomach. This was all kinds of wrong. I was cheating on Kyle, my best friend. With a random stranger who I just met. I couldn't believe I was actually doing this.

Once we were seated, Harry wouldn't stop staring at me.

"What?" I giggled. I could feel the heat rushing to my face.

"You really are amazing Brynn," He smiled. I smiled back, an the waitress brought us our food. Spaghetti. "This looks amazing," I said, digging in.

Two and a half messy hours later, we left the restaurant. Harry took my hand and helped me out to the cab. It seemed like he was the one who needed to be led, though. He seemed a bit off.

Once we got back to Harry's, he crashed on the couch. I sat next to him, gently rubbing his back. "Harry, are you alright?" I asked, worried. He flipped over onto his back and gazed at me. I was really getting worried about him. He sat up quickly and forced a hard kiss on my lips. Shocked, I pulled back. He ran his fingers through my hair and nuzzled my neck, murmuring into my ear. "Brynn, I love you. I really do," With that he scooped me up bridal style and carried me upstairs. He gently laid me on the bed, and hovered over me. I slowly placed my hand on his cheek, tracing his scar. I gently kissed it before turning my head away. He kissed me again, slowly and carefully. His tongue traced my lips, begging for entrance. I allowed him in. This went on for quite awhile, until I stopped him.

"Harry, I can't do this," I said, barely audible.

"Why not," Harry said abruptly. He stood up quickly, looking angry. "Why the hell not Brynn? Am I not good enough for you? Huh? I bet you have some perky prep boy waiting for you back in America don't you? Huh? Well why don't you just fucking run back to him Brynn? Why don't you?"

I was shocked. Tears sprang in my eyes and I choked back a sob. "Harry-"

"Save it," he snarled, His breathing became heavy and his eyes darkened. "Save it for the boy back in America," he screamed.

I jumped, still crying. I got back up off the bed, to upset to tell Harry the real reason I couldn't go all the way with him. How could he say that? How could he talk to me like that? The thoughts raced through my head as I ran home. I thought he loved me? I told him EVERYTHING. How could he? The tears were running like waterfalls down my cheeks as I approached Edith's house. I looked up and started crying even harder. I deserved this. I deserved to have my life torn apart. I was an absolute piece of shit of a person. I was cheating on my boyfriend while he was in a different country. And I cheated on him for nothing but a bad boy womaniser who just wanted in my pants. I sobbed again, an leaned against the side of the house.

I drove down the long empty road, still crying. Edith's car had been towed back to her house, ad I decided I need to take a drive. I didn't know where I was going, but I had I be anywhere but Edith's. Thats the first place Harry would be looking for me. I came upon a small bridge. A crazy thought flashed through my mind.

What was stopping me from jumping?

I had no family, nobody to go home to. They were all dead. Edith was just a few short steps from deaths door anyway. And Kyle will not forgive me for this. And Harry doesn't give two shits. I parked the car and walked over to the edge. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

Nothing was stopping me.

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